I live broadcast stewed pig food, crying for top stars

Chapter 81 Wei Tian Hasn't Give Up

Chapter 81 Wei Tian Hasn't Give Up
"Jiaojiao, don't you want Director Liu to leave?"

Shen Jiao raised her head and met Li Mo's eyes.

After a few seconds, she nodded, "Director Liu is very nice."

Although I always want her to appear on camera, I respect her very much.

She was also worried that after she left, her job as a chef would not be guaranteed, so she specially asked Zhou Lin to pay her salary in advance.

In just two days, you can see a lot.

Including the personalities and small thoughts of each of the guests on this show.

Needless to say, Chu Yiran, it's all overturned, Ming Yunyun is similar to her, but smarter than her, she knows to follow the big team and not to be special.

Yu Lei is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, talks less and works more.

Qin Ye is a pure newcomer.

Wei Tian and Wu Zhizhi have always had a good reputation in the industry. Even if they get cramps when they get the awards, they still maintain their original intentions.

Shen Jiao has already understood the personalities of these people~

Generally speaking, she still likes this program very much, after all, not only can she make money, but there are also a group of free laborers!

At the same time, Wei Shenjiao got melons for free labor Tian.

"What a mess!"

Halfway through removing his make-up, he ran to Wu Zhizhi's side, and when he came up, it was a one-shot output.

Wu Zhizhi also read the trending searches and some related reports, but she didn't expect Chu Yiran to make so many tricks and even reported Xiao Shen.

"When we were reported during the day, we happened to be feeding pigs in the pigsty?"

"Why are you asking this? I don't know who the person who broke the news about Chu Yiran is. Absolutely! You must like it!"

Wei Tian was still cursing from the sidelines.

"Do you still remember, when Xiao Shen found out that the live broadcast was suspended, what did Li Mo say?"

"Li Mo?"

When mentioning this person, Wei Tian frowned like a caterpillar. He recalled a moment, and suddenly his eyes widened, "You mean that it wasn't that he accidentally turned off the live broadcast at that time, but was reported?"


Wu Zhizhi nodded and gave him a look to let him experience it for himself.

Wei Tian snorted, "So what? I'll just say that kid is uneasy!"

"Hurry up and go back to your room. If you turn around and get photographed, I need to find a publicist. Annoyance!"

Wu Zhizhi drove Wei Tian out of his yard. Even though paparazzi were reluctant to come to this remote place, he still had some concerns.

"Don't push me, I'll walk by myself!"

Wei Tian trotted out, and he felt a lot better after cursing.

But Wu Zhizhi's words reminded him that he still had to investigate Li Mo!

"Are you okay?"

Li Mo, who was chatting with Shen Jiao, sneezed suddenly, and Shen Jiao was so frightened that she dropped her phone and ran over.

"It's okay, it's probably grandpa talking about me, so I've been missing for a day."

Li Mo rubbed his nose and smiled, frowning secretly in his heart, who doesn't have long eyes, but seeing Shen Jiao worrying about him, he was a little secretly refreshed, it seems that he is not bad.

"Oh, look, I forgot about this, use my mobile phone to call your grandpa to report that he is safe!"

Shen Jiao pulled the phone over.

"No... Let me send him a message. If the old man is woken up when he falls asleep, he will be very angry when he wakes up."


Li Mo returned the phone to Shen Jiao after sending the message, "Jiaojiao, you have been busy all day, go to bed early."

"I went to wash the dishes... eh? It's all finished... ah~"

As soon as Shen Jiao stepped over the threshold with her right foot, she saw that the kitchen had been tidied up.

Brother Zhou still asked the staff to help.

Okay, then there's nothing wrong with me~

"Let's go, let's go to sleep..."

Shen Jiao realized that what she said was too easy to be misunderstood in the middle of speaking, and added: "Everyone sleeps separately."

Then he ran back to the room in a swish, leaving Li Mo laughing on the spot alone.

(End of this chapter)

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