The crowd is dense and the voices are mixed.

Lu Yun, who was standing in a corner, was not used to such a crowded situation. She narrowed her sense of existence and tried her best to absorb the news.

She originally thought that it was just a special thing that could be useful to many people, that's why the people in Wujian Town made a fuss and wanted to monopolize it.

But now, it seemed that the existence of that thing was beyond his imagination.

And these people in front of them...

She looked at the crowd calmly. Many people here were like her, they were all lone wolves.

But she could see clearly that in some of the gathered teams, those people communicated very well, and that was not the relaxation that could be had by entrusting their lives to strangers they had just met.

Those people already knew each other.

They came to this town as if they had a purpose.

At first she thought that these people wanted to get something in Wuwanggu, but now it seems that their goal has always been Wujian Town, or something hidden in the town.

The mist is light, and you can see the situation in the town.

Not far from the city gate, the street that was supposed to be crowded with people was exceptionally quiet, with no pedestrians walking around.

The bustling outside of the city and the dead inside of the city form two different worlds, which are very contradictory.

But how did this mist come about? Judging from the reactions of the people in front of them, the barrier formed by this gray mist should be created by Wujian Town.

Wuwanggu is shrouded in the setting sun and looks mysterious and ancient.

Sunlight shrouded the earth, and the world gradually sank into darkness. With the arrival of night, many people became emotionally excited.

Until the moon rose high into the sky, the full moon sprinkled clear dust, tore the curtain of night, and started everyone's actions.

"The child's hour has come."


During the urging, Lu Yun saw a person standing at the gate of the town, holding something in his hand, which was a copper bell.

The palm-sized copper bell is bronze in color. The workmanship looks relatively simple, and there is no complicated structure, but the material itself looks very old.

The man brought the copper bell close to the barrier and shook it gently.

The sound of the copper bell was very crisp, not loud, but it resounded throughout the sky of Wujian Town.

In an instant, the wind and clouds rose, and the gray fog shook.

The mist stirred, as if a transparent hand was stirring it. Then, the mist gradually disappeared, and cracks appeared on the gray barrier.

The copper bell continued, and the gap widened.

Click, click!
The building will fall.

Crashing, like the sound of glasses falling to the ground, the enchantment was shattered, but the fog did not disappear.

Instead, it turned into a huge mouth of the abyss, roaring, swallowing everyone in one mouthful.

The blurred vision becomes clear in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yun was still standing at the gate of the town, looking back, Wuwanggu, which should have fallen asleep in the dark night, disappeared, leaving only boundless darkness.

The black around the edge is thick and dead.

The Valley of No Arrogance disappeared.

But she was still in Wujian Town, looking through the city gate, she could see people on the street walking around.

In Wujian Town, which was supposed to be in the dark at night, the sky was bright, the sun was rising, and it was noon.

Turn day and night upside down?
There was absolutely no problem when she came out of Wuwang Valley, and her time flow from evening to night was normal.

What's not normal is what happened after the bell shattered the barrier.

She thought that she should have entered another Wujian Town, as if she had entered a different space, and all of this might have come from the treasure hidden in Wujian Town.

Looking at the people around them, many of them showed strange expressions.

But more is the surprise on the surface, those eyes are extremely calm, and it is obvious that this situation has been expected long ago.

"Hey, keep up, don't run around."

A person walked past Lu Yun and gave Lu Yun a tug. It was a girl with lovely round eyes.

Seeing that Lu Yun didn't respond, she took the initiative to lead Lu Yun forward.

"Don't look at these people, these people are fake, they are the space created by Qian Qiuzhong."

Thousand autumn clock.

Sure enough, these people knew what the so-called treasure was.

The name is too grand.

Qianqiu, what can be named after Qianqiu?

The girl seemed to regard her as one of her own, and Lu Yun didn't refute. She followed behind her and listened to her muttering.

The other party was like a chatterbox, and he could entertain himself in the face of Lu Yun who didn't like to talk.

"Actually, don't worry, we are here to make soy sauce anyway."

"This Thousand Autumn Clock is divided into two worlds, inside and outside. Once it is turned on, those people in the outside world will fall into a deep sleep."

The outside world refers to the people in Wujian Town, but are they really all asleep?

"We are now in the inner world, that is, inside the Qianqiu Bell. As long as we find the body of the Qianqiu Bell, we can leave."

"But this kind of thing doesn't need us young men."

The other party seemed to be very clear about her position. Her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and the two small dimples on her cheeks were very sweet.

"My name is Ali, how about you?"

The girl who calls herself Ali looks as sweet as a pear.

"Lu Yun."

She announced her name, Ah Li nodded, and walked slowly with her legs swinging.

"Come with me, I can guarantee your safety." A Li spoke firmly.

But from Lu Yun's point of view, the other party is only a small monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, and his cultivation base is a little bit worse than hers. Where does the other party's self-confidence come from.


Ali, like her, seems to be a lone wolf.

That being the case, how did she know these news, or was it that everyone knew these news during the days when she was trapped in the valley of innocence.

Unable to find the answer, Lu Yun was very cautious, with a faint smile on her face, she was alienated and said little.

Faced with Lu Yun's indifference, Ali was not sad.

"I'll protect you too." Lu Yun said, looking at Ali from the corner of her eye, and caught a strange emotion from the other party.

Like surprise, like amused, like... joy.

"Okay, let's protect each other!"

Ah Li nodded heavily, and her smile became like a flower. She took Lu Yun's arm and led her to fall behind the crowd.

"Big guy, things are ahead, speed up."

Someone shouted in front, and the marching team moved a lot faster.

Shuttle among the crowd, Lu Yun observed those so-called dummies, their faces were vivid and their every move was very real.

From the micro-expressions on the face to the subtle movements, they are all like a living person, without any abnormality.

Even, these residents can see them.

"Go away!"

In the team, a young man was bumped into, he was a little beggar.

He pushed the beggar away angrily, and the little beggar fell to the ground with a pained expression on his face.

Facing the young man, the little beggar was very frightened. He shrank his head, got up and ran away without saying anything.

During the period, walking by Lu Yun's side, the wind brought up belonged to the stench that hadn't been cleaned for a long time on the beggar's body.

Lu Yun brushed the tip of her nose, the smell was too foul, and she could still smell it if there was a little bit left.

"Acheng, wait for me!"

Shouts came from the alleyway, and a young man rushed out, with a simple smile on the young man's face, that smile was brilliant and innocent enough to infect anyone.

"Come and chase me, Anan, you can't catch me."

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