I live broadcast stewed pig food, crying for top stars

Chapter 411 Please give me more advice in the future

Chapter 411 Please give me more advice in the future
"We at Lingxiao Tower are responsible for this matter and did not do a good job in the onboarding investigation."

Seeing that Mr. Shen was still livid, Ling Xiao quickly spoke and took the blame on himself.

Moreover, his wife’s niece...

Hey, it’s really hard to describe in words!

"Don't worry, Jiaojiao, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

Ling Xiao felt very sorry for Shen Jiao when he thought about this.

How could there have been such a drama if it hadn't been for the evil intentions of my niece?

And he didn’t know until afterwards that his sister-in-law had actually flirted with his wife!

He also said that Shen Jiao was his illegitimate daughter!
Go to hell!
I've been a lot of years, and I haven't said many bad words. It's all up to them!

The Ling family is indeed very good in China, but if you look at the Lu family, they are following the international route, and China has a lot of cooperation.

Ren Jiaojiao's biological parents are the real wealthy family!
I really don’t know what kind of shit his wife’s relatives have in their heads!
"Uncle Ling, thank you. You don't have to blame yourself too much for this matter. Senior Sister Bao is an adult. Since she did it, she must be prepared to be punished."

Shen Jiao is not such a holy mother. You help others to harm me and target me again and again, but I can still calmly say it's okay.

Haha, sorry, she can't do it.

"Don't worry, just do whatever you want! She's not a child anymore!"

Ling Xiao never thought of asking for Shen Jiao's forgiveness, and now he was tolerating his niece as he was indulging her.

Fortunately, this incident did not have any major consequences. If something similar happens again in the future, who knows what will happen?
So this time, he will never let her go easily.

Give me everything you need to eat, cry, and receive education!
"Hmm...how is the game going now?"

Apart from He Lin's matter, Shen Jiao was also more worried about the competition.

She also wants to get a good ranking in the competition and brand her company in the future!
"Due to a sudden accident and it was during the live broadcast, the official terminated the competition and disqualified He Lin and Bao Xian from the competition."

"Then the subsequent games..."

"The official decision is to rank according to the last game, so you are the champion."

Can this be done?
The authorities had never encountered such an aboveboard kidnapping, so they were also frightened.

Worried about what might happen next, I simply terminated the competition.

And there is no doubt that the champion is Shen Jiao.

The only happy ones are the original 11 and 12, because they were disqualified from the competition, and they became the ninth and tenth.

You have to know that the difference between the top ten in this competition and not in the top ten is not a little bit.

In this way, their chances of entering a large restaurant like Lingxiao Tower or Jingyan are 20% higher than others!

In this way, Shen Jiao became the champion of this Master of Cooking.

She was still worried that she would miss the competition, but now she is fine and can win the championship directly!

Next time, you can also consider cooperating with the organizer to make some snacks. Such a good organizer naturally needs to strengthen contact~
This kidnapping case was finally a near miss. She also recognized her biological parents, learned the truth about why her grandfather left that year, and the He family received the punishment they deserved.

It’s quite amazing when you think about it.

The Master of Cooking competition came to an end, and Shen Jiao returned to her normal life.

Live broadcast every morning, go to school when there are classes during the day, and go to the company when there are no classes. Oh, by the way, Father Lu also invested a lot of money in her "fate" for this.

Youyuan has once again become the target of competition for various companies.

"Why does the Li family get the right to cooperate every time? Why!"

"Shh, please keep your voice down..."

"What's wrong, why don't you let me talk anymore?"

"I really can't talk about this. Don't you know about that pretty boy from the Li family?"

"Master Li? That dandy boy?"

"That's right! That's the rightful owner of Destined Boss!"

... After the bidding meeting ended, a group of people left the scene in a mighty manner, and many people talked about it as they walked.

At the same time, Shen Jiao and Li Mo, who came out with the crowd, happened to be behind them and heard their conversation clearly.

Shen Jiao:......



Shen Jiao was complaining about their gossip in her heart when she suddenly heard Li Mo calling her and turned around instinctively. What came into view was Li Mo's aggrieved face.

"Jiaojiao, you see, my reputation is gone. Shouldn't you...be responsible for me?"

Shen Jiao blinked a few times, "No, don't charge me!"

How could she resist this subwoofer + seductive eyes!

"Li Mo! Do you think our three brothers are just decorations?"

Just when Shen Jiao was about to nod, the three Lu family brothers had already rushed out, eager to tear Li Mo off, the pretty boy who had been coveting his sister all day long!
Shen Jiao woke up, retreated behind her three brothers, and then gave Li Mo a look: It's not that I don't agree, it's just that there are too many obstacles, you have to keep working hard!

Seeing Shen Jiao snickering, Li Mo was helpless. It seemed that he had to continue to work hard on the long journey to pursue his wife!

--season finale
Li family.

Before Li Mo could find out the final truth, Mr. Li had already spoken in person and directly made the decision. Li Mo became the heir of the Li family, and Li Laosan was directly dispatched to Africa.

Everyone objected, but Li Laoer was the only one who didn't object!

"If the third child hadn't gone astray back then, people wouldn't have taken advantage of it and attacked your parents. Although the third child didn't directly cause the car accident, it was also caused indirectly. The palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh. After so many years, I feel ashamed. To your parents..."

"I thought I could take this secret with me to the grave, but now the older I get, the easier it is to think of the past, and the guilt in my heart becomes deeper. The third child was spoiled by me. As a father, I have a lot of responsibility. Xiaomo, I don’t ask you to forgive me, I just hope you can grow up healthily.”


When Li Mo knew the truth, he would definitely be lying if he said he wasn't sad.

But in fact, he already had a guess in his mind, but what surprised him the most was his second uncle.

I thought that my second uncle was also involved, but I didn't expect that the indifference that my second uncle had shown over the years was all to protect the entire Li family!

However, Li Mo did not ask for the inheritance rights of the Li family in the end. Instead, he only wanted the weakest food part of the Li family's industry and directly separated it and established a subsidiary.

As for his identity as king, he didn't say anything, nor did Mr. Li.

He had thought about revenge before, but after seeing Shen Jiao again, his heart was already relaxed.

Because a ray of light shone into his gloomy life.

And he wanted to follow this light.

He also believed that his parents’ spirits in heaven would agree with his final decision.

Just... Jiaojiao, why haven't you recognized me yet?
Shen Jiao: Huh? Who says I haven't recognized you yet? Who would go home to pick someone up when they have nothing to do?

Shen Jiao was very young when she first picked up Li Mo, but she was so strong that when she saw the handsome little brother, she directly fished him out of the river and carried him home.

I also thought I could keep it at home and play with myself, but here’s the result!
He ran away within a few days of raising it!
White-eyed wolf!
Anyway, that's what Shen Jiao thought at the time.

When she picked up Li Mo and went home for the second time, she felt like she had seen him before, especially those seductive eyes. She always felt like she had seen him somewhere before.

Because the time gap was quite far and their personalities were so different, she did not recognize them at first.

But she recognized it when she was in the island country!

It's what Li Mo said: Isn't Songhua Preserved Egg your favorite?
Little white-eyed wolf!

Afterwards, she was 100% sure that Li Mo was the little white-eyed wolf she picked up when she was a child!

Although she recognized it a little late, she still recognized it!

and so……

Little white-eyed wolf, please continue to give me more advice in the future~
Due to physical reasons, updates have never been guaranteed. Today I officially bring Wenwen to an end here. I am very grateful to the treasures who have accompanied me all the way!
Shen Jiao's story will continue, and I will continue to work hard, but I plan to take good care of my body in the near future. I look forward to seeing you next time!

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