Xia Man didn't take the jokes in the group to heart, she is in a hurry to continue sending private messages to the master now!
She is going to be a fan of the master!If you are one step late, you may be preempted by others.

Many of the remaining people were dubious about Xia Man's sharing of Amway.

But soon a person who often dives and peeks out silently.

She said that she has also watched this video, and it is really accurate, and she also watched the tutorial, which is indeed the best one she has ever seen.

There was this person who joined to share her own experience. Many people clicked in and listened with the mentality of giving it a try.

Some people are watching the video of fortune.

But I didn't feel that my luck was okay recently, so I went straight to the teaching video.

After half an hour.

A group of people frantically came back and swiped the screen vigorously.

"Damn it, I thought it was an advertisement, but I didn't expect it to be a high-quality video!"

"There was something that I couldn't understand when I was teaching myself. It happened to be mentioned in the video, and I finally figured it out!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Better than my job!"

"No, the point is that the calculation is really accurate!"

"Girls, I declare this to be the most accurate video I've seen this year!"


A group of people were constantly communicating in the group, and some who didn't plan to watch it couldn't help but click on the video.

These people not only promote and communicate in the group, but also freely and spontaneously share this Amway with other interested people.

Not everyone in their circle of friends wants to learn this.

But people have a deep attachment to when they will change their fortunes and when they will get rich.

As soon as I see things related to fortune, luck, getting rich, and getting rich, I can't control my hand and click in to read.

Not to mention that there are friends of my own who guarantee that the calculation is very accurate, and I am instantly attracted.

All this happened silently, Su Nian didn't know for now.

After uploading the video, she closed the app.

Including various related message prompts, she didn't open it either, so naturally she didn't pay attention to the movement here.

She went to bed early.

On the other end, Jiang Chengyu, Gu Yi, and their mutual friend Huoxi met in the old place.

But at this time, there was only Gu Yi in the private room, and another young man in a casual shirt with a somewhat stern look in his eyes.

The young man is extremely good-looking, his eyebrows and eyes are a little cold, but he is much more popular than Gu Yi's paralyzed face.

After listening to Gu Yi's words, the young man raised his eyebrows slightly, "What you said is true?"

"En." Gu Yi said coldly, only those who knew him well could hear his displeasure.

Huoxi could hear it naturally, but he only thought that Gu Yi didn't want Jiang Chengyu to please other people like that, and he didn't know that there were many things involved in it.

"I didn't expect that." Huo Xi showed a little interest, "Jiang Chengyu actually went to please other women this day? How strange? Didn't he always believe in the waves, not a leaf?"

Huo Xi has already heard from Gu Yi that Jiang Chengyu has been courting a vulgar and emotional woman recently.

Hearing this, Huo Xi believed it at first, but Gu Yi would not lie or joke.

Huoxi felt the novelty, and said, "However, I don't think you need to worry too much. Cheng Yu is not stupid. Besides, with the Jiang family watching, that woman will not really enter the Jiang family's door."

Anyway, with Jiang Chengyu's temperament, it must be just for fun, not really.

Before Hossie finished the second half of his sentence, the door of the box was pushed open.

Jiang Chengyu came in with a smile on his face, followed by a waiter carrying wine and a fruit plate.

"I kept a bottle of good red wine here before, and now it's just opened for us to drink."

What the waiter behind was holding was Jiang Chengyu's fine and precious red wine, which was said to be worth several 10 yuan.

"Then I really can't miss it later."

Hosie smiled slightly.

When the wine was served, the atmosphere gradually rose.

Only then did Huo Xi mention the news he had heard from Gu Yi just now, "I heard that you found a girlfriend recently, and you quite like her, and often go to his house to show love."

"Cough cough cough."

Jiang Chengyu almost choked on the red wine in his mouth.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Hosie looking at him with interest.

Jiang Chengyu took out a few pieces of paper, wiped them casually, and hurriedly explained, "What girlfriend! Don't talk nonsense! I've said it before, that's my future master!"


Hossie raised his eyebrows, "Are you having fun?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Jiang Chengyu looked serious, "The master I'm talking about is a serious master, and I still want to gain a good impression in front of others, so that they can accept me as an apprentice."

Jiang Chengyu has already started to imagine in his heart that if he worships Su Nian as his teacher and learns a lot from Su Nian, then he will have to walk sideways.

"What are you going to learn from her?"

Hosse frowned and asked a few more questions.

When Jiang Chengyu said that he wanted to learn divination and fortune-telling from Su Nian, Huo Xi's brows were completely tightened.

At first, he thought she was just a gold digger who coveted the Jiang family's wealth.

Hearing Jiang Chengyu's words now, Huo Xi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

This kind of thing has always been a lie, he did not expect that someone would be so bold as to deceive his brother.

Jiang Chengyu was still strongly reassuring, "Master Su is amazing! I have met many masters with my father, and I feel that none of them are as powerful as her!"

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Chengyu wants to worship Su Nian as his teacher so much.

"How do you know this person?" Huo Xi saw that Jiang Chengyu was obviously a bit superior now, and he knew very well in his heart that this was not the time to refute Jiang Chengyu.

The more he refuted now, the more excited Jiang Chengyu would be, and the less he would listen to persuasion.

So Hosey decided that he had to ask who this woman was first, and then see how to prescribe the right medicine.

"Hosie, you're actually interested in that woman?"

Hearing this, Gu Yi said in a rather displeased manner.

He wanted to get Huo Xi to persuade Jiang Chengyu together, but he didn't intend to let Huo Xi be bewitched together.

Huo Xi didn't speak directly, but comforted Gu Yi with his eyes that made him calm down.

Jiang Chengyu was talking so vigorously that he didn't notice the undercurrent between the two of them.

"Oh, this one."

When it comes to this episode, Jiang Chengyu has a lot to say.

Jiang Chengyu chatted with Huo Xi about a lot of things he knew.

Hosie frowned while listening.

This woman is really good at playing tricks.

Look at all that Jiang Chengyu said, it's not all about this woman behind the scenes.

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