"These news can be heard here, but we don't know about it. This shows that Master and others think we don't need to know."

In the end, Meng Lin was the calmest.

He placed the sword on the table and pressed it with a little force.

"Don't forget the purpose of our coming out this time."

They are here to help the little junior sister find the fragments, and they are also here to protect the little junior sister.

"When we were leaving, Master asked us to protect our little junior sister. Maybe Master had anticipated this situation." Yun Shuiqing's eyebrows were filled with worry.

"Although the old man is usually unreliable, on this matter, you should trust him."

Ji Hongxi lazily leaned on his chair to express his opinion.

Baiyao lowered his eyes and looked at the tea cup in his hand. His source of information was not just the Hidden Sword Sect. As the young master of the Divine Medical Valley, he should have his own channels.

But over there, the same message was not delivered.

This shows that it was his father, the valley owner, who personally ordered his sources of information to be blocked.

These people deliberately kept it hidden from them.

"I think they don't want to disturb us." Baiyao's voice was calm.

"The things belong to Junior Sister. It's impossible for Junior Sister to take them out. When we go back, we can only go to war with those people."

What these people said made sense, and Lu Yun also agreed.

In fact, she had a vague feeling that all this would be over soon.

"In that case, let's hit the road."

Ji Hongxi stood up and stretched, and they walked down together.

They were not disguised either. With such a few outstanding-looking people gathered together, it was easy for them to attract the attention of others.

After they left the teahouse, some people came back to their senses.

"Hey, do you think these people look familiar, especially that woman?"

"They look familiar. They all seem to be sword cultivators."

"Sword cultivator? Ahem, why do I feel..."

"It's that Lu Yun."

Someone said firmly, seeing so many eyes coming over, that person touched his nose: "I have seen her from a distance before."

"It's really her. What is she doing here? I heard that she seemed to have wiped out the Fierce Demon Palace."

"Is she here to take action against our Kong Chan Sect?"

"No, there is no grievance or enmity. Doesn't it mean that she has a good relationship with our leader?"

"Humph, how come you are so good? I have never heard of good and evil being incompatible. Why don't you go back and report this matter?"

Several righteous sword cultivators came to their territory, but they didn't notice anything. It would be embarrassing to spread the news.

Of course, while these people were waiting, Lu Yun and others had already left the Kongchan Sect's territory.

Going further, the evil spirit becomes increasingly intense.

The air was visibly turbid. Above the sky, even the scorching sun was covered by layers of evil spirits, and the falling sunlight had a cold air, which made people uncomfortable.

"Elder brother, are you okay?"

Lu Yun looked at Ji Hongxi.

This environment is a kind of torture for Ji Hongxi. The more he comes into contact with the demonic energy, the more unstable the seal on Ji Hongxi's body becomes.

"no problem."

Ji Hongxi squinted his eyes. For such a long time, he no longer had to rely on seals to control his demonic energy. In fact, after arriving in a place like this, he felt like a fish in water.

The long eyelashes cover the eyes, and the red light in the eyes flashes away.

"That's good." Lu Yun put down her worries.


The Demon Nest is a city in the mountains, where all the heinous demon cultivators live. Compared to the five demon sects, the demon cultivators in the Demon Nest are more arbitrary and free from any human constraints. If you want to get in, you still have to disguise yourself.

After they all disguised themselves, they stepped into the devil's nest.

This is a city where no one is guarding, and you can come and go as you please, but whether those who come in can leave alive depends on their own abilities.

When they stepped into this underground city, they felt an atmosphere of joy.

The streets were decorated with lights, and those bright lanterns almost illuminated this dark world.

It seems like... some festival is being celebrated here.

In order to avoid being noticed, they did not dare to find anyone to inquire, but just observed carefully.

On the street, at first glance, it looks no different from the outside.

But if you look closely, you will find that every expression of the people here is a little weird, and there are strange and dark thoughts in those eyes.

Even if you are a stranger, if your eyes accidentally come into contact with each other in the air, you can feel the unconcealed malice of the other person.

This is a city where demons are allowed to dance wildly.

Lu Yun carefully restrained her aura, mixed in the streets, and continued to collect information.

After a while, they also learned the reason why this place was so lively.

There is a Lord of the Devil's Nest in this Devil's Nest, and in two days, it will be the birthday of the Lord of the Devil's Nest. To celebrate the birthday of the Lord of the Devil's Nest, they have what Lu Yun and others saw. Scenes.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but when I mentioned the Lord of the Devil’s Nest, no matter how murderous the devil was, there was fear on his face.

"did you find it?"

In the corner, Yun Shuiqing asked Lu Yun.

Several people came here for the fragments, and they didn’t want to join the carnival if they could.


Lu Yun shook her head, a little embarrassed.

Outside, she could clearly feel that something was here, but when she stepped into the Demon's Nest, that feeling disappeared.

She tried to contact "Sheng", but the other party was sleeping deeply and didn't respond at all. Of course, it was possible that he didn't want to talk to her.

"Look slowly."

Meng Lin comforted.

"I'm thinking..." Baiyao looked at the scene in front of him and said in a solemn tone: "What if the situation of this last fragment is as special as life?"

The fragment gave birth to intelligence and a human form, which was equivalent to an independent entity.

If they refused to return, Lu Yun would have no choice but to suppress them with force.

The key is that in this kind of place, they are not the ones who stand on the top of the martial arts. If they are not careful, they will be surrounded by demons and die without a burial place.

"It's not quite the same." Lu Yun frowned and said.

Unlike life, she intuitively told herself that the last fragment did not give birth to any intelligence, but this did not mean that the situation would be better.

"Let's continue to inquire first." On other people's territory, they can't make a big splash, they can only explore slowly.

"Well, let's find a place to stay."

Yun Shuiqing suggested.

Maybe they will have to stay here for a while.

For the sake of convenience, they rented a courtyard with many houses, which was just right for them to live in.

The landlord is an old man with a smiling face and seems easy to get along with. This is despite the strong evil aura around him.

"Little guys, since you have rented my house, you are considered destined to me. I would like to remind you that on your birthday, remember not to go out."

The old man put his hands behind his back and left happily.

The back was rickety, but it gave people a very dangerous feeling.

Lu Yun didn't know whether the other party noticed something was wrong with them, but the fact that the other party was willing to mention something meant that he didn't care.

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