And it's not like the bad feeling it gave people before, but it's much milder.

It was more like them she knew.

"It's okay, you are just being affected."

"Huh? Has it been affected?"

These few people were a little puzzled. They remembered what they had done, but they didn't know why it became like that.

An Xixi hurriedly told what he knew just now, this time the faces of these people changed, and they flinched.

"Great, master, you mean that thing followed us? Is it still here now?"

Because of fear, I dare not even say that word.

After getting an affirmative answer from Su Nian, these few people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since you are also afraid of this thing, why do you have to go there to explore?"

Su Nian said speechlessly, "Of course they're not happy if you're still playing disco at someone's house. Your behavior is illegal in other countries and you can be shot dead."

"It just followed you back, it is already very kind."

It's just that the behavior and temperament of these people will be affected because of the disharmony of the magnetic field.

Only then would he act like today's provocative Su Nian.

These few people are now very regretful.

One of them couldn't help but said, "I said at the time that I shouldn't go, what was written in that book is a lie! How could such a good thing happen to us?"

"what book?"

Su Nian immediately questioned vigilantly.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then confessed to Su Nian what he knew.

It turned out that when they went out to climb the mountain a few days ago, they accidentally picked up a book on the mountain.

There are various unheard of things recorded in that book, as well as various methods.

Including how to attract peach blossoms, how to change your popularity, how to make a lot of money...

These few people are not interested in these types, the only thing that interests them is that there is a method recorded in this book.

It is said that by doing it in that way, they can make their memory better, and they can also become smarter.

These people wonder, can they really become smarter?

Then I tried it according to the book.

This attempt is a tragedy.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Su Nian understood, and in the end he still had something to ask, "Where's that book? Show me."

Su Nian asked them for this book, she casually flipped through the contents, her brows furrowed more and more.

Compared with the one she found in Ye Qiaowen's home, this book has a lot in common.

But there are also many differences.

Although the two books give people a bad feeling, the book in Ye Qiaowen's house records all kinds of more harmful sorcery.

But this time, this book is more like a bunch of messy prank-like methods, as if the purpose is to tease people.

But in fact, the harm it brings to people is not particularly great.

"Master, is there a problem with this book?"

Since several people regained their temper, they learned what happened just now.

They all changed their minds about Su Nian, and followed An Xixi to call them masters.

"The problem is not a big problem."

Su Nian said bluntly, "The things written on it are all wrong, if you try it casually, it may bring disaster instead."

The things written on it are not very harmful, but they can't stand the word accident, and sometimes people are more unlucky.

If the two collided, who would have expected the serious consequences?
After hearing Su Nian's words, several people felt a chill coming from behind their backs.

They couldn't help thinking, if they were unlucky, or if An Xixi didn't know this Master Su, what would happen to them?

The only female classmate among these people tried to keep calm and said, "I heard that a master like you should have something that can be used to protect himself?"

Before Su Nian could answer, An Xixi quickly said, "That's right! Master's safety talisman, talisman and the like are very useful! You don't know, when I came to see you last time, I happened to be wearing a gift from Master Su. The talisman paper, the back suddenly turned into ashes. Thinking about it now, it must be because it helped me prevent disasters."

An Xixi believed that this must be the case, so if she hadn't brought the talisman paper given by the master at that time, she didn't know if she would have become like them.


Hearing what An Xixi said, several people immediately looked at Su Nian with eager and expectant eyes.

"Master Su, we also want to buy some peace charms!"


Naturally, Su Nian would not refuse this kind of thing, and she even gave these people a [-]% discount.

For the sake of these few people being close friends.

After Su Nian finished the transaction with a few people, he asked them for the address where they went to explore.

"We see the address from here."

The girls pushed the websites they often visited to Su Nian.

This website is very practical, aside from all kinds of bells and whistles, there are still people posting and communicating on it.

But this site is not mainly for making friends, but for sharing things.

This is the site where they find a great place to share adventures or adventures.

And among these shared places, the closest to them is the place where the spiritual body lives.

"That's it."

Su Nian took a look, "This website is quite interesting."

She just flipped through it casually, and even found some posts related to metaphysics.

However, Su Nian took a look and found that many of the posts on the homepage were inquiries, and most of the posters of these posts seemed to be newbies.

On these posts, they asked how to distinguish some talisman papers and how to analyze some faces.

There are actually a lot of dream interpretation posts.

Su Nian flipped through the pages speechlessly, and answered a few questions on the post on the way back.

Su Nian went offline after answering, and didn't notice that her answer was soon displayed, being followed by the post owner.

If the owner of the last post thinks the answer is valuable, he will initiate a tip.

When Su Nian returned home, she noticed that the lights in the house had been turned on.

Inside the house, Lin Zhixia was sobbing and weeping softly.

Su Nian, who was pushing open the door with a small gap, held back hesitantly. At this moment, she hesitated whether she should go in or not.

Whether Lin Zhixia would be embarrassed, she didn't know.

But the point is, Su Nian can't comfort people!

However, Su Nian hadn't decided whether to go in or not. The people in the room seemed to have heard the movement, and wiped their tears with a tissue indiscriminately, and asked in a low voice, "Did Nian Nian come back?"


Now that she was discovered, Su Nian simply pushed the door open and walked in.

Before Su Nian could ask, Lin Zhixia had already rushed forward, sobbing, "That bastard Gu Yi, he, he was meeting up with his old lover at a banquet today!"

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