The reason why Lu Yun was happy was that, in addition to the strength of this savage beast, Lu Yun also captured a stronger fragmentary aura from its body.

The other party had close contact with the fragments.


Lu Yun took out Wu Zhuo, and when the opponent grabbed it with his claws, he slashed at it.

The epee was very powerful, even if it was several times stronger than Lu Yun, Lu Yun was not at a disadvantage when they fought hard against each other.

On the simple and unassuming ground, the green fire is rising.

Aoki's blessing allows Wu Zhuo to swallow the enemy's spiritual power during the battle to replenish his master's energy.

Although as her strength became stronger, this kind of supplement began to become useless, but it was still better than nothing.

A move called the Wild Wind Sword Technique. When the wind rises, the sword falls down.

Lu Yun, who was holding a heavy sword, did not draw the sword very fast, but every sword strike was just right to neutralize the opponent's attack.

The sharp claws could not touch Lu Yun, and the hard scales met Wu Zhu. After a few blows, cracks would appear in the scales.

In the face of absolute power, the defense of the savage beast in front of him was nothing but empty words.

Wu Zhuo aimed at the opponent's head and smashed it. The explosive force sounded in the air, and the spiritual power was squeezed together and roared away.

The beast opened its mouth and bit Lu Yun's sword, trying to disarm it.

Lu Yun held the hilt of the sword with both hands, exerted force on her arms, and poured spiritual power into it, forcing Wu Zhu deeper into the sword.

Wu Zhuo, made of countless precious metals, shattered the opponent's teeth. The moment it came close to his throat, the other party wanted to spit Wu Zhuo out.

But Lu Yun didn't give the other party this chance.

The blade of the sword was broad and flawless, tearing open the beast's mouth and still going deep.

Blood flowed down the corner of the other person's mouth, and an angry roar came from the other person's mouth.

The wings behind his back flapped a few times, picking up the wind, and the opponent's body actually lifted off the ground.

The other party can fly!

Seeing this, Lu Yun took the initiative to let go of Wu Zhuo.

He saw the other party bite Wu Zhuo and fly high into the sky. Blood fell like raindrops. The other party wanted to escape.

"I found the reason."

Behind him, Baiyao said.

I happened to see the savage beast escaping, and looking at Lu Yun's expression, I knew that my junior sister had also discovered something.

"Let's go and follow."

Baiyao clapped his hands and took a step forward. He was already far away.

With their level of cultivation, tracking a flying beast would really not be a problem.


Lu Yun hooked up the silk thread and strangled the tracking savage beasts. The other senior brothers did not spare a hand. The sword light directly covered them and cleared away the savage beasts, and then caught up with his little junior sister.

In the distance, a black spot can be seen in the sky.

In order to avoid being discovered by the other party, they deliberately kept a distance apart, and Lu Yun held up an umbrella to cover up their presence.

Lu Yun's idea was to let the other party lead them to find the fragment.

Along the way, Lu Yun saw Baiyao mixing something casually, but the other party didn't say anything, and Lu Yun didn't ask.

This pursuit lasted about half an hour.

Perhaps because of injuries, the savage beast almost fell down several times in the air, and the blood spilled told them that the opponent could not hold on for long.

Finally, the other party stopped on a cliff.

The cliff was bare and made of yellow-brown rocks. In this environment, there should have been no grass growing, but there was a fruit tree growing on the cliff.

On the fruit trees, the yellow and orange fruits are very attractive and exude a sweet aroma.

"It's xiangguo."

The fragrant fruit can purify the spiritual power in the body when eaten. It is also a rare treasure outside. There is a tree in front of me.

Baiyao's sighing voice was filled with determination to win.

To him, this thing is much more attractive than killing wild beasts.

And Lu Yun was also watching. She also felt a familiar scent on the fruit.

Lu Yun's eyes moved down to the root.

That fragment may be inside the cliff, or it may be that with the help of the power of the fragment, the fragrant fruit can grow here.

But there are more than just fragrant fruits there.


Lu Yun whispered, and saw the pseudo-dragon beast kneeling on the ground, whimpering with its mouth open.

On the way back, it tried to spit out Wu Zhu several times, but it couldn't do it. Every time it swallowed, it felt like the sword was inserted deeper.

The heavy sword has no edge, but the sword intent on Wu Zhuo is sharp and sharp, cutting its flesh and blood, making it miserable.

It's crying for help.

Someone, yes, someone appeared in front of the other party.

The other party stretched out his hand and placed it on the pseudo-dragon, and a faint stream of light flowed into the pseudo-dragon's body. The pseudo-dragon roared in pain, and its body relaxed, as if the pain was gone.

"Tsk, interesting."

Baiyao said with a smile.

"I'm going to meet her."

They were laymen, but they could still see that the opponent's hand had healed the pseudo-dragon's injuries, even though the sword had not yet been drawn out.

This aspect is what Baiyao is good at.

Lu Yun and others followed him at a distance so that they could respond at any time.

To be honest, Lu Yun was also curious about how the other party did it, because there were also fragments oscillating on that person's body.

This piece is very fancy and generous, and will not refuse anyone who comes.

What makes Lu Yun embarrassed is that she knows that the fragment is here, but she can't locate the specific location of the other party. The other party seems to be playing hide and seek with her.

Within a certain range, you can make yourself unable to touch or see it.

The girl seemed to sense that the person was approaching, and turned around. Her long goose-yellow dress was very lively, and her face was not very beautiful, but it was still pretty and pleasant.

When the other party saw Baiyao, there was curiosity in his eyes.

"Did you hurt it?" The girl's voice was clear and clear, like a wind chime, which made it easy for people to like her.

Baiyao raised a smile.

Those who are not familiar with the nature of Baiyao will be deceived by his overly elegant and handsome face, especially when he smiles, it makes people feel like they are breathing spring breeze.

My surname is Bai, so I like to wear white clothes, but Baiyao is black at heart.

"That's right." He responded. When he saw the girl puffing up her cheeks, he added: "It was just that it attacked me for no reason, so I did it."

"Is this your subordinate, girl?"

"I wonder how the girl is going to compensate me?"

The question was asked in a nonchalant manner. For a moment, the girl's eyes widened and she was a little unable to react.

"What do you mean?"

She muttered and glared at Baiyao fiercely: "You're talking nonsense."

But looking at the guilty look in the girl's eyes, one could tell that the other party seemed ready to kill her and refuse to admit it.

From this point of view, the other party's thoughts are quite simple and easy to deceive.

Baiyao lowered his voice while thinking, and his magnetic voice made people's ears numb.

"Just kidding, don't mind if you like girls, I'm here with you to get back the sword it stole."

Well, taking it without asking is considered stealing.

There is nothing wrong with understanding it this way.

These words reached the ears of Lu Yun and others, and they rubbed their hands, admiring Baiyao's shamelessness.

"I think the girl and I are destined. There is one more thing I will tell you directly. Did the girl find that your subordinate's soul is missing a part?"

He pointed at the pseudo-dragon, the light in his eyes flickering uncertainly.

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