Chapter 36

These words were ingenious, not only explaining the reason but also pleading guilty, and finally blocked her words.

If she continues to care about, then it will become that she cares about every detail, making a fuss over a molehill, and is not considerate enough.

It's a bit clever, Gu Qian'er thought, but it's a pity that her brain was used on her.

"I'm just asking casually. Why did the girl start apologizing? Get up quickly."

Seeing that Gu Qian'er did not pursue further, Chang He was relieved, and at the same time had his own judgment.

It seems that this princess is also a paper tiger, she is nothing more than a swank, at most she can say a few words of prestige verbally, and there is nothing more.

"Thank you princess." Chang He stood up again.

"Princess, I wonder if this servant can go and see the servants in your yard."

"Okay, Xiaoxi, you can take someone there." Gu Qian'er was very straightforward.

After instructing Xiao Xi, Gu Qian'er looked at Chang He at the side again, "After we see you later, I will invite the girl to come back again."

Unexpectedly, Gu Qian'er agreed so quickly, and even made a request to her. She was a little dazed for a while, but she quickly realized that she nodded and followed Xiaoxi out.

Walking to the door, Xiaoxi looked at the lazy men scattered around the yard, with a sneer on her face, "It seems that the girl is really busy with her affairs, and even the subordinates have forgotten to restrain and discipline them. I really envy them that they can work under the girl's hands." job."

Hearing Xiao Xi's eccentric words, Chang He couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately reprimanded those lazy people loudly.

"What are you doing! This is the princess's yard, and you dare to be lazy like this in front of me! Do you really understand the rules!"

Those who were lazy at first heard Chang He's angry roar, quickly stood up, walked in front of Chang He again, and stood upright.

Changhe was already angry at this time, but Xiaoxi still said from the side, "Girl, don't be so angry, if you want the slaves to obey the rules, how can it be done in a day or two by scolding alone?"

"The girl is in charge of the entire backyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion. She has a heavy responsibility. When things happen, she should be more calm. If she really gets angry with herself, won't the whole Prime Minister's Mansion be in chaos?"

Xiaoxi seems to be persuading Changhe, but in fact, every word and every word is poking at people's hearts, but Xiaoxi is also the person next to the princess, and she is not in her charge, so she can only endure it forcefully.

"Miss Xiaoxi is right. I will discipline the servants of the prime minister's mansion from now on. Don't worry about it. Let's go to the courtyard of those servants now."

Hearing Chang He change the subject, Xiao Xi also nodded obediently, "Okay, then let's go."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the nervous men with their heads down, and said to Chang He in a compliment, "Young lady is smart, she brought someone here ahead of time without knowing what happened, which saves us Time to wait."

Looking at Xiaoxi's back, the knuckles of Changhe's hand hanging by his side turned white, showing how angry she was.

In the end, he took a deep breath to calm himself down, raised his legs and followed Xiao Xi's pace, and at the same time signaled the people behind him to follow quickly.

Chang He and his group followed Xiao Xi into the yard, and when they saw the wooden boards nailed to the door and windows, they didn't know how to react for a while, and they all froze in place.

They didn't expect such a scene. They thought it was just that there was no food, but looking at the two tightly nailed rooms, it was not only that there was no food and drink, but even Lazard was not allowed.

Xiao Xi was very calm, raised his chin, and gestured to Chang He and the others: "Here, everyone is inside, just remove the wooden boards nailed outside."

Hearing Xiao Xi's words, Chang He realized it, and quickly signaled the people behind him to remove the wooden boards on the doors and windows.

He walked to the doors of the two rooms one after another, and asked how the people inside were doing, with a caring and understanding look.

The maids and nurses who had been imprisoned for so many days, when they heard the voice of Chang He, they were all very excited, and walked to the door with their weak bodies.

One by one, they all lay on the door of the room and opened their mouths, talking in a hurry——

"Sister Changhe, is it Sister Changhe!"

"Sister Changhe, you are here, let us out quickly."

"Yes, yes, sister Changhe, we all know we were wrong, please let us out."

"Sister, we must work hard in the future and won't do it again. Let us out quickly."


Hearing their pleading and repentance, Chang He hurriedly spoke out to comfort him.

"Don't worry, everyone. I came here this time to bring you out. Wait a little longer. After you take these things apart, you can come out."

The people trapped in the room did see the figure outside the door, as well as the sound of the planks being torn down and thrown on the ground. Knowing that Chang He was not lying, they all fell silent, waiting for the people outside to open the door.

After appeasing those people, Chang He walked up to Xiao Xi again, with a bad expression on his face, and said, "Girl, is it a little too much for you to do this?"

"No matter what you say, they can be regarded as members of the prime minister's mansion. Since they entered the mansion as errands, they have never been hungry. Even if they did something wrong and made the princess unhappy, they can be handed over to me. Why treat them like this Woolen cloth?!"

When Chang He said these words, he deliberately raised his volume, so that everyone outside and inside the room could hear them clearly.

Xiaoxi looked at this hypocritical and playful woman in front of her, and felt disgusted.

He simply stopped being polite to her, sneered, and spoke directly, with a louder voice than Chang He just now——

"Girl, you haven't figured out the ins and outs of this matter yet, so I advise you to keep your words down!"

"Besides, it's just a few meals missing, and I haven't seen anyone starving to death inside, right? Why make such a fuss?"

"The reason for treating them like this is because they neglected their duties first, and talked about their master later. It is already extraordinarily merciful to lock them up and starve for a few days."

"If they were in the palace, they dared to be so ignorant of the rules, they would have been dragged out and beaten to death with sticks, why would they be allowed to beg for mercy in front of the girl?"

"I know that the girl has a kind heart, but it's just that you can't get around without rules. The girl is still in charge of the Xiangfu. I advise you to put away this useless kindness as soon as possible."

After speaking, he turned his head to the other side, looking extremely disgusted.

Originally, Changhe just wanted to sell well in front of those people, but he was mercilessly taught by Xiaoxi, not to mention that he failed to achieve his goal, but instead made himself lose face in front of those people.

Chang He was annoyed in his heart. This Xiao Xi, who usually looks dumb, did not expect to be so eloquent. He really underestimated her before!
 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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