Chapter 21 I'm setting up a business stall

Those who take care of Su Nian are people who come to clean the house regularly and deliver three meals a day on a regular basis. These people have not established a close relationship with Su Nian.

This time, Lin Zhixia's behavior can be said to have clearly hit Su Nian's point.

As for why Lin Zhixia appeared here.

Su Nian flipped through his memory and probably could find traces.

The relationship between the original owner and Lin Zhixia is really good girlfriends. Although the two met only in college, they have a good relationship and each has the key to each other's house.

The original owner didn't have any skills in life, but Lin Zhixia was very good at housework.

So much so that sometimes Lin Zhixia would take the initiative to come over to help the original owner with some simple housework.

After sorting out these memories, Su Nian, tsk, this is simply a good friend of 24 Xiao.

Thinking of this, Su Nian suddenly understood a little bit why the original owner stood so firmly on Lin Zhixia's side without any resentment when she was implicated because of Lin Zhixia and made things difficult for her vicious female partner.

Not only because of the plot needs in the book, but maybe because Lin Zhixia was really kind to her.

"How are you and Gu Yi doing now?"

After thinking for a while, Su Nian who didn't intend to ask at all finally asked.

Su Niansi and the few Ba Zong literatures she had read before continued tentatively, "It's probably not at the stage where you are attracting my attention as a woman."

Su Nian stroked her chin, and thoughtfully said, "Could it be that you are playing with fire as a woman? Or as a woman, I admit that I like you?"

Don't these three stages belong to the beginning, process and climax respectively.

Ba Zongwen Well.

It started when the male protagonist felt that the female protagonist was different, and then the two began to talk physically because of the harmony in the bed. The climax male protagonist realized that he was a little moved.

Then around this time the abuse started.

Lin Zhixia's face was as if struck by lightning, and she suddenly lost her ability to express herself. It took a long while before she spoke with difficulty, "Nian Nian, what are you talking about?"

Su Nian glanced at it, Lin Zhixia's ears were all red, and she couldn't bear the stimulation of Su Nian's words at all.

These words sound really embarrassing.

I don't know how Su Nian managed to say these words with a blank face.

"What, can't you tell me?"

If it's something that can't be said, Su Nian won't have to break the casserole and ask the end. It's normal for people to have some sense of mystery.

"No." Lin Zhixia thought for a while, took a breath, and then whispered, "I made up with him."

"He apologized to me, and he also said that they would no longer be involved. After thinking about it, I also had some minor problems, so I forgave him."

Su Nian: "That's it."

Looking at Lin Zhixia's face as a sweet and loving little girl, Su Nian was thinking about her words, thinking how she could give Lin Zhixia some hints in advance.

After thinking for a while, Su Nian suddenly thought of the best candidate to take the blame.

"Zhixia, I don't know whether this matter is true or not." Su Nian did not change his face, and calmly pulled out Jiang Chengyu, who was behind the blame, "I also heard Jiang Chengyu mention this matter. He said that Gu Yi's previous The ex-girlfriend seems to be planning to come back recently."

At first, Su Nian wondered whether to say it or not.

But after thinking about it, if I don't say anything, according to the script flow, the next plot is that Lin Zhixia followed Gu Yi to the party, and then Bai Yueguang came back.

After the two clashed, Gu Yi subconsciously protected Song Zhishun.

It was this move that made Lin Zhixia a joke in the circle, and also made Song Zhining rekindle her old relationship, and felt that she still had a great chance.

To be honest, if it was her, after this move, Gu Yi would be like a half-dead person to her.

Not to mention the deep sadomasochism in the back, if those two people dare to come over, Su Nian will beat them to death.

Let them know what morality is.

After hearing this, Lin Zhixia's smiling face gradually became stiff, and she wanted to force a smile, but felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Seeing the sad expression on the innocent face of first love in front of him, Su Nian's old tree-like heart couldn't bear it slightly, and sighed in his heart, sure enough, beauty is misleading.

Facing this face, even he felt that his behavior just now was too cruel.

After all, it is really uncomfortable to be stabbed when you are in love.

Su Nian added another word of remediation, "But this is something that happened in the past, Mr. Overlord, it's normal to have a white moonlight, but the past is like smoke, and nothing will happen in the end."

The remedial effect of this sentence does not seem to have much effect.

Lin Zhixia's face turned pale for a while, before she recovered, and finally said firmly, "I choose to believe him."

Maybe because he was afraid that Su Nian would feel uncomfortable, Lin Zhixia Wen said softly, "He explained to me that the woman hasn't come back yet, and Gu Yi hasn't apologized to me. I can't question him just because of my suspicions and panic. Don't believe him, these are undecided things, I can't blame him for trumped-up charges."

Su Nian looked at Lin Zhixia silently for about ten seconds, and finally smiled, stood up and patted Lin Zhixia on the shoulder, "He is really not good enough for you."

According to Su Nian's point of view, Gu Yi's advantages in the eyes of the world may be better than Lin Zhixia's family background.

But for Su Nian, apart from his family background, Gu Yi is really not as good as Lin Zhixia in other aspects.

Born in abusive texts, Lin Zhixia was really unlucky.

Ever since she met Gu Yi, her smooth life seemed to revolve around Gu Yi, and she also had to be hurt by Gu Yi, ridiculed by the female partners, framed, and looked down upon by the elders of the Gu family.

Ask her to say, why bother to suffer.

Originally, Lin Zhixia lived well by herself, but as expected, love really makes people suffer.


Su Nian didn't know what to think of, raised her eyebrows, "I recently quit my job and started my own business."


Lin Zhixia's attention was immediately attracted by Su Nian's words.

"Why do you want to start a business all of a sudden? Then what kind of company do you want to start? Your job salary is quite good, so it's a pity to quit like this."

More importantly, if it was a few years ago, many people would start their own businesses.

However, the recent economic situation in the general environment is not particularly good. Many people lost their bets because of starting a business, and even lost their pants.

Lin Zhixia, who always seeks security, felt that this behavior was a little impulsive, but Su Nian was an adult, so she obviously had her own considerations, so Lin Zhixia wanted to hear her thoughts.

"Because I suddenly felt that a mission was calling me."

Su Nian said mysteriously, "I have been influenced by socialism, and decided to study Marxism and other great ideas deeply, and deeply understand the difference between the proletariat and the capitalist class."

(End of this chapter)

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