
The pig is very hostile to Chu Yiran, and I don't know if it really understands, anyway, as long as Chu Yiran moves now, it will stare at her.

Shen Jiao is very helpless.

Not to mention, this pig daddy is still doing well.

"Little...Little Shen..."

"What's wrong, Teacher Chu?"

Shen Jiao looked at Chu Yiran innocently.

"You...can you let him stop staring at me like this..."

Chu Yiran avoided Zhu Dada's eyes.

"Mr. Chu, otherwise, let me talk to it first. If he really understands and stops staring at you, you can apologize to it."

Shen Jiao thought for a while and added, "I don't know if it's true. The old people in the village often say that animals have spirituality. If they accidentally offend without apologizing, they can remember it for a lifetime. They may come to you at any time." ..."

She deliberately stuck and didn't go any further.

Chu Yiran hesitated, but as soon as she met Zhu Dada's sharp eyes, the scene of being chased by a pig appeared in her mind, so she had no choice but to nod.

In my heart, I hated to death that a pig dared to threaten her!
She must find a way to kill them and eat them!
Let's settle the matter in front of us now!

However, she never expected that she was now on the hot search of her dreams.

Seeing that she agreed, Shen Jiao tried to communicate with Zhu Da, "Zhu Da, Teacher Ren Chu didn't deliberately bully your cub, she also realized that she was wrong, so let's discuss it with you, Teacher Chu apologizes to you, This is where our matter ends."

[Can you understand? ]
[No baby, we don't accept her apology! ]
[I'm so anxious, I really want to tell Sister Guo about this quickly, the person on the other side is not a good person! ]
[Cyr does one thing in front of her face and another behind her back, who knows if she is faking it]

The viewers in the comment section of the live broadcast kept posting anxiously, but unfortunately they couldn't see it.

People kept coming into the live broadcast room because of the hot search, and they were stunned when they saw this scene, making a deal with Zhuzhu?

Chu Yiran kept peeking at the side, but she didn't believe it, how could the stupid pig really understand?
Many people at the scene also remained skeptical, thinking that everything was a coincidence.


The pig's big hoof pawed and pulled twice on the ground, and the five dumplings were still rolling there, carefree.

Shen Jiao didn't dislike the dirt on its body, rubbed its pig's head, leaned over and whispered: "Just treat it as a way to save me, and I'll give you your favorite stewed potatoes and cantaloupe for three meals!"


The big pig's nose arched, and he reluctantly moved away from Chu Yiran's eyes.

[This... pigs are absolutely dead!I see the sarcasm in its eyes]
[Finally bows to the food]
[Pfft, do you really understand? ]
[Okay, Cyr apologizes to Zhuzhu first, and then asks her to apologize to Sister Guo later]
[An opinion, can Chu Yiran be removed, don't let her come to this show again! ]
"Is it agreeing to apologize?"

Wei Tian was so startled that his mouth opened like a fist, this pig can really understand!
Now Chu Yiran just wanted to find no more reason, so she could only bite the bullet and say sorry quickly in front of the camera.

It's just that Zhu Da didn't expect him to be unhappy, and he started to snort again.

Shen Jiao almost couldn't hold back her laughter, she hastily patted its head lightly, and glared at her fiercely.

Then he turned his head to face Chu Yiran embarrassingly, "Mr. Chu, if you don't talk about it, or say it louder, pigs have a good sense of smell and average hearing. If you explain clearly that it can't hear, I thought you scolded it what~"

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