Chapter 10

"Of course, facial appearance is not absolute, especially when a partner cheats, it mainly depends on the character and morality of the other party, so I can only say that the probability is high, but I can't give you a direct answer."

That being said, Su Nian actually has nearly [-]% certainty in his heart.

It's just that, if you talk about this kind of thing, it's better not to talk too hard.

Ye Qiaowen pursed her lips, because she had suspected many times in her heart, and she felt calm when she heard Su Nian say this.

"Then what do you think I can do to find evidence?"

Seeing that Ye Qiaowen's words were so sure, Su Nian stretched out her hand, rubbing her thumb and index finger.

Ye Qiaowen was stunned.

Su Nian raised her eyes, "For the money, WeChat or Alipay."

what happened?Still want to prostitute?Although you are a victim, you are not my favorite, so how can you not give me money.

Ye Qiaowen: ...

"How many?"

Su Nian said, "One thousand."

Ye Qiaowen: "It's a bit expensive."

One thousand, like robbery.

"Oh." Su Nian was unmoved, and acted as if he wanted to, I'll tell you if you pay, and I won't tell you if you don't pay.

"It's too expensive." Ye Qiaowen frowned, not happy, "I'll figure it out myself. If he really cheated, wouldn't I spend an extra 1000 yuan for him?! No! I have no money!"

She felt that spending 1000 yuan was really a bit of a scam, so she might as well be more careful, and her boyfriend may not have really cheated.

Su Nian may be talking nonsense, or she may have seen something.

I was so dazed that I still believed Su Nian's mouth.

Su Nian: Tsk.

However, generally speaking, this kind of person who is in love will fly into a rage and curse when they hear someone say that their partner is cheating.

Ye Qiaowen didn't turn her face at that time, but turned her face when she wanted to collect money. To some extent, she can be regarded as an awesome person.

Just before Ye Qiaowen turned her face and left, Su Nian said something more, "By the way, if you think I'm right, remember to introduce a few more customers. It's not easy for a small business just opened!"

Ye Qiaowen: Sure, Su Nian is really sick.

If other people with a bad temper heard others cursing themselves like this, they would have turned their heads a long time ago!
Su Nian didn't think there was anything wrong, she was not a fool.

She must see what people say. If she has a bad temper and is self-willed, she won't say much unless she pays a big price.

A master who can get mixed up like this is also a kind of human spirit to some extent.

In particular, she knows how to look at faces, and occasionally divination for herself. Although she can't get a specific divination, she can still predict whether it is bad or good.

in a few days

"Qiaowen? Qiaowen?"

The colleague stretched out his hand and pushed Ye Qiaowen, who was obviously in a daze.

"Why have you been restless in the past few days?" The colleague recalled, "Why do I feel as if you have been in a bad mood since you finished chatting with Su Nian two days ago."

Ye Qiaowen forced a smile, "It's nothing, it's just that I'm not feeling well recently."

When she said that, the people around her could only tell her to rest more.

Ye Qiaowen hesitated for a while in silence, then couldn't help asking, "By the way, do you know where Su Nian lives?"

In the past two days, she has checked her boyfriend's mobile phone. There is nothing wrong with the chat software, and she communicates with other people normally.

But, just last night, she actually smelled the perfume on her boyfriend's body. It was very light and nice, but it wasn't hers.

She pressed directly, and the other party said that she might have accidentally touched the perfume of a female colleague, but refused to admit it.

And, more importantly, Ye Qiaowen has been feeling more and more flustered and depressed recently, as if something big is about to happen, she wants to see Su Nian.

Out of an inexplicable intuition, it seems that if I stay with Su Nian, I won't be so flustered.

"Ah, Su Nian, I don't know where I live."

A colleague who was close to Ye Qiaowen said, "However, I heard people say that I have seen Su Nian setting up a stall in Baima Park."

"I don't know what's going on in this person's mind, but he doesn't want the boss's job? He really went to set up a stall, that's all, or a graduate of a prestigious university?"

It's not as good as their schools are not as good as hers.

Ye Qiaowen didn't listen to what this person said behind her. Now her mind is full of Baima Park.

She is going to find Su Nian.


Before Su Nian went out, she specially made a fortune for herself, and the divination showed that she could make money in Baima Park when she went out today.

The company is still in the process of resigning, but today is the weekend, so there is no need to go to the company.

A group of old people in Baima Park are chatting, drinking tea and playing chess.

Su Nian came in with a black backpack on her back. She didn't attract the attention of many people. She found a relatively quiet pavilion, opened the banners that had been printed earlier, and tied them to the pillars.

It is printed with "professional divination, scientific fortune-telling, no money if it doesn't work"

Then he sat down cross-legged, leaning against the middle of these two big pillars.

This banner is not ordinary. At least everyone passing by should come up to take a look, and those who are far away have to gather around to join in the fun.

"What the hell is this?"

"Fortune teller?"

"Why don't young people learn what is good these days, and make up for what they have."

"Who's baby is this, a little girl who has managed to raise a juicy girl, if parents know about it, they won't be heartbroken."

Many people shook their heads and left with a sigh after watching it.

Su Nian has good five senses, it is impossible not to hear these words, but she just closed her eyes and rested her mind, deaf to the wind.

"Su Nian!"

Ye Qiaowen squeezed out from the crowd, shouting a little excitedly, it was rare for her to sleep until almost noon today, but got up early in the morning, just to block people in Baima Park.


When she actually got in front of Su Nian, Ye Qiaowen hesitated instead.

It's really embarrassing.

On that day, I still swore that I would not spend this wronged money and be taken advantage of by this.

The results of it?
It hasn't been three days since I took the initiative to deliver it to my door.

Looking at Su Nian's clear and calm eyes, can Ye Qiaowen not be embarrassed?Can you not feel embarrassed?

Su Nian is not as rich as her inner drama, she just raised her head and pointed to the small wooden sign beside her, with a QR code on it.There is also a sentence written.

"1000 yuan per hexagram."

Seeing that Su Nian was so calm, and he didn't mean to sit on the ground and raise the price.

Ye Qiaowen breathed a sigh of relief, quickly picked up the phone, and immediately transferred the money.

"Hey girl, you can turn it around as you say! Isn't this a waste of money!"

"Girl, you have been cheated! Hurry up and call the police!"

This group of old people were quite enthusiastic, they tried to persuade Ye Qiaowen with their mobile phones, wishing they could help Ye Qiaowen fight the demons.

Ye Qiaowen quickly grabbed the phone and explained, "She's not a liar, I really need her help with something!"

(End of this chapter)

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