I live broadcast stewed pig food, crying for top stars

Chapter 100 Liu Yin Can't Resign

"Did I come at a bad time?"

The man's deep and magnetic voice attracted several other people in the conference room.

"Mr. Liu!"

Feng Jianjian saw it and quickly jumped up from the chair, because he was too anxious and almost fell down.

"Mr. Liu, what wind brought you here?"

Liu Yu raised her glasses, and glanced at Liu Yin from the corner of her eye.

"Sorry, let's talk, I'll go through the resignation procedures first."

Feeling his gaze, Liu Yin said coldly.

He had heard Liu Yu's name before, but he didn't expect it to be a young man.

Today, there are two giants in the entertainment industry, one is Tianyan and the other is Xuanguang.

And Liu Yu is Xuanguang's most powerful agent, and also the main person in charge of the company's Northeast region.

Wu Zhizhi belongs to their company.

When he heard the name Liu Yu, he probably had a guess in his heart, probably because of the variety show.

"Director Liu is leaving?"

Liu Yu raised his eyebrows indiscriminately when he heard the words. In fact, when he arrived at the door of the conference room just now, he heard the roar inside.

"Mr. Liu, Liu Yin decided to resign due to personal reasons, but don't worry, Miss Zhizhi's current variety shows will not be affected."

Feng Jian was worried that Liu Yu had made a mistake, so he quickly explained.


Liu Yu showed a difficult expression, his gaze was fixed on Liu Yin, Liu Yin was neither humble nor overbearing.

In the next second, he suddenly turned his head and met Feng Jian with an apologetic face.

"President Feng, if Director Liu resigns, I don't think we have anything to talk about. As for Zhizhi, whether she wants to continue the variety show or not, I will explain the situation to her alone, and everything is up to her."

After speaking, Liu Yu turned around and was about to leave. Feng Jian was dumbfounded. What's the matter?
"Liu...Mr. Liu! You stay here..."

Liu Yin also froze in place, watching Feng Jian catch up.

"Mr. Liu, you are here today..."


Liu Yu glanced at Liu Yin, "Of course it's because of "Let's Plant the Land Together". This variety show is unexpectedly popular. I originally wanted to make some money with Mr. Feng, but since Director Liu has resigned, I don't think I need to follow up."

What the boss meant was that Liu Yin must be the director.

Since Liu Yin is going to leave the company, the variety show is useless. At worst, if he recruits Liu Yin, their company will create a variety show alone.

In just a few minutes, he had already written the plan in his mind.

"Mr. Liu, you...you mean to invest in our variety show?"

"To be precise, investing in Director Liu, a good variety show requires a good planner and executor."

Liu Yu came to complete the task assigned by the boss, and he had a good first impression of Liu Yin, so he was naturally willing to say something nice about him.

I don't know what shit luck he had, the order was issued directly from the top.

In general, where do you need to come forward for this kind of thing?
"Yes, yes, Mr. Liu, you are very right. I was just trying to persuade Liu Yin not to be too impulsive. The current environment is not very good. You said that you have resigned, and it is difficult to find a job outside."

"It's not a difficult task, we Xuanguang have always cherished talents."

Liu Yu's words made Feng Jian almost lose face, but he couldn't get angry either. Who was the other party, that was Xuan Guang!
Chu Yiran, the gold-breaking master, is nothing in front of Xuan Guang!
Liu Yin, who was standing on the side, had a blank head at this moment, Liu Yu smiled at himself, and he also nodded at him.


what's going on?
Could it be that Wu Zhizhi specially asked Liu Yu to come over to help?

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