I live broadcast stewed pig food, crying for top stars

Chapter 183: Becoming a disciple of Shen Jiao

Chapter 183: Becoming a disciple of Shen Jiao
"Worship me as a teacher?"

Shen Jiao thought she had heard wrongly before she woke up, so she shook her head and asked again.

Wan Ze knew that she must be a little confused. He was also confused when he first heard his grandfather's suggestion. He even thought that his grandfather had already begun to be ill and seek medical treatment.

He has been learning to cook for so many years. Even if Jiaojiao started learning from a young age, it would not take him as long as he did.

If this spreads out, will it make people laugh to death?

"Ozawa, think about it for yourself. Can you make the texture and taste of the red bean cake in the afternoon?"

Mr. Wan naturally knew what he was thinking.

They also have red bean cakes at Wanxianglou. Pastry is the master's specialty. He and his senior brother have learned from it, but he still prefers hot dishes.

After listening to the old man's words, Wan Ze went back and reviewed it carefully all night. In addition, he had tasted the red bean cake made by Shen Jiao, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it must be feasible.

Anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor!
"Grandpa means that you have already learned it and come out, then I can directly become your teacher, so there is no need to go through Grandpa Shen..."

"No, no, how can I master my skills?"

This time Shen Jiao truly confirmed that Brother Wan was serious about what he said and was not joking.

My three-legged cat skills are not at the level of accepting an apprentice. "Brother Wan, you are older than me, and you have learned cooking skills for several more years than me. You are more advanced than me in terms of skills and qualifications."

"Jiaojiao, don't shirk it. Grandpa has already said that your cooking skills must be better than mine. We rely on our cooking skills to speak for ourselves, not our age."

Shen Jiao: ...

No, aren't you angry, Brother Wan, for asking you to become your teacher to a little girl who has just entered college?
Of course, she didn't dare to say these words out loud, she just kept them to complain in her heart.

"Grandpa Wan has never eaten the food I cooked..."

Could it be that Jing-eun showed them a video of her cooking?
It shouldn't be, she didn't say a word about the live broadcast yesterday...

"Your red bean cake is the best example."

"You're talking about red bean cake!"

"Well, I tasted it too. It's better than what I made and what I bought from outside."

"Brother Wan, please don't praise me..."

Shen Jiao breathed a sigh of relief, "Just a piece of red bean cake doesn't mean much. Besides, I haven't cooked eight-treasure fish for a long time, so I don't know if it's unfamiliar."

"That's easy to say, I've prepared all the fish."

Shen Jiao: ...

Good guy, I'm waiting for you here!

Shen Jiao was about to refuse when she heard Mr. Wan's voice behind her.

He was helped by the waiter at the door and walked in, "Jiaojiao, I know this matter is a bit embarrassing for you, but this is the only solution that Grandpa Wan can think of now. Your grandfather and I were brothers, and Wanxianglou has been fighting since After I took over, except for my own dishes, everything else was taught by the master, and Wanze learned from me, so we are considered to be a faction."

"But Grandpa Wan, it's not appropriate for Brother Wan to worship me as his teacher... How about I cook it for you first?"

Mr. Shen's phone number hasn't been answered yet, and he didn't reply even though he promised to call her back!

She thought that if they were dissatisfied with what she had made, the whole party would be over.

"I often make red bean cakes, and the taste has been improved several times. The workmanship of this eight-treasure fish is complicated, and I was lazy..."

Shen Jiao vaccinated them well, but at the same time she did not forget to leave them hope, "Grandpa Wan, don't be too anxious. Grandpa said he would call me today."

"Good! Good!"

Mr. Wan was very excited. He actually wanted to ask his senior brother why he left that year. There were letters at first, but then there was no news at all!

"Jiaojiao, is it too troublesome for you to do it now? Does school start today?" Wan Ze suddenly thought that school started on September [-]st.

Shen Jiao followed Wan Ze into the kitchen at the back and shook her head when she heard his words, "It's okay, I don't have class until the afternoon."

The kitchen is large and clean, and everything is arranged in an orderly manner.

There are four chefs in Wanxiang House, all of them are Mr. Wan's apprentices. There used to be one, but he was kicked out because his hands and feet were not very clean.

Now including Wanze, there are 5 chefs in total.


When they saw Wan Ze coming in with a little girl, they all stood up. The business of Wan Xianglou was not getting better day by day, and they were worried.

Now I heard that Wan Ze made a bet with the owner of Qian's Restaurant that if they competed for eight treasure fish, if they lost, they would give the restaurant to the other party!


"Ozawa, what are you...?"

"This is Shen Jiao, the granddaughter of my grandfather and senior brother."

Wanze gave them a brief introduction, "She just came to the capital to go to college, and I plan to ask her about the pocket eight treasure fish."

"You asked her for advice?"

One of the older master chefs exclaimed. The four of them all knew how to make eight treasure fish. The pocket eight treasure fish had only recently been explored with Wanze, and they had already learned it well.

To say that it's okay for the five of them to explore together, but to discuss this with a little girl, is this... a bit too funny?

This little girl was born delicate and frail, and her arms were not as thick as their wrists. Could she be able to hold a kitchen knife and a spoon?
Of course, he didn't say this out loud. After all, she was also the granddaughter of their uncle.

"Hello, masters."

Shen Jiao naturally saw the words "Are you kidding" from their eyes, and she was also upset because she didn't have much confidence herself.

I haven’t made this dish for several years.

"I'm going to make a fool of myself in front of all the masters soon. If there are any problems, the masters can raise them directly. I can help Brother Wan try his best."

Shen Jiao said politely.

She had already thought about it, thinking that she was trying to help Brother Wan, and first see if the method was the same as Grandpa Wan's.

And they can learn from each other, and maybe some sparks can come from the collision.

Wan Ze gave her a brief introduction to the kitchen, where the fish was, where the seasonings were, what knives, what pots...

"Ozawa, are you sure the little girl can do it?"

"Yeah, I don't think it's reliable. She's too young..."

"Careful, do you want me to help you with the fish?"

Several masters and Wan Ze looked at Shen Jiao and whispered, and while they were talking, they saw Shen Jiao pick up a fish. The fish was alive, but it resisted when it was picked up, and almost flew out.

Fortunately, Shen Jiao held on tightly and didn't give it a chance.

Their throats tightened at the sight.

"it's okay no problem."

Shen Jiao put the fish on the chopping board, held it down with one hand, and waved to them with a smile on her face with the other hand.

Immediately after, she picked up the kitchen knife on the side, and before anyone could react, she raised the knife and dropped it. The fish, which was still jumping alive, instantly became unresponsive.

Some chefs who are worried: (⊙⊙)
(End of this chapter)

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