Doomsday infrastructure: start with a city

Chapter 181: Purgatory on Earth

Shen Mohuo rushed back from the system base in a hurry, but he was still a step too late.

If the original Jasmine City was the last place of hope in the world, the current Jasmine City is a purgatory on earth.


Shen Mo once handed over the urban planning of Jasmine City to Shen Mei. Before leaving, Shen Mei gave her an excellent answer sheet.

After merging with Shuguang Base, the population of Jasmine City has reached 500 million, and it has become a big city with beautiful scenery.

But at the moment.

The marble floors originally laid throughout Jasmine City were covered with thick minced flesh and blood.

The number of people has also been reduced to more than 100 million.

400 people...

Shen Mo clenched her fists.


City Lord's Mansion.

Dong Jianping hasn't had a good night's sleep in many, many days.

After Shen Yi sent him a message, he went out to take a look.

The description in words is nowhere near as despair as seeing it with your own eyes.

He watched with his own eyes as a man erupted not far from him, with flesh and blood covering the entire floor.

From that day on, he would dream of those people crying and wailing during his short sleep every night.

Is there really no hope for mankind?

Dong Jianping lit a cigarette and leaned on the sofa, looking decadent.

"Stop smoking." Tian Yi had just returned from Su Li's place. When he opened the door, he smelled the choking smell of smoke.

The ashtray on the coffee table was full of cigarette butts. Tian Yi waved it between his nose and opened the window.

"Honey, do you think there is still hope for mankind?" Dong Jianping took another puff of cigarette.

In the smoke, he heard Tian Yi's irrelevant answer.

She said: "The city lord is back."

Shen Mo is back.

The five words echoed in my ears, deafening.

Dong Jianping took a long drag on his cigarette, put out the cigarette butt, and hurriedly put on his shoes and rushed to the villa.

"Put on your coat!" Tian Yi chased him out with his coat, only to find that Dong Jianping had disappeared. "This guy..." She shook her head and couldn't help but smile.

There will be hope.

Tian Yi thought so.


Shen Mo sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at Dong Jianping and others who came over.

The worries in my heart were finally suppressed.

Luckily her brothers and sisters were okay.

During Shen Mo's time, she was only gone for one day.

But due to the time difference, a month has passed in Jasmine City.

Dong Jianping and others, who were in high spirits before leaving, are now extremely decadent.

Especially Jing Jianhua.

His hair turned completely white.

"Momo, are you back?" Dong Jianping saw Shen Mo and rubbed his eyes.

As an old man, his eyes suddenly turn red.

"Well, I'm back." Shen Mo nodded and handed Dong Jianping a piece of paper, "Uncle Dong, thank you for your hard work."

She looked at the remaining people again: "Uncle Xue, Uncle Jing, Uncle Si, you have worked hard too."

"Just come back." That's all a few people said.

"I know what happened in Moli City." Shen Mo sat upright, "Those next people will not self-destruct again."

"You don't have to worry."

These two short sentences made the remaining frightened people completely relieved.

"By the way, Uncle Xue." Shen Mo looked at Xue Nanyang, "Is there a person named Xie Ge under you? Is he still alive?"

Xie Ge has nearly one-fifth of her spatial power in his body.

Xue Nanyang was impressed by Xie Ge and nodded: "There is such a person, I will send a message to ask."

Xue Nanyang opened the communication function as he spoke and clicked on Xie Ge's communication page.

I typed two words simply: [Are you there? 】

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