I live broadcast stewed pig food, crying for top stars

Chapter 61 Shen Jiao is going to deliver food to the handsome guy Wei Tian is very vigilant

"Xiao Shen."

"What's wrong, Teacher Wei?"

"where are you going?"

Wei Tian seemed to have a radar on his head, and he was still eating.

"I'm going to deliver lunch to Li Mo."

"Li Mo?"

Wei Tian was taken aback for a moment, and quickly realized, good guy, we all exchange names!

[So that handsome guy is called LM? ]
[Oh, brother Tian changed his face instantly, hahaha]
[No way, Xiao Shen is a Yan dog like me? ]
[Hahaha, I made breakfast all morning and wanted to deliver food to the handsome guy, who would know the family members! ]
"Didn't the doctor say he's fine, I'll call him out for dinner."

What do you mean by asking a girl to bring food in?

"It's okay, the doctor asked him to rest for a while, and I'll just take it in for him."

"It's not good to lie down for a long time, just come out and move around."

"I'll go see him... Li Mo, why are you up?"

The two walked back and forth at the door, halfway through Shen Jiao's words, she saw Li Mo coming out with a pale face.

"I slept for a while, and woke up when I smelled the food..."

As he said that, he touched his stomach embarrassingly, "I'm a little hungry, just get up and move around."

[Here comes the handsome boy]
[Is the last sentence intentional? ]
[Hahaha, Brother Tian has met his opponent]
"Jiaojiao, you are..."

"I just made lunch and planned to send it to you, but it's just in time for you to wake up!"

Shen Jiao handed him the plate in her hand, and found a seat for him, "I don't know what you like to eat, so I packed some for you, and if you don't have enough, tell me, I'll serve it for you!"

"Okay, I like everything Jiaojiao cooks."

Oh my god, his Jiaojiao sound is really nice, no matter how nice it sounds!

Shen Jiao seemed to have received the money, she couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

But Wei Tian at the side is not calm anymore, Jiaojiao?
This kid is called Xiao Shen Jiaojiao!

They didn't have the nerve to call out so kindly, why did he call Jiaojiao after only a few meetings?

Even Jiaojiao made it, I love to eat it, aversion to cold!

You haven't eaten yet!
[Did I hear correctly, Jiaojiao? ]
[Is it such a cute name?Just kidding! ]
[Yes, Sister Guo is a proper King Kong Barbie]
[No, the problem is that the handsome guy calls Jiaojiao when he comes up]
[Brother Tian turns his face to cool down...]
"Xiao Li, is it okay for me to call you that?"

Wei Tian held back the anger in his heart, and moved to Li Mo's side.

Li Mo's expression was cold, only Shen Jiao was in his sight, but he still nodded when he heard Wei Tian's voice.

"Your home is not on the other side of the mountain, why did you come here?"


"Are you a photographer?"

Li Mo nodded, picked up a piece of eggplant, and picked it up without any trace, he knew it!
Jiaojiao must be delicious!
"That's amazing! What do you usually like to take pictures of? Can I find the pictures you took on the Internet?"

Li Mo elegantly picked up the cauliflower, and coldly glanced at Wei Tian who was overly "enthusiastic", "Just search for isle."

[The handsome guy is a photographer? ]
[Sounds pretty good huh? ]
[Brother Tian is like investigating household registration! ]
[I found it, a beautiful landscape photo, super beautiful! ]
[I found it too, it's really beautiful]
[He is a very good photographer! ]
Wei Tian frowned, and asked several questions in a row, and he answered them fluently, and it didn't seem like they were made up on the spur of the moment.

"Little Li, you..."

"Jiaojiao, I'll help you!"

Wei Tian was about to say something, but Li Mo suddenly stood up.

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