Chapter 19

Everything that happened in Moyin Pavilion was passed on to Yu Huaijin not long after.

After hearing this, Yu Huaijin wasn't surprised, and didn't say much, but only ordered, "Since Moyinge is short of manpower, then find some reliable people and call them to take care of the princess."


The lunch meal was delivered by Chang He personally.

"Princess, the food is ready, please eat it slowly. If there is anything that does not suit your taste, this servant will order the kitchen to make it again."

Chang He stood aside, lowered his head slightly, his expression and tone were very respectful.

It seemed that as long as Gu Qian'er said she was dissatisfied, she would withdraw all these meals and replace them with a new batch.

"No, I like all of these, Sister Changhe, please take care." Gu Qian'er looked obedient.

"Princess is serious. This is all ordered by the prime minister. The servant is just doing what you are told." Chang He looked indifferent. "The status of the servant is low. How can I afford the princess to call me a sister? The princess can just call the servant Changhe."

Being refuted on the spot, Gu Qian'er's expression remained unchanged, she just smiled and said yes.

"it is good."

"Princess, the prime minister ordered the servants to choose them to serve you. If they make any mistakes in the future, you can just tell the servants."

Chang He pointed to the servant girls behind him and said.

Gu Qian'er glanced at those people, nodded with a smile, "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your trouble."

"Aunt Xu, take them down."

Xu Di nodded and left with the people.

The things and people have already been delivered, and Chang He didn't stay any longer, "Then the princess will eat first, and the slaves will leave."

"Okay." Gu Qianer nodded.

Seeing the person walk to the door, Gu Qian'er called out again, "Wait."

"Is there anything else the princess wants to tell the servant?" Chang He turned around with a good temper.

"Please also tell the prime minister that I will look for him in the afternoon."

"Yes, this servant knows." Chang He nodded, and then said, "Does the princess have anything else to do?"


As soon as Gu Qian'er finished speaking, Chang He simply turned around and left.

Looking at the back of her leaving, Gu Qian'er was thoughtful. When she entered the mansion in the morning, this person didn't treat her like this. He stared at her face in a daze for a moment. The time is also enthusiastic and joyful.

But just now, it was obviously a lot colder. Although there are all the rules that should be followed when facing her, it can make people feel that the steward of the inner courtyard of the prime minister's mansion is very displeased with her, a new princess who entered the mansion. .

There was a huge difference in attitude before and after, Gu Qian'er didn't think otherwise, she must have heard something from Yun Xiu when she sent Yun Xiu away, so there was such a change.

Thinking of this, Gu Qian'er put down her chopsticks, propped her chin, and sighed faintly, she is still young, and she was led away by the nose after saying a few words, are the people in the prime minister's mansion so innocent and easy to deceive?
Chang He, who was considered innocent and easy to deceive, went directly to Yu Huaijin's study after leaving Moyin Pavilion, but in the end he just stopped at the door and did not dare to go in.

Standing at the door of the study, Chang He first raised his hand and knocked on the door, then raised his voice, "My lord, lunch is ready."

"Understood, let's go down first."

It was Cheng Qi who was beside Yu Huaijin who answered her, Chang He pursed his lips, and went to the dining room first in response.

Not long after, Yu Huaijin came over and saw that only his bowl and chopsticks were placed on the dining table, so she asked, "Has the princess ever eaten?"

Originally, Changhe was serving people soup and vegetables. Hearing this, he put down his things and replied:
"Returning to the son, the servant has already delivered the meal to the princess, and the servant you ordered, the servant has also taken it to the Moyin Pavilion."


Yu Huaijin responded when she heard the words, and did not speak any more.

Remembering what the princess said before leaving Moyinge, Chang He said again, "My lord, the princess said that she will come to see you in the afternoon."

"Well, I got it." Yu Huaijin still had that calm look, eating the food in his hand.

Seeing this, Chang He didn't speak any more, just stood aside and waited quietly. The only sound in the dining room was the clashing of bowls and chopsticks.

"Okay, let's remove these things."

Yu Huaijin put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, gave Chang He a word, got up and left.

Chang He kept looking at Yu Huaijin's leaving back, until he disappeared around the corner, and then looked away, "Pack up everything."

Originally, Chang He did everything about Yu Huaijin herself, but today she didn't have that kind of thought, and she just gave a word to someone else and left.
After returning to the room, Chang He couldn't help thinking of the scene when she sent that aunt away in the morning...

"Young girl looks young, but I never thought that she is already the steward of the prime minister's mansion. She is really capable." Yun Xiu looked at Chang He who was leading the way, and praised earnestly.

Yun Xiu has been with the queen mother for many years, and it is very easy to coax a little girl who only works in the inner house and has never seen the world.

Sure enough, when Chang He heard such a compliment, his cheeks flushed slightly, and his heart softened at Yun Xiu's loving and sincere expression, and he only regarded Yun Xiu as an approachable elder.

"Auntie praised me. I just do some daily chores. It's really useless. It's just that the young master doesn't dislike it."

"The prime minister is generous. It is the girl's blessing to have such a master."

These words reached Chang He's heart.

Looking at Chang He's red face, Yun Xiu felt amused in her heart. After all, she was a little girl, so she really couldn't hide her thoughts, but... if this thought was used well, it would be convenient for them.

Walking from the inner courtyard to the front hall, Yun Xiu already had an idea in his mind, but he didn't speak immediately.

"Auntie, go slowly." Chang He said obediently as he sent him outside the gate of the mansion.

"Not busy, can you take a step to talk?" Yunxiu glanced at the side, saw that Changhe was hesitant, and continued: "Originally, we should not talk about the master's affairs as slaves, but see you today. When I saw the girl, I felt very kind, and you are a loyal master, if I don't tell you today, wouldn't it be my fault if something happened tomorrow?"

Hearing that Yun Xiu mentioned Yu Huaijin, Chang He's heart was suddenly disturbed, and he was obediently pulled aside by Yun Xiu.

Hearing Yun Xiu's words, Chang He's expression changed from suspicion at the beginning to surprise, and finally became very dignified.

After finishing speaking, Yun Xiu glanced at the other party's expression, and knew that the other party believed her words, and patted her on the shoulder, "The girl will be sent here, and the servant will go back to the palace."

After speaking, he left with the others, leaving only Chang He standing there alone.

(End of this chapter)

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