I was coddled after teasing the insane and cold power

Chapter 47 Finding out the whole story

Looking at these people in the yard holding their voices and holding their breath, Cheng Qifei didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but was very satisfied.

Killing chickens to scare monkeys and let them know how to be afraid is the result he wants.

A gleam of satisfaction flashed in Cheng Qi's eyes, then he walked into the courtyard and began to lecture them——

"Have you seen everything clearly!"

"This is what happens if you don't do your job well, gossip, spread rumors, and disrespect your master!"

"You all better remember today and the lessons of these people!"

"I hope you understand that the entry of the princess into the mansion is a happy event, an honor, and a gift from His Majesty to value the Prime Minister's Mansion!"

"From now on, the princess will be your other master. Regardless of whether you will be selected to serve in the Moyin Pavilion or not, when you see the princess, you will always respect me."

"If anyone dares to play tricks in front of the face and behind the back, then don't blame me for being rude!"

"Finally, if I hear that there are still people in this mansion spreading any remarks that are not good for the princess, then that person will pay a hundred times more painful price than them! Do you understand!"

"Yes! The servant understands!" Everyone replied loudly.

Cheng Qi's voice was not loud, but it still reached everyone's ears clearly.

Such a firm and direct voice made everyone present understand the fact that——

In the future, in this prime minister's mansion, the most honorable and the least offending one is the princess.

If you offend the prime minister, there may be room for change, but if you offend the princess, let alone the attitude of the princess and the royal family, the prime minister will be the first to spare you.

Thinking about the tragic situation of those people just now, everyone became more determined to serve the princess well.

"Okay, let's go."

Seventy percent of what should be said has already been said, and the rest depends on how they choose and how to do it.

Thinking of Yu Huaijin's order before, Cheng Qi didn't delay, and hurried to work...
Cheng Qi got the news he wanted and went to the study.

Pushing open the door, he found that Yu Huaijin was leaning on the back of the chair, resting his eyes with his right hand resting on his forehead.

Hearing the sound of Cheng Qi pushing the door in, Yu Huaijin opened his eyes.

After someone approached, Yu Huaijin said, "How is it?"

Knowing what Yu Huaijin was asking, Cheng Qi told all the news he got.

"Master, the subordinates have investigated everything about Chang He."

"When she first entered the mansion, she was considered diligent and capable, and she treated the people below with fair rewards and punishments."

"But since she made a mistake a few times, and you didn't blame her too much, her attitude has changed slightly."

"Not only have people before and after hinted many times that they are about to become the master of this palace, they are also forming cliques in the palace."

"Those who flatter and flatter her will often be given easy and oily jobs; while those who have not shown goodwill to her will be assigned some dirty and tiring jobs."

"Because you seldom take care of the affairs of this yard, master, and the accounts books in the mansion are all passed by the long river, so later, she began to secretly embezzle the money in the mansion, or buy clothes and jewelry for herself, or invite those She eats and drinks with those who flatter her."

"Before the princess entered the mansion, she had embezzled nearly 100 taels of silver."

Speaking of this, Cheng Qi raised his eyes to look at Yu Huaijin, and saw that he didn't respond, so he continued,

"On the day the princess entered the mansion, she sent Yun Xiu, who was beside the queen mother, out. She also heard the rumors about the princess in the mansion at that time."

"Afterwards, someone broke into the prime minister's mansion at night, and his subordinates took people to the Moyin Pavilion, and found that there was no one on duty. Master, you punished Chang He on the grounds that you were not doing well."

"From then on, Chang He believed that her mistake was discovered and you started to keep a distance from her, all because of the princess entering the mansion."

"So during the time you left, she started targeting and making things difficult for the princess."

"It's just that she didn't expect you to come back so suddenly. She didn't even have time to hide herself, and we discovered it."

"Hmph, so the princess and I are at fault for all this, but she is not at fault at all." Yu Huaijin pinched her brows, her tone tinged with sarcasm.

Cheng Qi was silent and didn't answer.

"It's fine if other people didn't find out about this matter. Could it be that those who guarded outside Moyin Pavilion also didn't find out?" Yu Huaijin asked.

Hearing Yu Huaijin's question about this matter, Cheng Qi immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty, "It's because my subordinates didn't think well."

At the beginning, those people were asked to guard around the Moyin Pavilion to let them observe whether any suspicious people entered or passed the Moyin Pavilion, but they forgot to tell them that they should report any movement in the Moying Pavilion in time.

At that time those people also knew what happened in Moyinge, but at that time they only thought that it was an ordinary master punishing a slave, although they all saw it, they didn't report it.

That's why after they returned home, Xiaoxi who was next to Gu Qian'er made a big fuss, and only then did they roughly know the ins and outs of the matter.

"Forget it, get up."

Things have already happened, and it is useless to pursue them now.

"Yes." Cheng Qi stood up, thought for a while, and asked, "Master, what should Chang He do?"

Hearing this, Yu Huaijin raised her eyebrows slightly, and said directly, "Take back the 100 taels, slap the mouth one hundred, stick the stick fifty, and rush to Zhuangzi outside the city."

Cheng Qi was not surprised by such a punishment. He just nodded and asked again: "Master, once Chang He leaves, the position of steward in the mansion will be vacant. Who do you think will take this position?"

"This afternoon, you personally send those people to Zhuangzi outside the city, and when you come back, bring Steward Wu back."

"Yes, the subordinate will leave first."

After Cheng Qi finished speaking, he was about to turn around and go out, but before he could act, he was stopped by Yu Huaijin.

"Wait," Yu Huaijin looked at Cheng Qi, and said, "Tell Chang He to shut up, and don't let her have another chance to tell others those words."

Cheng Qi understood instantly, nodded, and replied: "Yes, this subordinate understands."

After Cheng Qi left, Yu Huaijin smiled wryly, feeling a little helpless in her heart.

Although Steward Wu was ill at the beginning, it is not that there is no one in the mansion who can take over.

It's just that he thought that Chang He grew up beside his mother, and now that his mother died of illness, she was alone and helpless, so he used this excuse to take him back to the Prime Minister's residence.

Later, when she made a mistake, it was because she and her mother had paid a lot for his mother that he didn't criticize her too much.

Originally thought that she would take it as a warning, but he didn't expect that his tolerance and not pursuing it would actually fuel her ambition and make her have more delusions for no reason, which led to the current situation.

It was really his fault...

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