I was coddled after teasing the insane and cold power

Chapter 21 1 Everything depends on how you choose

Chapter 21 Everything depends on how you choose

Gu Qian'er followed people into the palace, and after a few words with the queen mother, the queen mother excused her from being mentally ill and let her leave.

At this time, there were at least three hours before the evening palace banquet, but the queen mother said she wanted to rest, so she couldn't stay longer, so she had to bow and leave.

Coming out of Shoukang Palace, Gu Qian'er smiled slightly at Shang Xiaoxi's aggrieved and angry expression, "Come with me to the Imperial Garden."


Gu Qian'er hadn't gone far with the people when she heard Yunxiu's voice behind her.

"Princess, wait."

Gu Qian'er stopped when she heard this, and stood there waiting for Yun Xiu to come over.

After someone came over, Gu Qian'er said, "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Yun Xiu smiled very kindly, "The Empress Dowager got a jade ruyi and wanted to give it to the princess as a pillow. The servant came here because she wanted Aunt Xu to go to the warehouse with the servant to get it."

"Thank you Queen Mother," Gu Qian'er thanked her first, and then said to Xu Di who was beside her, "Then Aunt Xu will follow along."


Gu Qian'er stood there for a while and watched Xu Di's leaving back, said nothing, and left with the remaining two people.

As a result, as soon as she reached the Royal Garden, Gu Qian'er was stopped by someone again, and she turned her head to see that it was the maid next to Gu Ruo'er, Qingyu.

"My servant has seen the princess." Qing Yu walked up to Gu Qian'er and saluted politely.

"It's Qingyu, what's the matter?"

"The princess said that it is rare for you to enter the palace, so I have prepared a small gift for you to take with you when you leave."

Hearing Qing Yu's words, Gu Qian'er was not surprised, she still nodded her head in thanks, "Thank you for my princess's kindness, Xiaomei, you can go and get it with Miss Qing Yu."


After Xiaomei also left with others, Gu Qianer looked around, and finally pointed to the pavilion not far away, "Xiaoxi, let's sit there for a while."

Xiao Xi naturally nodded and followed Gu Qian'er.

When he got close to the pavilion, he realized that there was already someone inside, and it was Concubine Yun.

When Gu Qianer saw her, Concubine Yun just turned her head and saw Gu Qianer standing outside, and greeted warmly, "Princess, please come in and sit down."

The hospitality is hard to come by, Gu Qian'er didn't refuse, she nodded and walked over to sit opposite Concubine Yun.

"It's rare for me to go out for a walk today, so I met the princess, which is also fate." Concubine Yun spoke first.

"It's Qian'er's luck to be able to sit and drink tea with a fairy-like figure like Concubine Yun." Gu Qian'er smiled and spoke sincerely.

What Gu Qianer said was true, Concubine Yun did have a beautiful face, otherwise, His Majesty would not have fallen in love with her at first sight, determined to bring her into the harem, and even did not hesitate to fight against the officials for her.

When Concubine Yun heard this, she immediately laughed, and didn't answer the question, she turned to talk about another matter, "Speaking of which day I was in Shoukang Palace, I blamed this palace for talking too much, which caused you to be punished by the empress, Please don't blame the princess."

"What did the empress say, Qian'er knows, and the empress is also kind, so how could she blame the empress?"

Concubine Yun was very happy to hear that the other party didn't mind, she turned her head and said: "Fang Huan, you go back and bring the pair of gold silk and jade bracelets on the dressing table in this palace, and give them to the princess."

"Yes." Fang Huan knew that this was her master's pleasure, so she didn't want to spoil her interest, so she answered and went back to the palace to get her things.

After Fang Huan left, Concubine Yun looked at Gu Qian'er again, and said sarcastically, "The princess is absurd, my family background is slightly cold, but it's nothing more than a wandering duckweed in the world, life and death are all different. It's in the hands of others, not in your own hands."

Speaking of herself, Concubine Yun showed a helpless wry smile on her face, her eyes were filled with imperceptible sadness, and there was also a flash of hatred.

"Qian'er is different from Empress. She believes that man will conquer nature. The so-called involuntary and helpless is just an excuse for the weak to comfort themselves and prevaricate others."

Gu Qian'er smiled softly, but her gaze on Concubine Yun was very firm, and she continued:

"Besides, the empress is in a high position now, and is favored by her majesty. There is a difference from before. Whether the empress forgets the past or remembers the past, it is only in the empress's mind."

"Only in the moment of my thought..." Concubine Yun repeated in a low voice.

"However, I still want to remind my mother," Gu Qian'er interrupted, seeing Concubine Yun raised her head again, and then said, "Life is like this, take care of one thing and lose the other, there is never the best of both worlds, if the mother chooses, she will look forward to the future." do not regret."

"The best of both worlds..." Concubine Yun smiled wryly, from the moment she entered the palace, there was no such thing as perfection or beauty.

It just so happened that Fang Huan came back with something, and both of them agreed tacitly not to continue the topic just now.

"Your Majesty, this servant has brought the jade bracelet." Then she opened the box and put it in front of Concubine Yun.

Concubine Yun looked at the pair of bracelets in front of her, and was silent for a long time. Finally, she picked up one of them and put it in front of Gu Qianer, "This jade bracelet is not worth anything, but it is also a wish of this palace. Please don't dislike it, princess. Take it."

"Okay, Qian'er, thank you, Ma'am, I will definitely take good care of this bracelet." Gu Qian'er promised earnestly, and put it away carefully.

"It's getting late, I'll go back to the palace first, and I'll ask the princess to talk later when I'm free." After finishing speaking, Concubine Yun got up and was about to leave.

"My lady, go slowly."

Fang Huan signaled the people behind to cover the box on the table and take it away, and then helped Concubine Yun go back to the palace.

On the way, Fang Huan really couldn't figure it out, and finally couldn't hold back, and asked: "Your Majesty, you asked the servant to bring all the pair of bracelets, why did you only give the princess one in the end?"

If the empress had said this at the beginning, then she would definitely have only brought one over. Now, in front of others, giving one and keeping another for herself, wouldn't it be a joke for that princess?
"It's because I didn't think carefully," Concubine Yun said with a good-tempered smile, "It's just that when I saw the jade bracelet, I suddenly remembered that this thing was a gift from His Majesty, how could I give it all to others, so I just temporarily I changed my mind and left one."

Concubine Yun naturally understood what Fang Huan was thinking, and explained with a smile, "Don't worry, I just talked to the princess a few words, she is not such a fussy person."

In other words, what the other party cares about is far from being comparable to a bracelet...

On the other side, Xiao Xi next to Gu Qian'er had a completely different idea.

"Princess, Concubine Yun must like you very much for doing this." Xiaoxi was really happy for her master.

"is it?"

"Yes." Xiaoxi nodded earnestly. This jade bracelet is the proof that the princess and Concubine Yun are on good terms, and Concubine Yun is deeply favored by His Majesty. In the future, if other people want to trouble them, they will have to weigh it.

Thinking of this, Xiaoxi hurriedly said: "Princess, please put this bracelet on."

"No need," Gu Qian'er shook her head, and stuffed the bracelet into Xiaoxi's hand, "Put it away."

Concubine Yun gave her this bracelet, not for her to wear it.

Xiao Xi didn't know what Gu Qian'er was thinking, but seeing the princess's appearance, she knew that she really didn't want to wear this bracelet, so she had to put it away.

(End of this chapter)

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