"Hey, come to a place with me tonight... you have to go, otherwise... hey, you know..." Ling said charmingly, Xuan swallowed her saliva, and said, "Otherwise, what about you... ?" (Qianqian: Didn't you ask this knowingly? Xuan: I really don't know...) "Otherwise, you will be..." Halfway through, Ling flashed to Xuan's side, and Xuan still Before he could react, he felt his lips being electrocuted by two pieces that looked like cotton candy.It took a while for Xuan to react, and she motioned to push him away, but he held on tightly, and after 5 minutes, she reluctantly let go. "Hey, otherwise, this is punishment...I'll wait for you at the beach tonight..." After speaking, Ling walked to the beach and jumped in for a swim. . .

At night, the dim moonlight was half covered by clouds and shone on the sparkling sea. Xuan opened the window sill and looked at the slender moon. The moonlight shone on her peaceful face. She stared blankly at the sky. One sleepless night, Xuan was thinking: 'Should I go or not? , if you don't go, will it be like the punishment he gave today? o(gt;﹏lt;)o I don't want it. . .If he goes, will he plot against me? (Qianqian: You think too much...) Huh, I'm not afraid of her, I'm the leader of the Zixuan gang~~' After finishing speaking, Xuan walked out of the door and walked towards the beach. She forgot She is still in her pajamas.

By the sea, the sea water collides with the stones, and the leaves are rustled by the wind. It is very peaceful and feels very comfortable. In a corner of the sea, a girl is standing by the sea in pajamas. Her pajamas are pink, and there is a pink pajamas. The pink little bear, the breeze messed up her head, maybe because she didn't wear much, she felt chilly, so she hugged her shoulders with her hands. . . "Damn, you still asked me to come, and you haven't come yet... Huh, he won't play tricks on me, woo~~~~" Xuan was about to leave when she was held back by someone, that's right, this People are Leng Yingling.

"Hey~ Not bad, quite obedient..." Ling said with a smile, "What! What's more, you kept me waiting for half an hour~~~" Xuan pouted dissatisfiedly, "Hey, I was wrong Isn’t that all right? Let’s go, I’ll take you to a beautiful place...” Ling took Xuan’s hand and jogged to a small boat, let’s get on it.The boat was rocking non-stop, Ling carried Xuan into the boat, and Xuan's face flushed again, the moonlight shining on her delicate face made her a little cute. . . (Xuan: Hmph! I’m cute even without the moonlight. Qianqian: You’re narcissistic. Xuan: You can’t blame me, you made me look like this.) Ling looked at Xuan fascinated, “Hey! What are you looking at? See? Have you ever seen a beautiful woman...?" Xuan Ling pursed her lips and said, "Haha, yes..." Ling talked nonsense, and Ling rowed the boat to a small island.

"Wow! This is where you want to bring me?" Xuan said in surprise, "Hey, little girl, let's go, don't you want to go down and have a look?" Ling carried Xuan out of the boat again.This is a small island. There are several big banyan trees on the island, accounting for four-fifths of the entire island. There are many fireflies around the trees, some glow yellow, some glow green, Some glow red. . .Just because thousands of small fireflies around illuminate those big trees.

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