Fu Xiu's coma did not last forever. She woke up several times, but she could not move.

During this process, he heard some people talking.

"Those people said that Senior Brother Ji is the mole."

Fu Xiu struggled to say these words.

"Impossible!" This reply came from Lu Yun, and Meng Lin nodded in agreement.

They know best who Ji Hongxi is.

Ji Hongxi could not betray them.

"I also believe in Senior Brother Ji, but..."

Fu Xiu gasped, thinking back on those people's words, her face became paler.

It is not a secret that Ji Hongxi is pregnant with demon bones.

Back then, the Hidden Sword Sect single-handedly protected this disciple.

Now, although Ji Hongxi practices the Hidden Sword Sect and follows the path of sword cultivation, he also has the inheritance of demonic cultivation in his body.

The demonic energy was sealed in his bones, and those seals were not unbreakable.

As long as Ji Hongxi needs it, the broken corpse can break those seals and use those powers. In fact, Ji Hongxi has done such a thing before.

Before that, nothing had happened, and with the existence of the Hidden Sword Sect, they were reassured.

But this time, just when Ji Hongxi appeared, he was attacked by the demon cultivator.

During the battle, Ji Hongxi, who was clearly able to resist, did not break his seal, as if he deliberately let those people capture Wen Ruyu.

In addition, there are some people secretly adding fuel to the flames and deliberately provoking it.

While Fu Xiu was in coma, those rumors were rampant.

Some people even said that they had seen Ji Hongxi and those demon cultivators acting together.

Because of his acquaintance with Wen Ruyu, Fu Xiu was considered the third-in-command in the team. After Fu Xiu and Ji Hongxi lost contact, he became the reserve captain of the team.

While he, the captain, was in coma, the crowd was leaderless and felt that the stakes were high and they were afraid of implicating themselves.

Therefore, they did not report it immediately, but kept delaying the news.

If Fu Xiu hadn't seen the news about Lu Yun after she woke up, she wouldn't have known that these people here were acting so stupidly.

"Ahem... Ayun, since you are here, you are still needed to take charge of the overall situation here."

Fu Xiu sat up and saw Lu Yun shaking her head.

"It's not that I don't want to, but I'm going to find senior brother and Wen Ruyu, so you still need to be in charge here."

They came in a hurry, but they didn't avoid people.

Many people saw them along the way, and the news of their arrival must have spread throughout the country.

When Lu Yun helped Fu Xiu out, there were many people waiting outside. Those people gathered together and whispered to each other, as if they were discussing some important matter.

When they appeared, those people looked at them with cryptic looks.

With inquiry, inquiry, and even vigilance.

Who doesn't know that Lu Yun is Ji Hongxi's favorite junior sister, and it just so happens that it is Ji Hongxi's junior brother and junior sister who are here this time.

Of course they were worried that Lu Yun was showing favoritism.

The monk's ears could clearly hear the muttering. These people did not transmit the message privately but were talking with their mouths. Didn't they just let Lu Yun hear it?

I didn't dare to refute him directly, so I just did this little trick.

Lu Yun frowned and looked at the group of people in front of her.

"Where are those people who came with my senior brother and Wen Ruyu?"

There are more key points here, so more people come.

But at this scene, except for Fu Xiu, she didn't see any familiar face.

The people standing here are all those who have stayed in Beitian all year round. Although these people belong to the Nine Sects, they are not as obedient as the disciples in the sect.

"Part of it...was sacrificed."

"The remaining ones seem to have followed Brother Ji to save people." Fu Xiu explained.

"Save people, I think you are going to seek refuge with those demon cultivators, right?"

Someone immediately retorted, this time the voice was much louder, and Lu Yun locked eyes with him.

Lu Yun's eyes were not harsh, but gentle and cold, like a pool of spring water, and everything in the world seemed to be reflected in his clear eyes.

All the nastiness and conspiracy are invisible in those bright eyes.

Being looked at by such eyes, the man was very nervous and subconsciously avoided Lu Yun's eyes.

After feeling annoyed for a while because of his too guilty behavior, he turned back and forcefully looked at Lu Yun.

At this time, Lu Yun looked away.

"I, Lu Yun, in the name of my Lu Yun, in the name of my master Yuntian, and in the name of the Hidden Sword Sect, hereby guarantee the innocence of my senior brother."

Lu Yun, the number one among his peers, Yuntian, a famous figure among the great powers, the Hidden Sword Sect, the top nine sects.

Every one of them here is enough to shock people.

But now, Lu Yun uses these existences to vouch for Ji Hongxi, and some of them are unable to speak out even if they want to refute.

In fact, many of the disciples standing here dare not say that they can represent their master and sect when they are walking outside.

Because they don't have the confidence and strength.

But Lu Yun has this qualification, which is worthy of the name.

Lu Yun brought this up as proof and as a shock.

"As for the mole, I will take care of it."

While everyone was whispering, Lu Yun threw another bomb, making those people's eyes widen.

"How to deal with it?"

In fact, many of them suspected each other, but everyone found some clues.

The demon cultivator's disguise is perfect.

Some demonic cultivators who are cruel enough voluntarily abolish their demonic cultivating skills and then change their cultivation in order to lurk in.

This kind of demon cultivator is even harder to catch.

Lu Yun is powerful, but isn't it too much to say this?

"Appearance and spiritual power can be disguised, but a person's soul cannot be disguised."

Whether it is a human or a demon, the fluctuation of the soul will tell everything.

But the soul belongs to the core secret of every place, and it is so tightly protected that ordinary people cannot touch the core.

Some techniques can be done, but once used on other people, it will easily cause those people's souls to vibrate and eventually become fools. In serious cases, they will die.

"I have a way to touch your soul power without hurting you. What you have to do is very simple, just close your eyes."

Lu Yun stood in front of the people, ignoring the horrified eyes of those people. With a hook of her fingers, the thousand threads turned into hundreds. The soft threads floated around Lu Yun, like misty clouds, swaying unsteadily.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Someone asked hesitantly.

Being touched to the soul is a very serious matter. Even if the person standing in front of them is Lu Yun, they can't believe the foolproof words of the other party.

"You have no ghosts in your heart, what are you afraid of?"

Before Lu Yun could answer, Fu Xiu was the first to stand up. He walked to the front of those people and faced Lu Yun.

"I am also suspected, and I am willing to be tested together."

Fu Xiu's words are still somewhat powerful.

Especially those who were from the Fu Xian Sect like Fu Xiu, when they saw that their senior brothers had agreed, they stepped forward.

With these people taking the lead, the others agreed one after another.

As for the remaining ones, under the general trend, even if they were resisting with dark faces, they could not say a word of rejection.

What is the difference between resisting at this time and blowing up your identity? (End of chapter)

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