Chapter 59

It was midnight, and the capital, which had been bustling all day long, returned to tranquility. The people had already turned off their lights to rest, restaurants and restaurants were also closed, and only watchmen were still walking through the streets and alleys.


Several men with bruised noses and swollen faces, with rags stuffed in their mouths, were tied up and randomly thrown by the moat.

The few people standing next to them were all dressed in black clothes and wore weapons around their waists. Although they all had black scarves covering their faces, they could clearly feel the murderous aura on their bodies just from their eyes.

The few people who fell on the ground almost cried out——

Today is such an ominous day that everything is inappropriate. If I had known it earlier, I would not have gone out.

First of all, a little lady ruined a good thing, and she didn't get any money or sex, not to mention, she was beaten quite a lot instead!

A few big men combined were no match for the two nursing homes of the family, so they could only cover their wounds, dryly uttered a harsh word, and ran away in desperation.

When he came back from drinking at night, he was knocked out as soon as he entered the door, and when he woke up, he found himself tied up outside the city.

Although they don't think they are good people, they only dare to bully and bully ordinary people, and there will be no one who goes too far, and they dare not.

But these people in front of them can see that they have all seen blood.

Their previous tricks, put in front of these people, are like playing big swords in front of Guan Gong, just like children playing house.

Judging by the posture of the other party, they will not let them go so easily.

The few people who were tied up couldn't figure out when they had offended this group of people in front of them.

I wanted to ask clearly, but my mouth was blocked tightly, let alone asking, I couldn't even beg for mercy, I could only make a few pitiful "woo woo".

Seeing the people standing on the side not looking sideways from the beginning to the end, they turned a blind eye to the movement made by the few of them, standing there like a statue, and gradually quieted down.

After waiting anxiously for a while in my heart, I saw several people who were originally immobile turned around and saluted in one direction, "My lord."

As soon as the voice fell, a person was seen pacing out from the dark place, holding a folding fan in his hand, and the upper half of his face was covered by a silver mask, so that people could not see his appearance.

"Is everyone here?" The man tapped his folding fan in his palm.

"Yes, my lord."

After carefully looking at the few people on the ground, the man suddenly laughed, "I thought it was some powerful character, but it turned out to be such a low-level person."

As he spoke, he squatted down and lifted the chin of one of them with the folding fan in his hand, "I'm quite courageous, but I have bad eyesight."

"I don't know him, so I think he is weak and can be bullied. Look, he has been kicked to the iron plate."

After the man finished speaking, he put away the folding fan, stood up, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared completely.

"Goug out these people's eyes, cut off their tongues, and then throw them into the river to feed the fish."

When the few people who were tied up heard this, their livers and gallbladders were torn apart with fright.

At this moment, looking at the few people who were coming towards them, it was as if they had seen the evil ghost Rakshasa, wriggling backward like a maggot.

However, no matter how much they tried to dodge, it was useless. Several people were quickly caught, first their Ya points were tapped, and then their eyes were gouged out one by one, and their tongues were cut off.

Watching them open their mouths wide, but unable to yell out, they could only fall helplessly on the ground, their bodies curled up into a ball, trembling uncontrollably, like a dying fish.

Seeing them like this, the man nodded in satisfaction, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again, and his tone was very gentle, "If you are still a human being in your next life, remember to keep your eyes bright."

"Some people are not something you can arrange."

After saying that, the man pointed to the moat beside him, "Throw him down."


There were only a few "plops" in a row, and when it quieted down, only the masked man and a few of his men were left on the bank.

Seeing the ripples on the river gradually disappear, the man yawned lazily, "Go back."

After a few breaths, the moat returned to tranquility, leaving only the sound of gurgling water and the occasional chirping of insects.

Only the imperceptible smell of blood left in the air showed what happened just now.
Xiangfu's study room was still brightly lit. Yu Huaijin sat there with a gloomy face without taking a break, tapping the table regularly with her fingers.

He was waiting, waiting for the hidden guard to come back and report back.

Those who offended Qian'er, they have all seen and know their appearance, so it will not be difficult to find them.

At the foot of the Son of Heaven, in the capital city, there are still people who dare to act like this. Yu Huaijin's eyes darken. When he finds someone, he will personally deal with them, and will not let anyone go.

The room was full of silence, and the sound of knocking on the table became more obvious.

Yu Huaijin didn't speak, and Cheng Qi beside him also stood with his head bowed, without saying a word.

Fortunately, not long after, the two hidden guards came back.

It's just that the news brought back is not satisfactory.

"The person disappeared?" Yu Huaijin's tone was full of displeasure, "Speak carefully!"

Hearing the master's tone, the two didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly reported the news they got one by one.

"You obviously went home, but you lost your trace?" Cheng Qi frowned after hearing the reports from the two, and turned his gaze to Yu Huaijin who was aside.

"Master, it seems that someone was one step ahead of us and took him away."

But who could this person be?
While Cheng Qi was thinking about it, Yu Huaijin said, "Go and find out who was rescued by the princess today, and also, find out if they have offended anyone before."

"Yes." The two took the order and left.

After the people retreated, Cheng Qi on the side said, "Master, it's getting late, let's go to bed earlier, there won't be any news about this matter until tomorrow at the earliest."

Yu Huaijin nodded, stood up from her seat, "Go back to the room."

Early the next morning, Cheng Qi reported the news to Yu Huaijin.

"Master, there is nothing wrong with the man the princess rescued yesterday. He has a clean family background and is an honest and responsible scholar."

Hearing this, Yu Huaijin felt a little relieved, "Where are the traces of those people?"

Cheng Qi paused, and then said: "Master, those people have already checked, they are all thugs in the market, bully the weak and fear the hard, never dare to offend any powerful and rich family, only dare to bully some old and weak women and children."

"But... the identity of the person who robbed them should not be simple. The Shadow Pavilion has not yet found out who did it."

Hearing this, Yu Huaijin frowned. If it was the past, he would not even ask a word if they were just a few hooligans, let alone missing or missing.

But it's different now, things involve Qian'er, so he has to be careful.

"Continue to investigate, these people can't disappear out of thin air," Yu Huaijin said solemnly, without the slightest hesitation, "If you live, you want to see people, if you want to die, you want to see corpses, what happened to those people, nothing will be found, the truth is all there Know!"


(End of this chapter)

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