Chapter 10 Punished

"I don't think any of you would dare." Gu Qianer's smile didn't reach her eyes, "This is the Shoukang Palace, not the Ruoyi Palace. If you mess around in the Empress Dowager's Palace, aren't you afraid that the Empress Dowager will find out and blame you later?"

Gu Ruo'er sneered, mocking her ignorance, "Do you think the queen mother will be angry with me because I punished a dog?"

"Really?" Gu Qian'er ignored her words, and just looked at the two eunuchs in front of her with a half-smile.

The two people who were going forward to make a move felt trembling when they met Gu Qianer's eyes, and then they came back to their senses. This is indeed the Shoukang Palace, not the Princess's Ruoyi Palace. The queen mother will always have dissatisfaction more or less. Naturally, these dissatisfaction will not be directed at the princess, her own daughter, and it will only be their slaves who will suffer so much. The court ladies and eunuchs all lowered their heads and held back their voices, for fear of making a little noise to attract the master's attention.

"What are you still doing in a daze?! Do it!" Looking at the servant who was too frightened to come forward after Gu Qian'er said a few words, Gu Ruo'er was so angry.

Gu Qian'er looked at the incompetent and furious man in front of her, and chuckled, "You made such a fuss today because you were angry with His Majesty, but you didn't dare to quarrel with Your Majesty, that's why you came to me Trouble, isn't it? But have you ever thought about what His Majesty would think if you made such a fuss and this matter got to His Majesty's ears?"

No one had ever questioned Gu Ruoer like this before, and she herself hadn't even thought about it. Now that she was suddenly asked in this way, Gu Ruoer subconsciously wanted to refute, but when she thought about the attitude of the emperor's brother towards her just now, , she suddenly didn't dare to be so sure.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Brother Huang and I are brothers and sisters. How could he take such trivial matters to heart?" Gu Ruo'er's eyes wandered, and his momentum suddenly weakened.

At this time, Gu Qian'er didn't speak anymore, she just sat leisurely in her seat, she knew that someone would show up soon to end this farce.

The result was just as Gu Qian'er expected, seeing Gu Ruo'er was at a disadvantage, the cloud sleeve beside the queen mother quickly came in from the outside, "I have seen the two princesses."

Afterwards, she ignored Gu Qian'er who was on the side, turned her head to Gu Ruo'er and said, "Princess, the queen mother just came out of the Buddhist hall, and she knew that you came to Shoukang Palace, and said that she has prepared your favorite snacks for you to eat." Go and eat."

"Alright," Gu Ruo'er didn't refuse when she saw someone handing her the steps to smooth things over, and followed the words of the person, "It happens that I'm hungry too, Aunt Yunxiu, let's go."

"Hey, good." Yun Xiu looked at Gu Ruo'er, with a sincere smile on her face and kindness in her eyes.

Seeing Gu Ruo'er going out, Yun Xiu followed behind, and before leaving, she looked back at the person who was still sitting upright, the smile on her face had long since disappeared, and her eyes were filled with coldness...

In the Prince Regent's Mansion, Gu Beiye had just finished his lunch when he heard a report from outside that Eunuch Ying, who was beside His Majesty, had arrived. Gu Beiye knew what the other party was here for as soon as he heard it. : "Understood, invite people to the main hall first, the king will be there in a while."

Ying Fugui was ushered into the main hall. After sitting down and drinking half a cup of tea, he saw Gu Beiye's figure. He stood up quickly, with a very respectful expression, without any impatience. The prince asked someone to come over and check it out, if there is nothing wrong, the slave will return to the palace and return to his life."

Gu Beiye just glanced at the dozens of boxes piled up in the yard, and then waved his hand, "No need, this matter is personally supervised by the father-in-law, so I can rest assured." Then he gave the butler at the side a look.

Zhao Sheng understood immediately, walked up to Ying Fugui, took out a stack of bank notes from his body, and stuffed them into the other party's hand, "It's really hard for my father-in-law to come here. With this kind of thought, I treat you for a cup of tea."

Ying Fugui twisted the thickness of the bank note in his hand, and the creases at the end of his eyes laughed out, "It's not hard work, it's the job of a slave." Stuffing the bank note into his cuff, he looked away again. Gu Beiye looked even more respectful than before, "My lord, that servant will leave first."

"Well, Eunuch, go slowly, Zhao Sheng, send Eunuch Ying out." Gu Beiye sat on his seat and said.

Zhao Sheng sent the person away, walked back to Gu Beiye, looked at the boxes in the hall, and asked, "My lord, what should I do with these things?"

"Choose out 1 taels and pack it up, and carry the rest to the warehouse for packing into boxes and making books." Gu Beiye took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"Yes," Zhao Sheng nodded. He was no stranger to Wang Ye's behavior. He took people to carry all the things to the backyard so that he could count them slowly.

However, when he opened the box, a golden color immediately filled his entire pupils. After realizing it, he couldn't help but gasp, mother, is it not 3 taels of silver, but 3 taels of gold? ! ——
Just after Gu Qian'er had dinner, Yun Xiu, who was next to the queen mother, came over and said that the queen mother had something to look for her. In the middle, she knew that the matter would never be exposed in such a hasty manner.

Gu Qian'er got up and followed Yun Xiu to the main hall.

When I came to the main hall, I found that the queen mother had been waiting there for a long time, and Gu Ruoer was sitting next to her, looking at her with obvious gloating eyes.

Gu Qian'er was not nervous, and said as usual, "See the Queen Mother."

The queen mother looked at the people kneeling on the ground, and instead of getting Gu Qian'er up like before, she said with a posture of asking for guilt: "Aijia heard that you and Ruo'er had a dispute over a trivial matter. As a younger sister, you , actually dare to contradict, Qian'er, do you know your mistake?"

Gu Qian'er lowered her head, and the corner of her mouth twitched when she heard the Queen Mother's words, but quickly recovered, and said in a low voice: "Yes, Qian'er knows it's wrong."

"Since you know you're wrong, then go outside and kneel, Ai's family asks you to get up, and you get up again."

"Yes." Gu Qian'er nodded obediently, changed her previous tough posture when facing Gu Ruo'er, and took the initiative to kneel outside the yard.

Gu Qian'er knelt outside for about half an hour, when she saw Gu Ruo'er coming out of the Empress Dowager's Hall arrogantly, and the maid behind her was holding a medium-sized brocade box. It's a relief.

Seeing Gu Qian'er kneeling alone in the middle of the yard with a desolate and miserable appearance, Gu Ruo'er just felt happy, walked up to Gu Qian'er, and said condescendingly: "How is it? Do you know what will happen if you offend the princess? Kneel here for a good night!" After speaking, he took his maid and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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