"Brother Yan, aren't we taking the male god route?"

Shen Jiao looked at the phone and said with emotion.

Qi Ziyan, you really stand out...

"It's a male god, don't you think this photo is very handsome?"

As soon as Qi Ziyan finished speaking, his cell phone rang. When he saw the words "Liu Yu" on it, he was so frightened that he handed the phone to Yan Yongle, "You pick it up for me and say I have to go to the toilet!"

Yan Yongle glanced at him, then silently answered the call.

"He said he went to the bathroom."

Qi Ziyan: ...

Liu Yu: ...

"I've taken back your account, it's okay to send it next time, but it must be reviewed by me first!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly, because Yan Yongle turned on the speakerphone and everyone present heard it.

"My Brother Liu, he cares more about me..."

Qi Ziyan smiled awkwardly, then grabbed the phone and glared at Yan Yongle by the way.

Yan Yongle Quan pretended not to see it.

"Jiaojiao, is this event a temporary thought of yours, or is it?"

Wei Tian suddenly thought, he saw Mr. Li just now, do you want to tell Shen Jiao?
And Li Mo's identity...

"Actually, I had this idea before. I discussed it with Brother Le, and he asked me to arrange it myself. In addition, Brother Yan just brought it up today, so I simply choose a date rather than a date."

Shen Jiao glanced at her phone, she posted a video of piggies just now, and now it has more than 10,000 hits, and there are tens of thousands of comments below.

All pig names!

"That's right...it was a little hard to finalize the name."

"It's simple, let's just pick a few!"

Wei Tian found the ID of Li Qingshan at a glance. If they choose, he must arrange a name for the old man!
It's just that the old man named the pig "pig glutinous rice", and he picked a pink one with black ears and a particularly pink nose with a small black spot on the tip of the nose.

Mr. Li is so girlish?
Li Mo felt helpless when he saw his grandfather's name.

"The family is full of elders. If I raise a pig, can't I find a pink girl?"

Li Mo: ...

No, grandpa, how can you be sure that this pig is the female?

Shen Jiao finally accepted Wei Tian's proposal, and with their reputations, netizens would not have any objections, lest she choose and be hacked by unscrupulous netizens.

It's just that the pigs adopted by these bosses...

Forget it, they gave too much, so there are only a few places left!
"what happened?"

Shen Jiao looked at the phone and frowned, and almost bumped into the door frame as she walked, Wei Tian and the others turned around when they heard the sound.

"It's okay, my manager came out to show his presence again, didn't he sign up for a competition where God of Cooking came to me last time, and told me to go to the company for a meeting..."

Shen Jiao shrugged her shoulders helplessly, calling her to a meeting was fake, but trying to brainwash her was real.

Every time it was sent, it was those pua's own words, as if she could have achieved what she is now, all because of her.

"Your agent is really bad, but this competition is very good."

Yan Yongle is particular about food because he has a taste disorder, but Wei Tian is not, he really likes to eat, so he knows these things very well.

Especially when this master chef arrives.

He will always find a way to participate in the last few episodes of guests, eat and drink for free, and maybe he can find treasures to fill his private kitchen team!
Shen Jiao nodded, she also checked this variety show competition later, if she has time to participate, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for her.

In the business map she planned, she really needed a highly valuable name.

As for this agent...

Just change it when the time comes!
When the Zhuzhu list was announced, it once again caused a huge wave and helped Qi Ziyan share a lot of traffic.

However, his photo also helped him gain a lot of fans. Many passerby fans who originally thought he was pretending to be fake actually became fans.

"Brother Liu, see, the number of fans has been at 1200 million for a year, and now it has reached 1250 million!"

Qi Ziyan couldn't help but proudly said.

"This is your itinerary for the next three months, and I have arranged a positive drama for you."

"Let me see if you want to shave your head...don't you go to the Northwest for three months???"

Qi Ziyan was originally very excited, but when he saw that he would be staying in the northwest for the next three months, he felt bad.

Why is this operation so familiar!

"Brother Liu, let me boldly guess, is it the book selected by the superior?"

Liu Yu glanced at Qi Ziyan, who was the same as Erha, "You can boldly remove it, it's the book chosen for you by the superiors."


You don't need to guess and you know that Brother Mo must have done a good job!
On the other side, old man Li was sitting in the garden reading a book when his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Old Yang! Come over here and help me see, does this mean that I have succeeded in adopting him?"

Lao Yang, who was watering the water, hurried over, put on the same reading glasses, and checked again, "That's right, old man, he said he would send you a gift!"


"Yes! The name has been selected, and everyone who is raised successfully will have a gift."

"Quick, send me the address!"


On the third floor of the main house of the Li Family Manor, Li Mo stood in front of the French windows, watching the scene in the garden, his phone vibrated.

[Wei Tian: Don’t thank me, just think of it as my gift to the old man.Besides, I didn’t tell you the identities of the old man and you. You can explain it yourself later]
Li Mo raised his eyebrows. He had never wanted to hide his life experience.

When he revealed it to Wei Tian, ​​he thought that the whole world would soon know that he, the young master of the Li family, was a sick second-generation ancestor who was not doing his job properly.

As a result, he waited and waited. Jiaojiao's summer vacation was over, but he still hadn't waited.

He is also very helpless, thanks to the fact that the second child has a reliable friend who recognized him, otherwise he would have done this game for nothing.

Shen Jiao gave the agent a good expression, then exited the chat interface, opened her backend account, and looked at the amount on it, feeling unrealistic.

There are too many bosses in this world!
Just one morning's reward was something she had never dared to imagine before. It might even be someone's income for more than half a year!
She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.

She is someone who wants to make a lot of money, so she can't be intimidated by this little world!

[Yan Yongle: Sister Jiao, it’s three o’clock in the morning, and the product planning book and business plan you gave me have been revised to 8 editions! ]
The whole afternoon and one night, Shen Jiao never left the house, just facing her computer, changing her blueprint there.

Netizens are so optimistic about themselves, so they must come up with a satisfactory business plan!
To make money, the product must also be good!
In the end, Shen Jiao changed and changed, the more she changed, the more satisfied she became, the more satisfied and excited she became!
Yan Yongle looked at the revised plans one after another, and his heart collapsed: Sister, you are my biological sister!

It's not too much for him to block her for one night...

Yan Yongle: What should you do if you have a workaholic partner?Don’t hesitate, block me decisively at night!The biggest sleeper in the world!

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