After tearing up the script of the supporting role of the female supporting role, she became famous

Chapter 1 A person is inherently mortal, why not give me the inheritance

Chapter 1 People are inherently mortal, why not give me the inheritance
"Mr. Qi, people are mortal, why don't you do a good deed before you die and leave the inheritance to me."

After Qi Mo finished his review at the hospital, when bodyguards surrounded him and left the gate, he was stopped by a beautiful young woman.

The other party looked young and beautiful, and said such shameless words.

Qi Mo raised his eyes, his dark eyes just lightly glanced at the person in front of him, even when he heard such provocative words, he didn't have much emotional ups and downs.

Instead, the bodyguard standing beside him glared at the woman in front of him angrily, "Sir, I'll ask someone to invite her out."

"Don't worry, it's not that people have three urgencies and can't bear it." The woman said, "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Su Nian, and I just want to make a deal with Mr. Qi."

"What do you have for me to trade?"

Qi Mo made a faint sound, his brows and eyes like a landscape ink painting were unwavering, dignified and cold.

The master of the Qi family has always been elegant and indifferent, but no one has ever dared to provoke anyone.

When the bodyguard next to him heard Su Nian's words, he faintly showed a little contempt.

The Qi family, what kind of family background is it?
That's the behemoth of the whole circle.

As for the successor of the Qi family, Qi Mo, he is an existence that no one dares to provoke.

And the woman in front of him.

Not to mention that she has never seen her in the circle, but with her street-market attire, she knows that her family background can only be described as ordinary.

It's ridiculous that such a woman dared to utter wild words, saying that she wanted to trade with his master.

"Your lifespan." Su Nian stared at Qi Mo's slightly pale handsome face, and said directly, "[-] million RMB is for your one year's life."

This deal can be described as very cost-effective.

In this world, for those rich and wealthy who are facing death, let alone [-] million for a year of life, a billion can be afforded.

However, there is no market for them to buy.

In the ears of other people, they only think it is ridiculous. How can there be such absurd things as paying money to buy life in this world?

"Crazy?" The bodyguard held back these four words for a long time.

It turned out that he had encountered a neuropathy, no wonder he dared to speak wild words.

"Sir, do you want her..."

Qi Mo said calmly, "Drive people away."

"Hey!" Su Nian raised a smile on his face, "Really, I'm not a liar! Well, after three days, you will have a car accident. If you don't die, come here to find me! The transaction can be kept until three days later, Don't wait after the deadline! By the way, if you die, don't come to me, I haven't unlocked the ability to bring the dead back to life!"


The bodyguard cursed in a low voice, and quickly ordered his brother to pull the crazy woman out.

"Let go." Su Nian brushed away the hands around her that wanted to pull her, straightened her clothes, and said gracefully, "You would rather believe that Qin Shihuang was resurrected to make money than me, hey, you have to suffer to be sensible. "

The one-year lifespan of [-] million yuan is because she is too kind.

There will be more than this number next time.

Su Nian looked at the bodyguard who was following her, and suddenly, with a smile, she enthusiastically sold, "Dear, fortune-telling, unraveling the lottery, do you want to see the face?"

"From astronomy to geography, if you want to know your true destiny, how much luck you have, and when you will get rich, you can find me~ The price is fair, you are innocent, dear."


The bodyguard brother didn't want to talk, but the people around him were still chattering.

"Brother, I have always been very accurate in my speech. You have a girlfriend, right? Your girlfriend has a 90.00% chance of breaking up with you today. Hey, but you have a rich relative who will ask you to go back and inherit Family property, it can be regarded as a failure in emotional intelligence, and a good luck in wealth..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I have a good relationship with my girlfriend."

"Young man..."

Just as Qi Mo was about to leave, he stopped slightly when he heard the noisy voices coming from behind.

"Check that guy just now."


"Su Nian, Su Nian!"

Just as Su Nian left the VIP floor, she was stopped by a nurse who was about her age.

"Su Nian, why did you come here? You still have an examination today, and you can be discharged from the hospital when you are all right."

The little nurse enthusiastically said, "Dr. Xiaolin has something to do today and is not in the hospital. Let me take you for an examination."

"Well, good." Su Nian nodded.

The little nurse couldn't help asking again, "I heard that Dr. Xiao Lin is in a relationship? Is it true? Is her boyfriend really handsome? I wasn't in the hospital that day, so I didn't see it..."

"After all, he is the hero of the novel. Can he not be handsome?" Su Nian said vaguely, making it unreal.


"It's okay, it's really handsome."


Today's Su Nian came through books.

And she was wearing the best friend of the heroine who abused the old boss.

In the book, the hero must be sick as the overbearing president. These days, insomnia, irritability, broken legs, and a bad stomach. If he doesn't have one problem, he is not worthy of being a domineering president.

The heroine Lin Zhixia is set to be an intern doctor, that is, Dr. Kobayashi in the little nurse's mouth. She has just graduated and has a face that is [-]% similar to the hero Bai Yueguang.

The male protagonist fell in love with the female protagonist at first sight during the hospital examination, and asked the female protagonist to be in charge of his daily checkups. From this, he got the moon first, flirted with the female protagonist, and the two quickly fell in love. Then it was revealed that the male protagonist had Bai Yueguang, the two quarreled, and broke up , fit together.

Then Bai Yueguang came back with a fraudulent corpse, and the two continued to separate and reunite, and after going through a lot of hardships, they finally ended up together.

Originally, this was fine, because Su Nian was neither the heroine, nor Bai Yueguang, nor the hero.

But she happened to be the best friend of the heroine.

What is a girlfriend?That is the kind of injustice that is difficult to bear together.

When the hero and heroine show their affection, she is the light bulb squatting under the car and being shown every day.

When the male and female protagonists quarrel, she is the intimate tree hole for the female protagonist.

When the male lead plundered the female lead, she was a tool used to threaten the female lead, and the male lead used her to threaten the female lead to be obedient.

When the female partner took revenge on the heroine, she was framed by the female partner in the company and beat innocent workers because she was regarded as the heroine.

It's nothing.

But here, a prodigal son and brother were arranged for the hero.

The original owner stood out for the female lead, and was taken by the male lead's brother. While provoking the original owner, the other party got flirty with flowers.

In the finale, the prodigal son turned around and the original owner took over.

All staff are happy HE.

Su Nian is not interested in this script at all, especially in the end when he is forced to be with an idiot for no reason.

Who is she, Su Nian?

In her previous life, she was a rare genius in Taoism.

The best existence in this generation, the future heir.

Pinching fortune-telling, seek good fortune and avoid evil.

Five elements and eight trigrams, Qimen Dunjia.

No matter how many people hold money and want to see her, they may not be able to see her.

(End of this chapter)

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