Chapter 8 You are not as good as a kindergarten kid
This is not surprising.

She already knew that Jiang Chengyu would not die, and Su Nian was very confident in her talisman paper, how could her talisman paper have no effect?
So seeing Jiang Chengyu's well-equipped appearance now, it's not much of a surprise.

It was the first time Jiang Chengyu encountered such a miraculous thing, he was naturally very excited, and at the same time he really wanted to know.

"What do you mean by the villain you said before?"

Before he met Su Nian, he thought about it in his mind for a long time, and picked out everyone he thought was suspicious.

However, the range of these people is too wide, and there are too many people.

Jiang Chengyu was a little melancholy.

Su Nian just rolled his eyes, "This is another price."

The previous 10 yuan was just that talisman paper.

Jiang Chengyu breathed a sigh of relief, "It turned out that I just wanted money, that's easy to say, as long as I can find this bum!"

Who doesn't know how to plot against him in private!

Su Nian asked Jiang Chengyu to pay half of the deposit.

Without the slightest doubt, Jiang Chengyu immediately transferred the money.

"Okay, tell me your birthday horoscope."

Su Nian said, "That's right, write a word by the way, you can write whatever you think of right now, don't ask too much."

"Okay." Jiang Chengyu didn't have the slightest doubt, he would do whatever Su Nian asked him to do.

Qi Mo and his party beside him have not left yet.

Qi Mo didn't say anything, but the bodyguard next to him muttered, "Is it necessary to pretend to be like this now?"

It was probably because he heard the bodyguard's voice, or maybe he felt a little relaxed after following Su Nian's instructions.

When he raised his eyes, he finally noticed Qi Mo who was being protected by the bodyguards, and immediately took a deep breath.

"Qi, Lord Qi?"

Could he be blinded?
Qi Mo just glanced at Jiang Chengyu indifferently, turned around, got in the car and left.

"I'll go, was that Lord Qi just now?"

Jiang Chengyu was shocked, "I heard that the old man is not in poor health recently? He shouldn't be lying in the hospital? How could he appear in such a place?"

Su Nian glanced at Jiang Chengyu, this melon can still talk.

That person Qi Mo is really dying.

Seeing that Su Nian didn't talk to him, Jiang Chengyu thought about it carefully and thought it was because Su Nian didn't know Qi Mo.

"You probably don't know him! He is Gu Yi's uncle, this guy is amazing! Although he is two or three years older than us, none of us in this group will feel scared when they see him!"

Gu Yi didn't dare to be too arrogant in front of his uncle.

"Oh, none of my business."

Su Nian said slowly, "No matter how awesome he is, he won't live long anyway."

All beings are equal before death.

No matter how awesome he is, unless he becomes a god, he still has to die.

Jiang Chengyu shut up.

The words are indeed said in this way, and the reason is also in the same way.

However, Master Su is still a bit ruthless.

" human life after all, it's still my brother's uncle..."

Jiang Chengyu suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, "Master Su, do you have any idea? Do you have any idea to save him?"

Su Nian slowly rolled up his sleeves, "Is he your uncle?"

"Uh, no, it's not."

"Since it's not, why do you ask so many questions?" Su Nian said, "If he doesn't want to live, can you stop him?"

She asked him kindly just now if he wanted to make a deal. He was so courageous and wanted to experience the feeling of death, why did she reach out to stop him?
Jiang Chengyu was so stunned that he couldn't say a word.

Su Nian thought for a while, and then added, "After you read too much, you will understand that all this is just life."

Jiang Chengyu was taken aback by these words, and looked at Su Nianfeng's calm expression, silently giving a thumbs up in his heart.

A master is a master, indeed he is a master.

The more you see it, the more it will be different.

"Okay, there is an answer to what you just asked."

Su Nian didn't directly say who it was, but gave Jiang Chengyu another talisman.

"The thing that you have been wearing next to your body these days, that person will still be unable to restrain himself from attacking you. Don't worry, he will be found out before the other party wants to take your life."

"Master, can't you just tell me who it is?" Jiang Chengyu was a little anxious, "How can I say that I paid such a large sum of money, can't I ask for an accurate answer?"

"Did you call the police?" Su Nian said suddenly.

"Report, call the police?" Jiang Chengyu stumbled and asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" Su Nian said confidently, "Isn't your racing car tampered with? You didn't call the police when you encountered such a murderous thing? You are such a little genius!"


Jiang Chengyu: "Aren't we talking about fortune-telling?"

Which family engages in feudal superstition and will take the initiative to ask people to call the police?

The police, it sounds very scientific.

Finger pinching for fortune-telling sounds like feudal superstition.

"Is there a conflict?"

Su Nian was puzzled, "Even if I help you figure out who killed you, don't you still have to call the police and arrest people? Is it possible that you can use your own private soldiers to arrest people? Kindergarten children know that when something happens, you can go to the police. Why not?"

What's the matter with this man?Still want to break the criminal law?

Jiang Chengyu was speechless, what he said really made sense.

If he didn't call the police, even if he knew who did it, he would at most find someone to beat him up in private, or take revenge in other ways.

But these are all secret methods, and they cannot reach the point where this person will be completely killed and his reputation will be ruined.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Chengyu couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to pull out his mobile phone to call the police on the spot.

"What's the hurry?" Su Nian said again, "I've never seen you in such a hurry just now, and now it's not too late."

"I see that you still have something to say to me. Tell me, what else is there. But let's talk about it first. For the sake of you being my regular customer, you can get a [-]% discount at most. No less."

Jiang Chengyu paused for a moment, his eyes lit up, and then asked with a smile, "Master is indeed a master, with eyes like pearls! I do have something to ask you."

Jiang Chengyu excitedly said, "I want to ask, when will I be able to marry someone who is as beautiful as a celestial being, full of talent, gentle and generous, considerate, suitable for the living room and IKEA, the living room can be as good as the kitchen, and the lotus will grow every step of the way. A sweet and pure wife..."

He wants to find the goddess in his heart more than the murderer!

Su Nian: ...

Su Nian remembered that fucking script again.

Looking at Jiang Chengyu with a subtle look, this person is actually the original owner's CP in this abuse novel.

Hug the poor original owner.

Su Nian smiled and said, "In a dream."

Jiang Chengyu: I always feel that the other party seems to be scolding him.

Su Nian said calmly, "If you want to ask me how to make such a dream, then I really don't know. I have no research on dreaming postures, why don't you ask the experts what they say. If you ask me, it is better to ask me when Get rich."

Jiang Chengyu curled his lips, "My family is already rich enough, there is no need to get rich."

Su Nian: ...

I'm sorry, it was my slip of the tongue.

But she was flaunted.

Back then, she was also a well-known rich man on the ranking list, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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