Chapter 15

Even though the daughter looked at them with such bewildered eyes, An's father and An's mother wept with joy.

"Xixi! My good daughter! You are finally back to normal!"

Mother An even hugged her directly into her arms, wishing she could hold her daughter directly on her body.


An Xixi was still bewildered.

She felt that she just woke up and was hugged tightly by her excited mother, not knowing what happened.

Fortunately, Jiang Chengyu talked a lot. He told what happened recently. After listening to him, An Xixi looked disgusted, "Did I really become that disgusting?"

When she thought about how she would be willing to be a man's slave, following the other's butt, she even took pride in serving him.

An Xixi felt so sick that she wanted to vomit, and almost vomited it out!

"Yes!" Jiang Chengyu said, "Fortunately, there is this master here! Otherwise, I don't know what more disgusting things will happen later!"

Only then did An's father and An's mother remember that they hadn't properly thanked the master.

"Master, I was wrong just now, judging people by appearance."

Father An apologized in a good voice, "Master, if you have anything you want, feel free to mention it, and our An family will definitely do our best to satisfy you."

Mentioning this, Father An's face was slightly embarrassed, and he was thankful that he didn't really drive people out, otherwise what would his precious daughter do?
"No need." Su Nian said, "Call me the final payment when the time comes."

"Okay, okay, I'll pass it on to you, Master." Father An promised again and again, "By the way, Master, will my daughter's situation recur in the future..."

"No." Su Nian understood their worries, and explained, "This kind of magic has a disadvantage. Once the person who is affected by the magic realizes that he shouldn't like that person, there will be backlash against that person .”

"You mean that kid has deserved what he deserved now, and has been backlashed?"

Although the other party deserved what he deserved, father An gritted his teeth when he thought of his daughter's appearance these days, and felt that this retribution was far from enough!

"Who told you that the person who plotted against your daughter is the person your daughter has been madly infatuated with recently?"

"Huh? Isn't it?"

If it wasn't for that kid who wanted to fly up to the branch to resort to such indecent means, who else could it be?
Su Nian smiled and said venomously, "If that person had this ability, he would still be doing so badly? Besides, wouldn't it be more cost-effective to be the daughter of the richest family with this ability?"

A poisonous tongue is a poisonous tongue, Su Nian is still reliable in handling things.

Su Nian raised her eyebrows, pinched her fingers and calculated again, "I think it's a deliberate revenge for those who hold grudges against you, so I specially selected a scumbag who is terrible in every aspect, and his way of making your daughter obsessed is to take revenge on you. "

This statement shocked and angered the other four people present.

"who is it?!"

An's father and An's mother said angrily, "People say no matter how hard the fight is, it won't harm the family. What kind of villain is so bold and arrogant!"

"It's not like a villain can't do this kind of thing."

Su Nian couldn't hold back her words.

Jiang Chengyu: ...

Master, sometimes this mouth is really cheap.

"Master, I wonder if you have a way to help find out who it is?"

Father An seriously and respectfully asked Su Nian for advice this time.

Su Nian nodded, but looked at An Xixi, "Lovesickness Puppet Art needs to know your birth date, and more than half a month ago, did someone give you something, did you carry it with you?"

An Xixi recalled it, the more she thought about it, the more wrong her expression became, obviously she had thought of something.

"it is this."

An Xixi took out an extremely beautiful black gemstone necklace from her neck.

"This is a gift from Uncle Zheng for winning the violin competition."

She thought about it. During that time, she received many gifts, but this was the only one she could carry with her.

"Well, there is indeed something not very good about it."

Su Nian reached out to take it, glanced at it, and threw it to Jiang Chengyu.

Jiang Chengyu took it in a hurry, and said aggrievedly, "Boss, this thing is not good, why did you throw it to me?!"

His life is not his life?Aren't you afraid that something will happen to him?
Su Nian said, "This thing is not aimed at you, it doesn't affect you much, you buy a bag of rice, wrap it in the rice, leave it for seven to 49 days and it will be fine, you can continue to wear it without fear of the impact .”

Jiang Chengyu's lips twitched slightly, and he really wanted to complain, as long as there is no way to destroy this kind of unlucky thing, who would wear it?
The two of them chatted one after another, while An's father next to him had a gloomy expression.

He didn't expect that it was his good friend who wanted to harm his family and his daughter!

His tone was trembling, "It's really him?! This wolf-hearted dog! You shouldn't have saved him back then!"

Uncle Zheng and Father An mentioned in Anxi Xikou are middle school classmates, and both of them are self-made.

But a few years ago, this Uncle Zheng was defrauded, resulting in a broken chain of funds and problems with the goods.

It was Father An who bought his goods and lent him money when he was desperate.

Because of this relationship, An's father trusted him quite a bit, so An Xixi would accept the gift and wear it on his body without warning!

I never expected that people would hide such evil intentions!
Su Nian did not comment on these words, she only said, "Whether he did it, I don't know. If you are not sure, just observe carefully and find a way to find out."

"I know, Master."

Father An responded indiscriminately, feeling a little confused in his heart.

An's mother's mind was spinning fast at this time, she said, "Master, what if this person comes to hurt my family's Xixi again? People say that only a thousand days can be a thief, and there is no one who can guard against a thief for a thousand days..."

"This is easy to do."

Su Nian said, "I sell some safety talismans here. Although they can't guarantee 100% safety, they can prevent most of the disasters."

Mother An was still a little hesitant, so Jiang Chengyu hurriedly told what happened to him before, and how the talisman paper he got from Su Nian saved his life.

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at Su Nian with deeper differences.

Right now, it's completely hot.

The master actually has such a skill!
Surrounded by these hot eyes, Su Nian was very calm and got used to it.

This is the case with excellent people, and they are the focus of the crowd wherever they go.

The An family spent a lot of money, and Jiang Chengyu also joined in the fun.

Just relying on the talisman paper, Su Nian made a million dollars in one day.

"Master Su, wait."

Su Nian felt that the matter here was almost done, and just as she was about to leave, An Xixi suddenly stopped her.

"Master Su, I have something I want to tell you in private."

After everyone left, Su Nian raised her eyebrows and looked at An Xixi. Just now, she felt that there was something wrong with the way An Xixi looked at her.

Now it seems that there are really some things.

(End of this chapter)

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