Just after dawn, Gu Fengxuan opened his eyes on the bed.

Thinking about today's imperial examination, I couldn't fall asleep anymore, so I simply got up.

Ying Fugui who was waiting outside heard the noise behind the bed curtain, and asked tentatively, "Your Majesty?"

"Well," Gu Fengxuan said from behind the curtain, "Get some water to wash up."


Not long after, the court ladies and eunuchs, who were crowned with dragon robes and held clear water silk cloths, filed in one after another.

After everything was tidied up, Ying Fugui said, "Your Majesty, it's still early, why don't you pass on the meal."

Gu Fengxuan thought for a while, and when the palace examination was over, probably after Mao's hour, he nodded and agreed.

Although eating breakfast, Gu Fengxuan was still thinking about the palace test later, and asked, "Is everything ready? Who is in charge up front?"

Standing by the side, Ying Fugui replied one by one: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the place for the imperial examination and all the necessary items for the examination have been prepared."

"Since last night, that place has been blocked by the imperial army, and no one is allowed to enter or leave now."

"The prime minister is in charge at the front."

"Prime Minister?" Gu Fengxuan was a little surprised, "Yu Qing came so early?"

Ying Fugui sighed when he heard the words, "That's right, the prime minister was already waiting there as soon as the palace gate opened this morning, and I don't know how long I've been waiting."

"After entering the palace, I took people to check the inside and outside of the palace examination place without stopping, and checked it up and down. After confirming that there was nothing inappropriate, I took people away."

"At the moment, I am at the front, leading the palace guards to check and confirm the candidates."

Gu Fengxuan nodded after listening, with a satisfied expression on his face, "Yu Qing has a heart, and after the palace examination is over, I will reward him well."

"Your Majesty Shengming."
As the sun rises, those candidates for the palace examination are being searched by the guards at the entrance of the side hall. They will only be allowed to enter the side hall after confirming that they are not carrying anything cheating on them.

The examinees who had been questioned and body-searched by the guards hadn't waited for the original nervous mood to calm down, just stepped into the palace door, and when they raised their heads, they received a greater shock——

Yu Huaijin, the current prime minister is sitting there!
After realizing this, the candidates present were very excited.

Yu Huaijin, in the hearts of candidates all over the world, is a god-like existence that people look up to.

At the age of 16, he won three consecutive awards, becoming the youngest and only Xinke champion Lang who won three consecutive awards since the establishment of our dynasty.

After entering the imperial court, she became even more powerful and irresistible. She supervised and handled more than a dozen major cases in a row, which won the appreciation of the late emperor. In the end, she broke the rules and made Yu Huaijin, who was only nineteen years old, the prime minister.

Yu Huaijin is brilliant, talented, modest and prudent, does not form cliques for personal gain, and the cases he supervises are all very satisfactory and beyond reproach.

Although Yushi, the official of the imperial court, wanted to stop him, he couldn't find any other faults except for his young age.

Finally, the first emperor said, "Since ancient times, heroes have been born in youth, and generals in their teens can fight on the battlefield and lead the three armies, so why can't a number one scholar in his teens be a prime minister and lead a hundred officials?" blocked the mouths of those people.

At this point, the first 19-year-old prime minister appeared in the Jiang Dynasty.

At that time, all the students all over the world took Yu Huaijin as their role model, which shows that his deeds have been widely spread.

Jiang Shen is one of them.

Ever since he planned to gain fame and serve the imperial court, he has always regarded Yu Huaijin as a role model to learn from.

Now that he suddenly sees a real person, how can he not be excited or happy.

Jiang Shen blushed with excitement, but he was relieved to see that everyone around him was like this.

It's okay, okay, from this point of view, I'm not too bad.

Jiang Shen looked away, took a deep breath, and prepared to calm himself down.

As a result, when he turned his head, he saw the man standing next to him, his face was as usual, calm and calm.

Jiang Shen couldn't help wondering, is there any student in this world who has never heard of the prime minister?
Driven by curiosity, Jiang Shen reached out and touched the man's arm, "Brother, I'm Jiang Shen, I don't know how to call you."

"Brother Jiang is polite," the man turned his head to answer, "I'm Xuan Wuwei."

Jiang Shen is as good as others, "Brother Xuan, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Xuan Wuwei nodded and turned back again.

Jiang Shen: "..."

Well, it seems that Brother Xuan is not a talkative person.

Jiang Shen didn't care, and continued to ask, "I don't know where Brother Xuan is from?"

"Ping'an Township." Xuan Wuwei said concisely, and looked away after finishing speaking.

Waiting for the other party to ask where he is from, Jiang Shen: ...

No, out of politeness, shouldn't he ask me where I am from?

Why not play the cards according to the routine?
How does this make him take it?
Jiang Shen was not discouraged, and asked several questions in succession, but the other party only answered without asking questions.

He couldn't do this anymore, it was the first time he met someone like Xuan Wuwei.

In the end, Jiang Shen decided not to engage in these detours, and asked directly: "Brother Xuan, have you heard about this prime minister's deeds before?"

Jiang Shen believed that the other party must not know, otherwise how could he be so calm.

In the end, Xuan Wuwei replied: "I have."

Right, he just said Brother Xuan didn't listen—huh? !
"Have you heard of it?!" Jiang Shen was surprised, "Why have you heard of it? Why are you so calm after seeing the prime minister?"

"It's just that I didn't show it." Xuan Wuwei replied calmly, "The imperial examination is about to begin, and the ten-year window is here. Brother Jiang, calm down."

When Xuan Wuwei said this, Jiang Shen also felt that it was reasonable.

After that, I stopped chatting, but tried to calm my mind.

After about a stick of incense, Yu Huaijin stood up from his seat, "Everyone, the time has come, follow me."

The examinees followed Yu Huaijin to the palace examination place, surrounded by guards, His Majesty and several courtiers were already waiting there.

"See Your Majesty, Long live Your Majesty, Long live, Long live!" The candidates knelt down and saluted collectively.

"Be flat!"

After getting up, each examinee was led to his own position by the palace staff.

After everyone was seated, Gu Fengxuan nodded slightly, and the palace servants at the side handed out the questions of the palace examination to everyone.

At this point, the three-year palace examination officially kicked off.

In the entire hall, apart from the rustling of the brush falling on the rice paper, there was no other abnormal sound.

The guards on the side looked at the candidates who answered the questions seriously, without any slacking off, and the ministers participating in the invigilation also sat upright and concentrated.

At the beginning, Gu Fengxuan sat high above the temple, scanning every candidate below, and when the palace examination was halfway through, he went down the steps to check the answers written by those candidates.

It's back to the previous double update state, hahahaha

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