The front hall of the Prime Minister's Mansion is very large, and the servants are all standing in the courtyard, so unless the people inside speak loudly, those standing outside cannot hear what the people inside are saying.

Outside of them, they only saw the princess turned her head and said something to the prime minister, the prime minister nodded, and Xiaoxi who was beside the princess walked towards them.

After Xiaoxi walked up to them, reached out and pointed out a few people, he told them to follow them in.

I saw that those people who were called over were all people who had worked in Moyin Pavilion before and were punished by the princess.

At this time, the others suddenly understood, it seemed that they were going to settle accounts with them, and at the same time, they were glad that they were not selected to serve the princess.

And those who followed Xiaoxi into the main hall felt very uneasy, even though they had already been punished twice before, they were still very worried, because it was not Yu Huaijin who punished them the second time, but Chang He.

But now Changhe himself may face heavy punishment, let alone them, so if the prime minister wants to punish him again, it is not impossible.

"Princess, everyone is here."

Xiaoxi looked back at Qian'er and said.

"The servants greet the princess and the prime minister." A group of servants knelt down in unison.

Yu Huaijin didn't speak, Gu Qianer watched them kneeling there, everyone was nervous.

Knowing what they were afraid of, Gu Qian'er first spoke to comfort them, "Don't be nervous, I called you here not to punish them, but there are some things that I don't understand, so I will ask you to clarify."

Hearing that it was not a punishment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the person kneeling at the front said, "Thank you, princess, just ask the princess, if the servants will know everything."

Listening to Gu Qian'er's words, Yu Huaijin's eyes flashed with emotion, but no one noticed it.

He only said that he would not punish people and let them cooperate with his questioning. After the questioning was over, the people would still be handed over to him.

Because this was agreed before, the servants of the Xiangfu will naturally be dealt with by the prime minister, so these people will still be punished in the end.

But at this time, Gu Qian'er didn't say it clearly, and those people didn't react, and now they looked at Gu Qian'er with a little gratitude.

This princess is quite smart, not simple.

Regarding Yu Huaijin's inner thoughts, Gu Qian'er didn't know, so after getting a reply from the servant, she started to question her.

"I would like to know, how did you know about the rumors that my palace is ominous, that it is a calamity, that it not only hurt the third prince of Xirong, but also offended the queen mother?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Changhe's servants who were kneeling on the ground turned pale, Cheng Qi was even shocked, and Yu Huaijin's expression was also very ugly.

Although these things are not all related to Gu Qian'er, it is undeniable that these things have happened.

It's just that Gu Qian'er is a princess who was ordered to get married after all. If these things are spread, it may affect the marriage between Jiang Chao and Xi Rong, so His Majesty once issued an oral order not to allow the palace people to spread this matter.

So this matter, no matter whether it is the officials of the court or the masters and slaves in the palace, these things are rarely mentioned again.

Right now, these people are just servants of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Yu Huaijin never said where did they know about it.

Not only did he know, but he also publicized it, and even dared to slander and criticize the current princess behind his back.

Seeing Yu Huaijin's ugly face, no one dared to speak first, and the hall was silent.

"The princess is asking, if you know something, don't hesitate to say it, you have to be tortured, so you will open your mouth obediently!" Cheng Qi on the side warned directly.

Those people were a little scared at first, but after being warned by Cheng Qi's stern and fierce voice, they couldn't bear it anymore.

You said everything to each other, and you made it clear how you knew the rumor and who told you the rumor.

As a result, it went around like this, and finally came around to a man who looked very honest.

Wang Gui pointed to the man and said: "Princess, you know the lesson. That day, the servant was just resting. It was Zhao Li. He took the initiative to tell you...your rumors. At that time, the servant didn't believe it, and said he was talking nonsense, but Immediately afterwards, he gave out more details, even, even brought out Master Konghan, the servant, and the servant believed it."

After Wang Gui told everything about that day, he lay down on the ground, trembling all the time.

Gu Qian'er didn't care about Wang Gui, but looked at Zhao Li next to him, with a calm expression and a flat tone, "Zhao Li, where did you know these things?"

Although the person in front of him was not angry, and even his voice was the same as usual, Zhao Li felt fear.

At this moment, facing Gu Qian'er's questioning, with Yu Huaijin beside him, how could he dare to lie, and kowtowed desperately, "The slave deserves to die, the slave is guilty, I say, I say everything."

"Then tell me all you know."

After receiving Gu Qian'er's instructions, Zhao Li stopped kowtowing, straightened up and started talking.

"Shortly after the prime minister ordered to fine our monthly money, one afternoon, Changhe called the slave over to help her with something."

"You don't need to do complicated things. You just need to tell the other people in Moyinge about the rumors that the princess is ill. OK."

"In short, we want everyone in Moyinge to believe that the princess is a disaster, and everyone's sudden bad luck is because of serving the princess."

"Originally, the slave was unwilling at first, but... but Changhe gave the slave a lot of money, and the slave was fascinated for a while, so... he agreed."

After Zhao Li finished speaking, he didn't even dare to lift his head, and kowtowed to beg for mercy, "Princess, prime minister, servant... The servant was really confused for a moment, please forgive me, princess, and prime minister."

Gu Qian'er didn't pay attention to Zhao Li's begging for mercy, but turned her head to look at the ashen-faced Chang He, "Zhao Lizhi, what do you want to refute, girl?"

Seeing that Chang He didn't speak, Gu Qian'er continued to speak, "Girl didn't speak, did she acquiesce? Then I would like to ask, I have no grievances or enmity with you when I first entered the prime minister's mansion, why did you use those subordinates? People come to fight against this palace?"

Chang He still didn't speak, as if he didn't hear the question Gu Qianer asked.

But Chang He didn't hear it clearly, but the other people present did, and from Gu Qian'er's words, they also understood the fact that it was Chang He's fault that they ended up like this today!

She didn't know why she hated the princess, but she used them to target the princess, it was extremely despicable!
In front of the prime minister and the princess, they didn't dare to have any radical words and actions, so they could only stare fiercely at Chang He.

If eyes could kill, Chang He would have been killed by those people's eyes many times!
I overestimated myself, I thought I could let Changhe go offline tonight, but it looks like it will be tomorrow night TT

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