Chapter 409 Unexpected
He Lin never dreamed that Shen Jiao was from the Lu family!

Moreover, even the International Agricultural Organization and the International Medical Organization are involved in this investigation!
Just let the federation investigate!

The He family didn't have any time to react!

She originally thought that Shen Jiao was Shen Buyuan's granddaughter, an ordinary person, but it turned out...

What kind of hornet's nest did he stoke?

Several organizations have absolutely no intention of giving favor to the He family, and no matter who comes, there is no room for it.

Later, even the International Chefs Association came to condemn it, as well as various big names in the catering industry.

Don’t underestimate the catering industry. The connections behind them are all over the world, and they are all big bosses from all over the world.

I heard that in several countries that still have imperial power, the royal family will give face and take action whenever the King says a word.

After all, it’s hard to find a meal!

Of course, Shen Jiao had no idea about these things.

When the plane landed, she was still coaxing the old man.

Although Lu Zijin and Lu Zitang wanted to spend more time with their sister and build a relationship, they had no choice because Mr. Shen was still angry with them.

And the two of them still have to find a way to face the scene when they get off the plane.

"so many people?"

Shen Jiao helped the old man out of the cabin and saw a large group of people walking towards them.

In addition to Ling Xiao's group and Mr. Wan whom she knew, there were also her roommates and Hua Jing'en, as well as many others she didn't know.

"If something happens to you, everyone will be worried."

Mr. Shen had a livid face, and Granny Ning was a man of few words. Mr. Song had no choice but to explain a few words, and pointed at the two people standing at the front looking at each other with astonishment.

They are a middle-aged couple. The man is holding the woman's shoulders. The woman looks weaker, but her temperament is still the same. The two of them are cuddling together, which is very eye-catching.

"Those are the Lu family, your biological parents." It turned out to be them.

Shen Jiao's eyes fell on the two of them. The woman was obviously very excited and held her husband's hand tightly.

The man kept comforting her.

"Jiaojiao, my mother has never recovered since she gave birth to you and Zitang. Especially after knowing that you were missing, she even fell into a coma and suffered from depression for a while..."

Lu Zijin's eyes turned red at the end.

As the eldest son, he cannot share the burden for his mother. He has tried hard to be strong over the years just to reassure his parents.

In fact, he also had moments of helplessness and cowardice in his heart.

My mother has never been willing to come out. She asks for everything, the sky is full of gods and Buddhas, and all kinds of religions...


She asked for anything she could ask for.

They know that their mother is sick, and these are her spiritual sustenance, so they don't restrict her. Every day, the brothers will accompany her when they are free.

Now it’s finally…

My sister is back!

And she is such an excellent sister!
Although Shen Jiao had never met them before, she got to know them a lot along the way. Now seeing her parents whom she had never met before, she felt a little weird, but she was also a little moved.

She never cared about her life experience. She always felt that it would be nice if she had an old man. She was not a person who felt sorry for herself. After all, she might be happier than many people in the world.

Now that her biological parents have found her, she can quickly accept it, but the emotional foundation may not be that great.

"Still standing still and not leaving? Are you deliberately trying to freeze me to death?"

Mr. Shen on the side glanced at her angrily and urged her to walk towards the Lu family and his wife——

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