Chapter 235 I have a friend

"Will you fall in love with me?"

Shen Jiao deliberately lowered her voice and approached Wang Ru.

Wang Ru was stunned for a moment, then covered her mouth and widened her eyes, "Jiaojiao, are you kidding me?"

"Qiang Qiang Qiang, I have sent you a link. Register your information yourself and a QR code will be generated." Shen Jiao picked up Wang Ru's phone from the table and waved it in front of her. On it was The message she just sent her prompted.

"Wang Ru might be a little bored going alone, so I've made arrangements for the two of you."

After speaking and operating on the phone, Fang Jie and Hua Jing'en also received corresponding messages.

"I don't need Jiaojiao! I still have to go to the library to study..."

"Student Fang Jie, you have to learn and relax, and balance work with rest!"

Shen Jiao interrupted Fang Jie directly, "My friend gave it to me, so you don't have to worry about it. He and Yan Yongle are very loyal and don't need money!"

Worried that the two of them were going to give her money, she quickly found a reason.

Hua Jing'en received Shen Jiao's gaze and nodded, "I can prove this! Jiao Jiao even gave me a signed photo before!"

She was a fan of everyone, but she didn't chase them so hard.

I rarely go to concerts or anything like that.

Now that Shen Jiao has given Yan Yongle the ticket, she will definitely go!

"Eh? Jiaojiao, aren't you going?"

Wang Ru woke up from the surprise and found that Jiaojiao had just said that the three of them were going to see her. What about her?

Shen Jiao shook her head, "I'm not very interested in these, and I'm going home next week, so I have to finish all the things in the capital in advance."

Yan Yongle said that the first batch of packaging boxes will be released tomorrow. She plans to make a batch by herself tomorrow and then use them to give to her fans!
As this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival benefit!
"Okay, I'm going to Wanxiang Tower to help. If you need anything, just call me on WeChat!"

After saying that, before Wang Ru and Fang Jie could react, she ran away again, followed closely by Hua Jing'en.

By the time the two of them reacted, Shen Jiao had already disappeared without a trace.

"This... Xiaojie, what do you think of this?"

Wang Ru's family was in good condition, and she had always bought whatever she wanted. If the tickets weren't so hard to get, she would have definitely bought them herself.

As a result, Shen Jiao now directly gave away the tickets.

Fang Jie was even more confused. She was usually reluctant to spend the money!

Her family's conditions are not very good, and other additional expenses are a waste of money for her family...

"Jiaojiao gave it to me, but if we don't accept it, wouldn't it be bad too?"

"That's what I say...otherwise let's treat Jiaojiao to dinner next time!"

This was all Wang Ru could think of. Fang Jie thought for a while and nodded. Even if she was frugal, she still wanted to treat Jiaojiao to a good meal.

Initially they thought Shen Jiao was a spoiled young lady, but later they found out that she was from a remote rural village in Tongzhou, and later they found out that she was related to Wanxianglou, and even her family belonged to Wanxianglou. One of the bosses!

Although Wanxianglou's business was bleak before, it is no exaggeration to say that it is making a fortune every day.

But Shen Jiao never showed off anything about herself. Even when she went to participate in a competition, she prepared silently and was willing to help others.

"What should we do, Xiaojie!"

"Xiaoru, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

Wang Ru grabbed Fang Jie and looked out the window with a starry face, "I'm really going to fall in love with Jiaojiao!"

"Hahaha, Wang Ru must have never imagined that the friend you are talking about is yourself!"

After walking far out of the dormitory, Hua Jing'en dared to laugh out loud.

Just now she was watching Shen Jiao fooling people in the dormitory. She almost couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Shen Jiao shrugged. She couldn't directly say that Yan Yongle and I were friends. Most people wouldn't believe it... It was better not to tell them both for now, otherwise she would probably not be close to each other from today to tomorrow. .

Wang Ru will definitely pester him crazily.

"Has the mooncake packaging been ordered?"

Hua Jing'en suddenly thought that she liked the illustration girl very much, but she was not very popular.

If she could succeed, she would be very happy, just like she had followed Shen Jiao all the way, watching Shen Jiao become stronger little by little, and she felt like she was raising a daughter.

"It's already decided. It's the illustrator you recommended. She also gave me a complete set of mooncake packaging designs. I think it's very good. The cartoons and ancient styles have their own characteristics."

Shen Jiao was telling the truth. She felt that she had very obvious personal characteristics. She should be a young lady who likes Chinese culture. Even the cartoon illustrations have a retro style.

"I wish I could help you!"

Hua Jing-en is also very happy that her two favorite anchors can help each other, and she feels very accomplished!

Who would believe it!

The two walked out of the school gate while chatting, and no one noticed Jiang Yao under the tree at the school gate.

She was very excited when she saw Shen Jiao, finally letting her wait!
I really saw a ghost just now. The photos I took obviously disappeared suddenly!

She didn't do anything, just looked at her phone. Just as she was replying to a message, the photo she just took was gone, and there was no trace of it on her phone!

It made her even doubt whether she took the photo or not, or whether she really saw Shen Jiao or not.

She wasn't willing to give in, so she waited here.

She found out early in the morning that she rarely lived on campus, she always lived at home. Who knew where her home was?

Now that she has come to school, she will definitely go back later. If she is lucky, she will run into her again!

When she saw Shen Jiao and Hua Jing'en coming out, she followed them quietly.

This time Shen Jiao immediately noticed that someone was following her!
"Someone is following us."


"Don't look back, let's just walk naturally and see what he wants to do?"

Hua Jing'en suddenly felt a little nervous. She was about to take a look when she was pulled back by Shen Jiao.

"Be natural and just chat like before."

Shen Jiao patted Hua Jing'en on the shoulder, asking her to relax, and the two of them walked forward slowly as if nothing happened.

It wasn't until she turned a corner that Shen Jiao saw the figure behind her through the glass of the store next to her.

"It's Jiang Yao."

"Why is she following us?"

Hua Jing'en's heart fell back to where it was before. As long as it wasn't some strange man, she would be fine.

She had just imagined a lot of scary scenes in her mind!
Shen Jiao didn't know why she kept following them, "Ignore her for now."

"Then shall we go to Wanxiang Tower?"

It is expected that there will be a lot of people going to Wanxiang Tower at this time, but Shen Jiao reserved a seat early this morning.

"Why not go?"

Shen Jiao raised her eyebrows, took Hua Jingen's arm, and said loudly and deliberately: "Jingen, I heard that Wanxianglou has a new dish. Come on, let's go try it. I'll treat you!"

The two of them walked to Wanxiang Building across the road, talking and laughing.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Yao quickly followed her, but just when she was about to follow her in, she was stopped by the waiter at the door, "Sorry, there are no seats at the moment, you need to queue up."

 When I got home overnight, I didn't expect that there was still a traffic jam on the road, but I finally made it!

(End of this chapter)

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