Chapter 43 Sorry, I'm Not Short of Money
"Hot search?"

Su Nian really didn't pay attention, and raised her eyebrows when she heard this.

"Yeah, yeah."

Compared with Su Nian's isolation from the world, Jiang Chengyu seemed extremely excited, even more excited than himself when he was on the trending search.

"A lot of people below want to ask you for a fortune!"

Jiang Chengyu smiled and said, "I feel like we're going to get rich!"

As for the doubtful voices, Jiang Chengyu generously asked the navy to suppress them.

Su Nian said calmly, "Oh, maybe tomorrow we will be invited to drink tea for spreading metaphysics."

Although she thinks metaphysics is another kind of science, considering that the current official father's attitude has always been ambiguous, it is still not good to make too much fanfare.

Get rich and be a low-key person.

Jiang Chengyu was also bluffed at the beginning, and after a while he said slowly, "I don't think there should be such a panic, and if something really happens, the first shot will be the bird, and the Tianxuanmen should be the first to finish the game."

"Tianxuan Gate?"

This is the second time Su Nian has heard of this sect.

Jiang Chengyu said, "Yes, this is a great sect, and there are many masters in it! I followed my grandfather when I was young, and I was lucky enough to meet him once or twice! This great sect recruited a large number of people a few years ago, and found a group of people, but ..."

But it's a pity that the other party doesn't want me.

And the Jiang family would not allow their son to learn such things!

When the time comes, people will learn to see through the world of mortals, or want to become a monk, so what will the Jiang family do?
"of course."

Jiang Chengyu changed his voice, "Tianxuanmen didn't really have any scruples, and they advertised directly and broadly. Most of the people who can know this sect have certain social status, or have extraordinary family background."

Many ordinary people have never heard of it, even if they have heard of it, they think it is just a Taoist temple where Taoist priests gather.

Su Nian nodded her head to express her understanding. In the world she lived in, it was actually similar to this situation.

All countries in the world have their own methods, such as fortune tellers, witch astrology, tarot divination, onmyoji, head-down master...

Just in China alone, corpses are driven away in western Hunan, Yangshen are released in the northeast, Gu poison in Miaojiang and so on.

After generations of development, many people have become more and more low-key, and almost no news of them has been heard, but every time they go to the conference, they will send representatives out for a walk.

In particular, there are small gatherings in various local areas every year, where a group of people gather to exchange skills.

But these were more gatherings of insiders, with some outsiders who had the opportunity to meet.

The general public would not hear these news at all, and even if they heard it occasionally, they only knew that there was such a thing. As for the specific time and place, they didn't know at all.

So Su Nian understood what Jiang Chengyu said.

In Su Nian's world, the sect she belongs to is a giant in this circle, and in this world, perhaps this Tianxuan sect is one of the giants.

It was at this time that Brother Bai called. He first told Su Nian about private messages and comments.

Immediately afterwards, he moved out his purpose.

"Master, I think, why don't you consider opening an account?"

Brother Bai made a start, and felt that what he was about to say next was not so difficult and obscure, and the more he said it, the easier it was to say.

"I checked on the Internet, and now there are some people posting Tarot fortune-telling on many platforms. It seems that there are still a few anchors who will broadcast live regularly!"

Brother Bai started to make plans for Su Nian, "And you've been a little hot lately, when the live broadcast starts, we can connect to mic together, go out on adventures, etc."

Brother Bai now feels that it is safer to go out on an adventure with a master by his side.

At least, it won't follow the old path of horror movie protagonists.

Look at the protagonists in those horror movies, one by one, they are too deadly, they have no skills, and they want to get into it everywhere.

If there is a master by your side, if you really run into each other, who will be afraid of anyone?

The more Brother Bai thought about it, the more flattered he felt, and naturally he pushed harder.

Jiang Chengyu, who was listening to the whole process beside him, was also very excited, and volunteered, "I think this is feasible, even if the time comes, master, you will also bring me with you! Let me learn a lot, and by the way, I can also be an assistant to the master!"

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Su Nian glanced at Jiang Chengyu slowly, not because she was scared to death before.

Otherwise, who was the one who bought a lot of talisman papers from me in one go?

"Hehehe, isn't this following the master!" Jiang Chengyu said shamelessly, "It's easy for a master to bring multiple bronzes to a king, of course I'm not afraid!"

Su Nian didn't agree, but she didn't refuse in one breath either.

Instead, he took out Zhou Debo's few copper coins and took a divination for himself.

The two didn't dare to interrupt, until Su Nian put away the copper coins and said, "You can try."

The result of her divination is these four words.

Divination for yourself, sometimes it does become more blurred.

Su Nian can't interpret it as accurately as fortune-telling for other people, and can only interpret a general idea, such as whether it will be dangerous to do this thing.

And now the results tell myself that it is worth a try.


As soon as Su Nian agreed, Jiang Chengyu immediately said, "Master Su, you just need to wait for the live broadcast, and I will let people prepare the equipment needed for the live broadcast."

"By the way, master, do you want to sign a company? Our Jiang family seems to have something related to live broadcasting."

Su Nian saw through Jiang Chengyu's careful thinking at a glance, but signing a contract under Jiang Chengyu's name actually has advantages and disadvantages.

The brother Bai also said, "Now that the live broadcast industry is saturated, it is actually very difficult to stand out alone, but you are also enthusiastic, master. In fact, you can try live broadcast by yourself first, or you can jointly contribute with me."

The latter words made Su Nian raise her eyebrows.

This brother Bai is really generous and loyal. The latter words are almost a sign that Brother Bai is willing to take Su Nian with him.

This is what many people in the circle will do.

But this kind of benefit sharing is not because of a particularly good friendship or a lot of money given. Who would use their fans and popularity to support other people for no reason.

Jiang Chengyu also understood Brother Bai's words, but he just felt that this man had sinister intentions, and he didn't intend to come here to compete with him to be Su Nian's apprentice, right?
Su Nian thanked Brother Bai for his kindness, but she refused.

"In the live broadcast business, I don't plan to sign anything for the time being. I just update the live broadcast as I see fit." Su Nian paused, "The live broadcast is good, but I'm not short of this money."

She now earns a lot of money every time she makes a shot, and it doesn't matter that much if she doesn't broadcast live.

Brother Bai: ...

Thanks, got hit.

He is also eagerly looking forward to live broadcasting to make money. As expected of a master, he is not short of money.


(End of this chapter)

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