Chapter 55 Going Out
Today is the day when the test will be released, and there is no need to go early.

After having breakfast with Gu Qian'er, Yu Huaijin went directly to the study to deal with court affairs.

"Cheng Qi, is the teacher in?" Gu Qian'er changed her clothes for going out, and came to the door of the study again.

"Yes," Cheng Qi hurriedly stood up straight, saw Gu Qian'er changed into another outfit, and asked, "Is the princess ready to go out?"

"Well," Gu Qian'er nodded, "It's ready, so come over and talk to the teacher."

"Since that's the case, the princess should go in quickly."

Cheng Qi didn't say anything waiting for him to report, but turned sideways and let Gu Qianer go in.

If it was someone else, no matter who came, if he wanted to enter Yu Huaijin's study, he had to wait outside first, and wait for him to report.

But the princess is different, she is considered the master's student now, and the master has also ordered before that the princess does not need to stop her from entering or leaving the study.

So Cheng Qi stopped blocking him.

Although Gu Qian'er was allowed to enter and leave the study, she still didn't act too presumptuously.

Looking at the closed door in front of him, he didn't push the door directly to enter, but knocked on the door politely first: "Teacher."

Yu Huaijin was seriously reviewing the memorial, when she suddenly heard Gu Qian'er's voice outside the door, she couldn't help feeling a little strange.

Didn't you say you were going out?Why did you come to the study?
But he still put down the things in his hand and raised his voice, "Come in."

Gu Qian'er entered in response, and when Yu Huaijin raised her head, a plain white came into view.

After people approached, he realized that it was Gu Qian'er who changed her clothes.

Although she usually wears casual clothes in the prime minister's mansion, Gu Qian'er is a princess after all, and her status is there, so even her daily attire is more gorgeous and complicated than others.

But today's Gu Qian'er is quite different. She is wearing a moon-white dress, with silver thread embroidered with back patterns on it. When she moves her hands and feet, the silver thread intersects with light and dark, as if it will flow.

The long black hair like a waterfall fell obediently behind her, and there was only a simple bun on her head, with only a few pearls as embellishments on it, and a few strands of hair hanging down from her temples and forehead, looking bright and lively.

Such a simple dress not only didn't make Gu Qian'er look stingy, but made her more elegant and refined, like a fairy born out of dust.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the person who had already walked in front of her, Yu Huaijin came back to her senses and asked proactively.

"Teacher, I'm going to go out later, so I'm here to tell you."

"Got it." Yu Huaijin nodded.

After thinking for a while, he warned: "Today the rankings are released, there is a jumble of fish and dragons on the street, let Si Qi and the others follow closely, and no one is allowed to act without authorization, you understand?"

"Well, I remember." Knowing that the teacher cared about her, Gu Qian'er obediently agreed.

"Teacher, I'm going out then."


Seeing Yu Huaijin nodding, Gu Qian'er turned and left impatiently.

Looking at her cheerful and light back, Yu Huaijin knew that the other party probably didn't listen to what he said just now.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, forget it, after all, I'm still a child who hasn't grown up, so there's nothing wrong with playing a little bit.

Immediately, Cheng Qi at the door was called in, "Send two more people to follow Qian'er, don't need to show up, just protect secretly."


Cheng Qi got the order, turned around and went to pick someone from the dark guard...
"Princess, the street outside is so lively."

Xiaoxi followed Gu Qian'er, and looked very excited when she saw the noise of people around and the appearance of people coming and going.

"Hush," Gu Qian'er put her index finger on her mouth through the veil, and corrected, "I told you, you'll call me Miss outside."

Xiaoxi quickly covered her mouth when she heard the words, looked around, and found that no one noticed them, so she was relieved.

"Yes, miss, this servant has remembered."

Now the streets are full of people, shoulder to shoulder, and it's not interesting to walk around.

Gu Qian'er looked at Si Qi and Xiao Xi who had been struggling to protect herself from being squeezed by others, and said, "Why don't we find a place to rest."

"Okay, okay." Xiaoxi nodded quickly when she heard this.

The last few people chose a restaurant that was closer to the place where the list was posted, and asked for a private room.

After entering the door, Xiaoxi first helped Gu Qian'er to sit down, then walked around the room twice, walked to the window, and looked out.

Finally, she returned to Gu Qian'er and said, "Princess is a good place. Although it's a restaurant, it's clean and elegant. It's close to the place where the poster is posted. You can see it when you open the window."

"It's nice to be able to eat without delaying the fun."

Gu Qian'er smiled slightly at Xiaoxi, then turned to look at the people beside her, "It was Si Jiu who mentioned it, otherwise I don't know how to choose."

Si Jiu just smiled at this and didn't speak.

"The rankings are released, the rankings are released! Go check it out!"

Candidates have been working hard for ten years, studying hard day and night, just for this moment, so when they heard the news, they didn't care about etiquette, and hurried to the place where the list was posted.

There were also some ordinary people and vendors who rushed over to join in the fun.

When Gu Qian'er walked to the window, what she saw was the scene of everyone running to one place.

After the red list was posted, all the candidates began to look for their names on it——

Those who found it were elated, and some even shouted happily, "I've won, I've won!" which drew compliments and congratulations from a group of people next to them.

Those who failed to find their names silently left the crowd, looking downcast. Everyone knew what was going on when they saw this, and they all tacitly did not come forward to talk.

It was lively like this for a long time, those who won the rankings met in twos and threes to celebrate, while most of the losers left alone.

Seeing this, the common people and traders who were watching the excitement gradually dispersed and went to do their own things.

After watching the fun, it was time for lunch.

Gu Qian'er listened to the recommendations of the restaurant staff and ordered a few signature dishes. Unexpectedly, all of them were delicious.

Looking at the dishes on this big table, Gu Qianer waved to the people next to her, "Sit down and eat together, too."

Several people instinctively refused, but finally sat down and ate at the same table with Gu Qian'er.

In the prime minister's mansion.

Wu Tian stood outside the study and waited patiently.

Seeing Cheng Qi coming out from inside, he hurried forward, "How is it?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Qi reached out and closed the door, shaking his head, "He said he had to deal with those things first before eating."

"Oh," Wu Tian sighed when he heard the words, "Then when will we have to wait?"

I'm afraid I'll have to wait until night, Cheng Qi answered silently in his heart, because when he went in, there were still more than half of the papers on the table that he hadn't read.

"Then I'll bring the food down first to warm it up. When the young master wants to eat, I'll bring it over."

"Okay." Cheng Qi nodded.

But when he saw the back of Butler Wu leaving, he had a feeling in his heart that the master would wait until the evening, and then have dinner together after the princess came back...

(End of this chapter)

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