Originally, Shen Jiao was worried that she would spend a lot of time convincing the old man, but she didn't expect that with the "help" of Li Ming, the shit-stirring uncle, it would be extremely smooth.

In the past few days, she still wakes up to live broadcast the stewed pig food every day as usual, but there is an extra live broadcast assistant, Li Mo, who holds her mobile phone and answers some messages for her.

The fans in her live broadcast room have accumulated from the original 50 to 150 million.

Of course, there are a lot of fans here because of the Chu Yiran incident, they came here to see her.

In their own words:

[Let's see what kind of anchor it is, so that Chu Yiran will spray even if she overturns]
[Chu Yiran is so overwhelmed that he doesn't even want money for a roasted pig's food]
[I heard that Chu Yiran got into a relationship with a stewed pig food anchor, let's see how delicious the stewed pig food is]

One can imagine how fragrant it is.

All left!
Shen Jiao almost laughed out loud when she saw the comment, thanks to her concentration.

After a few days of live broadcasting, she was so happy to see the subsequent income, but there were always some people who made her uncomfortable.

For example, Longan, the agent in my backstage.

Every time I send her a message, I think about Pua all day long, making myself feel that the current popularity is only temporary, it is luck, and I have to rely on her for a long time.

The problem is that her live broadcast of stewed pig food is just a temporary thing, and she didn't intend to catch fire.

What's more, Longan never cared about herself. Now that she saw that she had traffic, she came over to CPU her and asked her to broadcast according to her ideas.

She is not happy.

[Longan: I am also doing it for your own good. As a newcomer, you still have a lot to learn, and others will never tell you this! ]
[Longyuan: Follow the character design and route I set for you, there will be absolutely no problems, and it will be a super hit if you do it well! ]
[Long Yuan: Don't think that you seem to be successful just because you are popular now. You have to know how many masters have been cut in half because of planning problems. Young people, don't be afraid of change, don't be afraid of suffering! ]

Shen Jiao rolled her eyes when she saw these words, and she usually only replied: Thank you for your teaching, I will think about it carefully.

The main thing is a roundabout tactic, dragging.

Then continue playing your own~

Her fans like to watch her stew pig food, and she has to stew pig food every day, which can satisfy fans without delaying herself, so why not do it~

She didn't take this matter to heart. According to her own speculation, she can make money, and this agent should be able to get a bonus. While she is still useful, she will not touch herself for the time being.

On the contrary, she was quite worried about Director Liu. Recently, there was too much black information about Chu Yiran on the Internet, but there seemed to be no other news.

"What happened to Jiaojiao?"

Li Mo took peaches for Shen Jiao, but he yelled twice, but there was no response, and he yelled again.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking that Director Liu is okay."

"It should be all right, and there is no news... Isn't it generally said that no news is the best news?"

Li Mo pretended nothing happened, casually comforting him.

Shen Jiao nodded, I hope so.

Thinking about it, she opened up her own income backstage a little bit, no matter how she looked at it, she was happy, she had to look at it several times a day to feel at ease!

In the Fengshang Media Building, a rough roar sounded in the meeting room:
"Liu Yin! I asked you to apologize, why haven't you gone yet!"

"Since you don't want this show anymore, then give up the director's seat, there are plenty of people who can take it!"

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