Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 362 Mirage Snake Rice Balls

If you listen carefully, you can hear the breathing of the monster inside. Listening to the frequency, it seems to be sleeping.

The two of them didn't rush in, they simply hid in the tree and waited.

The sun was in the west, and the two of them were very patient. They didn't know how long it had passed before there was a huge movement in the cave.

It was the monster that came out.

It is a huge, long-winged monster that can fly. It is shaped like a giant bat, and its dark appearance looks a bit ugly.

After the monster came out, it looked around suspiciously, and when it noticed something, its pupils narrowed.

Lu Yun suddenly raised her hand and opened the umbrella over the two people's heads to isolate this small world.

Just after Lu Yun finished doing this, the monster opened its mouth, and waves of sound waves roared out from its mouth. It was not sharp, but weak.

In Lu Yun's eyes, the sound waves spread out in circles.

If there are other living creatures wherever the sonic waves have searched, they will be invisible to the monsters. It is a very powerful detection method.

Fortunately, the curtain umbrella is powerful enough.

After confirming through the sound waves that there was nothing wrong around it, the monster flapped its wings and flew into the sky to look for food.

It wasn't until the thing disappeared that the two of them quickly rushed into the cave.

The smell inside is very pungent.

There is moist soil underfoot, with some messy traces scattered across it.

Some of them belonged to the monster, and among them, they also found footsteps belonging to humans.

"It seems that we have found the right place."

Meng Lin looked deeper, his dark pupils flashing with sharp edges.


The two of them explored deeper, one behind the other.

As the two people guessed, the monster was just a gatekeeper, and its unique method could guard the entrance very well.

The cave was wide and deep. Not long after walking, the surroundings fell into darkness.

The soil beneath my feet gradually became dry.

Looking at the mountain walls on both sides, you can tell that the cave was dug out the day after tomorrow, and some traces still remain on it.

He touched the wall with his fingers and felt a touch of moisture. He put it on the tip of his nose and the smell of blood was strong.

Not long after the blood energy came up, the two of them walked forward for a while and heard the sound of conversation coming from the front.

"Bah, they are all a bunch of dead ducks. They have such tough mouths that my hands hurt from being beaten."

Someone is complaining.

"It's harmful. I want to live anyway, so I really can't put myself to death. If I wait a little longer, it will be soon."

"I heard I can make a lot of money this time."

Another person answered.

Listening to the voices of the two people, one is young and the other is old.

"How is that sword cultivator doing now?" the young man asked the old man.

"It's the same. He hasn't said a word since he was caught, but it's almost time. The demonic energy in him will no longer be suppressed."

"Didn't the boss say that after he is completely possessed by the devil, we will have a powerful helper?"

If the inheritance belonging to the ancient demon hidden in Ji Hongxi's body is completely activated, Ji Hongxi will fall into the devil's path and become a nightmare for many people.

This is one of the reasons why those people are afraid of Ji Hongxi.

"Speaking of helpers, do you remember the origins of the offering that the boss invited back?"

"How did I hear that he came here by himself?" the young man asked.

"Whatever, he is very powerful anyway. This time he took action, he was really fierce. Look at the cowardice of those so-called righteous people at that time. It's really ridiculous." The old man's tone was very high-spirited.

"Yes, with the help of this person, we will be able to capture Beitian in a short time. By then, our boss will be able to establish himself as the king. Who will care about the five demon sects? Damn, hahaha."

"We're all waiting!"

The two of them talked to this point, and then the topic moved to other places.At the corner, Lu Yun and Meng Lin were hiding.

If they want to move forward, they must confront those two people. They must deal with these two people without alerting the others.

Their eyes met, and both parties saw the confidence in each other's eyes.


With a low voice, the two of them quickly killed their prey like swift leopards without saying a word.

Not far away, two demon cultivators guarding the door saw a little light from the corner of their eyes. Before they could see what it was, their eyes widened and their bodies fell down.

Qiansi hooked their bodies and gently put them down, without any movement at all.

Ignoring the dead expressions of the two men, he stepped over the corpse and walked inside.

Next, they also met some people, some were accidental encounters, some were patrollers, and they were all successfully dealt with.

This process went too smoothly.

Lu Yun felt something was wrong.

From the conversation between the two people just now, we can know that there is a very powerful demonic cultivator sitting here.

If the strength exceeds theirs by too much, it is impossible to say that they will be discovered from the moment they enter.

But if that's the case, why haven't they come out to stop them after they killed so many demon cultivators? It seems like intentional indulgence.

Is it a deliberate attempt to lure the enemy deeper?
Lu Yun couldn't guess.

Their current situation is that they prefer to go to the tiger mountain even though they know that there are tigers in the mountains.

Wen Ruyu and Ji Hongxi are both inside. They must bring people out, especially Ji Hongxi's side. Those people actually want to make Ji Hongxi become a demon.

If they really succeed...

No, she won't let this possibility happen, Lu Yun looked determined.

The speed increased again, and there were many side roads here. They could only move forward gropingly, looking for the place where they were detained.

Confused, they could only try their luck.

"someone is coming."

Meng Lin pulled Lu Yun's sleeve and pointed behind him.

While talking, there were footsteps coming from ahead.

Are you about to be attacked from both sides?

But where they were now there wasn't a good enough hiding place.

The sound is approaching, step by step, stepping on the apex of people's hearts.

When Lu Yun was considering whether to deal with it directly with force, a slight sound of opening and closing mechanisms was heard on the stone wall on the left side of where she was.

A hand reached out and grabbed Lu Yun.

The flash of silver that caught his eye made Lu Yun give up her resistance and gave Meng Lin a hand.

The two of them disappeared into the secret passage, met outside, and then separated from each other.

Inside, Lu Yun looked at the silver-white hair that missed her, then looked at the same-colored pupils of the person in front of her, and raised her eyebrows.

How could a person who was supposed to be detained for interrogation appear here.

"Ahem, it helped."

Wen Ruyu smiled awkwardly, and then touched the head of the little snake that came out of his sleeve.

The mirage snake spits out mirage and turns into mirages. After the cultivation is strong enough, those mirages can become reality.

The mirage in front of her is called glutinous rice balls, and Lu Yun remembers him.

The other party seemed to remember Lu Yun, and came over to rub Lu Yun's fingertips.

"It was Tang Yuan who created a fake me and was imprisoned there."

Wen Ruyu explained, and then said: "This is what Senior Brother Ji and I discussed. We were supposed to be prepared to win this place in one fell swoop."

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