Shen Jiao stepped into the water with a small bamboo basket. Although it is summer now, the river water is still very cold in the morning.

The moment she got down, she trembled a bit, but she got used to it very quickly.

The live broadcast room is her back view, and the bgm dedicated to nature: the sound of the river, the sound of the wind, the sound of birdsong... the sound of all things waking up.

[What a picture!Isn't this an ordinary day that deserves to be paired with Maomao? ]
[The picture is very beautiful, Sister Guo is very cruel, catching fish with bare hands? ]
[I know fishing and fishing, but I have never seen fish caught with bare hands! ]
[The river water is so clear!Can see clearly! ]
[Suddenly a little anticipation, I want the big one, not the small one]
[I want to ask, what kind of live broadcast room are we, and what are we doing here? ]

Shen Jiao found a good seat, bent down and carefully watched the movement in the river, there were many fish swimming beside her, she held her breath, and the next second, she shot directly!


[Caught it? ]
[I'll go, catch fish in one second? ]
[This, this... is it fake!I still want to see Sister Guo's jokes, but she can't catch the jokes, so I'm a joke? ]
[emm... I didn't even blink, I still didn't see what was going on! ]
Shen Jiao was quick and ruthless, and directly grabbed a fish, the water splashed everywhere, reflecting bright light in the sunlight.

Bai Nen's small hands were holding onto the fish tightly, but the fish was still trying to escape, splashing water all over her body.

Can't let it go away!
Shen Jiao directly stuffed it into her small bamboo basket, and then quickly entered the state.

[Fuck!So exciting!Suddenly very nervous! ]
[Did you just get lucky?Otherwise, how could it be possible to catch fish with bare hands? ]
[I feel so too! ]
[I woke up early in the morning and saw the system push me to catch fish, I just watched a fishing video yesterday]
[Little girl catches fish?Isn't this a big iron pot? Why is there no iron pot? ]
At this time, in addition to the original audience, many new audiences came to the live broadcast room, all of whom were attracted by catching fish.

In just such a short time, Shen Jiao has already caught the second day, which looks bigger than the second one, but she holds it very firmly.

As long as the fish caught by her, it will never escape from her palm!

Followed by the third one, the fourth one... She didn't go ashore to release the fish until her small bamboo basket was full.

[so much! ]
[I was so busy watching my sister catch fish that I forgot to eat breakfast! ]
[Sister, let’s show your cards, it’s a fish-catching machine]
[Why do I not believe it so much, although I have been watching, is there a new technology now, this is not a real live broadcast? ]
The people in the live broadcast room were surprised by Shen Jiao's operation of catching fish. They didn't believe it, but they had to believe it.

Shen Jiao glanced at the live broadcast room while the fish was being released, seeing the increase in the number of people and the lively comments, she was in a good mood.

She moved her body, arranged her clothes, and was ready to start the second round. This morning was a big project!

Now that the sun has come up, she is also used to the water temperature, and the speed of catching fish is getting faster and faster. Just when she was catching fish vigorously, she suddenly heard a "plop".


[What's wrong?Is someone shouting for help! ]
[what's going on? ]
[Eh?Sister Guo, what are you doing! ]
Shen Jiao followed the figure to find the past, and saw a figure not far away flopping non-stop in the water, she untied the bamboo basket tied around her waist without saying a word, threw it to the shore, and headed over there Went over quickly.

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