Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 347 The Ding Family Brothers and Sisters

Of course, to the world of cultivation, the value of the so-called oasis in the desert is not that high. With the methods of monks, one can live well in the desert without an oasis.

The reason why Golden Island is so famous is because of the golden wood.

Every few years, someone can always find traces of golden wood there, which leads many people to flock to Golden Island.

And here is a place where mortals can fight with monks head-on. There are too many people coming and going here.

Many of them were not afraid of death and forcibly crossed the desert to the Golden Island.

On the way, countless people encountered the desert turbulence, and the number of deaths was enough to fill the golden island. Even if they knew this, they could not stop those people from going.

Over time, the road to Golden Island became known as the road of life and death.

Once you enter the path of life and death, the King of Hell knows about life and death.

No, recently there was news about the appearance of golden wood on Golden Island. A group of people couldn't sit still. Some people who were flexible about the news had already set off for it.

The force that now occupies Golden Island is one of the best in the desert city.

General personal power cannot compete.

Some people just want to assemble a team and fight hard.

With the value of the golden wood, if you can really bring that thing back, you will have no shortage of glory and wealth for the rest of your life.

Not too many people are willing to take risks for this.

"Tsk, you said it nicely, why didn't I see you go? Isn't Ding Laoer looking for people over there at the old city gate?"

"You are just talking about it, you are less courageous than a desert rat."

Some sneered at the ambition.

Are you bragging? Who wouldn’t?

The person who was said this smiled awkwardly and changed the subject. Obviously, he was really just talking about it.

"Well, how to get to the old city gate?"

After receiving everyone's attention, Miao Ruolong walked up and asked with a sweet smile.

Miao Ruolong, who wears women's clothing, can kill many women with his good looks. He is also very good at pretending to be good, and his face appeals to both men and women.

No, when they saw Miao Ruolong's innocent face, the eyes of those people were straightened, and they told them the route in a few words.

Only after Miao Ruolong, Lu Yun and others left did those few people react.

"Are those guys together?"

"It seems to me that they are strangers. They asked where the old city gate is. They are not looking for Ding Laoer, right?"

"Tsk, let me tell you, it's another group of people who have been blown away."

No matter how good-looking you are, it doesn't matter. If you die, you will lose everything. There is such a thing as beauty, and it is really not lacking in the world of cultivation.

They didn't know what several people were complaining about.

Following the route, they came to the old city gate, where there was a table with two people sitting behind it.

A man and a woman, looking at their faces, they should be relatives.

"Hello, are you recruiting people to go to Golden Island?" It was Miao Ruolong who came forward. There were a total of six people from the two sects. The light was blocked at that station.

The woman among them raised her head, looked at a few people, especially Miao Ruolong's face, and nodded.

"Yes, are you going?"

"Well, can the six of us come together?" Miao Ruolong blinked, his voice soft and waxy, as if he was coquettishly speaking.

As a woman, Ding San couldn't stop the attack of beauty. Fortunately, he still had some sense and looked around him.

"Second brother, can you?"

Although he asked in a low voice, everyone could hear him.

Compared to Ding San's wavering, Ding Er was much more cautious and looked at several people carefully.

Chouji looks very tall and powerful.

Here, a handful of strength can really determine the outcome.

For Chou Er, he really wants to go to the Golden Island, so he recruits companions here, but he prefers those companions who look very strong, rather than the few young and slender people in front of him. .

"You are not the young master and young lady who ran away from some family outside, are you?"

Ding Er asked, frowning, as if he didn't welcome them.

"No." "We are casual cultivators, and we are here to find the Golden Wood." Miao Ruolong said sincerely.

He transformed his spiritual weapon, and the spiritual power fluctuations on it didn't seem to be a problem, so Ding Er's face looked much better.

As long as he has the strength, he can accept any appearance.

"Okay, if the six of you come together, we'll all be together."

Chong Er stood up and waved to a nearby place, and saw two people walking over.

A young man who looked to be fifteen or sixteen years old was still eating. He had a baby face, bulging cheeks, and smiled like a little squirrel.

"This is Ding Wu, my brother."

"This one was recruited just like you, his name is Zong Hongfei."

Ding Er introduced everyone as the leader.

A team of ten people looked a bit shabby.

"Lu Yun."

"Meng Lin..."

Several people also introduced themselves.

Among the six people, Lu Yun and Meng Lin had controlled their auras to the extreme, making it difficult for others to see their cultivation.

The most eye-catching thing is the appearance of the twins.

Ding Er is a real person. After gathering people, he took them to a trading house to rent a monster called a mountain camel.

This kind of monster has mixed blood, is very weak, and has a docile nature. It is best at traveling in the desert. Many people go to the desert to find this kind of monster as a means of transportation.

Mountain camels are bred from ordinary camels. They are much taller than ordinary camels and look very strong.

Thick hair covers the body surface, and the huge eyes are a bit dull.

Ding Er paid out the rental money.

Everyone sat on camels and stepped out of the city gate.

"Hey, Chouji, I really want to go."

Someone was teasing Ding Er at the door. It seemed that Ding Er was quite famous in the desert city.


Chouji responded calmly.

"Brother Ding, have you been to Golden Island before?"

Zong Hongfei asked curiously. It seemed like it was his first time in this desert, and he was curious about everything he saw.

Yellow sand was flying all over the sky. He stretched out his hand and felt the touch of sand passing through his fingers. He looked very happy.

"I've been there."

Chouji nodded.

His mountain camel was walking at the front, looking at the endless yellow sand ahead, with a sense of determination on his sharp-edged face.

There is also a hint of sadness.

"Then are you still scared this time?" Zong Hongfei continued to ask, and saw Ding Er glance at him.


"Everyone who goes down this road is afraid."

"But everyone has their own reasons, whether it's for money or something else, and I also have reasons why I have to go."

When saying this, the faces of Ding San and Ding Wu also looked slightly gloomy.

"That's right, but I want to see the scenery. Don't worry, if you encounter any danger on the road, I will protect you."

Zong Hongfei was very confident with his guarantee.

Ding Er and others may not be able to distinguish anything, but Lu Yun can feel the spiritual energy fluctuations in Zong Hongfei's body.

In the early stage of Jin Dan, it is considered a very good talent among large sects.

However, the opponent was not from one of the nine sects, but should be from some mid-level sect, like a disciple who had just come out for training, full of vigor and enthusiasm.

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