The bustling streets of the capital were full of voices and bustling, but the bustle did not reach the prime minister's residence.

In Moyin Pavilion, Gu Qian'er was holding a book and reading alone.

She was alone in the room, only the sound of pages turning.

Not long after, Xiao Xi pushed the door open and came in.

"Princess, the prime minister is back."

"Teacher is back?" Gu Qian'er put down her book and looked at the person who walked in.


"Where is the teacher now?"

If the prime minister didn't go back to his room to rest, then she was going to meet someone.

"The prime minister has already gone back to rest," Xiaoxi replied, "I told the princess that you don't have to rush over."

"The prime minister will have dinner with you tonight."

"Well, good." Gu Qian'er nodded.

Now that the prime minister has already made arrangements, she doesn't have to worry, she can just stay in her room with peace of mind.

Gu Qian'er didn't say much, and reached out to pick up the book beside her, intending to continue reading.

As a result, he didn't pick up the book, but he noticed that Xiaoxi beside him was a little unhappy.

"What's the matter? Did you encounter any trouble?"

Now that she saw it, Gu Qian'er didn't intend to turn a blind eye.

After closing the book, he turned his gaze to Xiaoxi who was at the side.

Hearing this, Xiao Xi was obviously taken aback.

Knowing that something was showing on his face, the princess noticed it.

It seemed that he did not expect the princess to ask her about it.

But Xiaoxi quickly adjusted his expression, with a smile on his face.

The tone was also very brisk, "No, the servant girl is now the steward of the Moyin Pavilion, and all the work is handed over to the people below, so there is no trouble."

"Princess don't worry about slaves."

Xiaoxi didn't want to say these things.

One is that the princess has a noble status, and she is already very tired after studying with the prime minister on weekdays. It is better not to bother the princess with some trivial matters.

The second reason is that Xiaoxi feels that since the princess has entrusted him with the management of Moyin Pavilion, he should do it well, handle everything properly, and not ask the princess to worry about it, so that he can be regarded as worthy of the princess. her expectations.

Xiaoxi had a good idea, but Gu Qian'er was not happy.

Listening to her whitewashed and obviously concealed rhetoric, Gu Qian'er's expression did not change at all.

He spoke in a very calm tone, "Xiaoxi, tell the truth."

Gu Qian'er's tone was the same as usual, and there was not even a trace of anger in her eyes when she looked over.

But Xiaoxi somehow knew that the princess was angry.

After realizing this, Xiaoxi immediately knelt down.

Fifteen ten ten, all the things that happened among the people below were told.

In fact, it is not a big deal.

Before Xu Di wanted to be the steward of this Moyin Pavilion, but Gu Qian'er refuted it.

In the end, this job fell on Xiaoxi's head. After Xu Di found out, she was always dissatisfied.

In the yard, he was either deliberately trying to win over the maids and servants, or pointing fingers at her arrangements, picking on the bones in the egg.

But because of the lessons learned from the past, the prime minister attached great importance to the princess, the princess beat them when they first arrived, and Butler Wu came over from time to time.

Those maids and servants are also people who can understand clearly, so they just smiled and didn't answer Xu Di's wooing.

Although Xiaoxi has never done such an errand, Butler Wu will often come to give her advice, and she is also a hard worker herself, she doesn't know how to learn, and asks when she doesn't understand.

After four or five days, these things will be mastered in sevens and eighties. At least one Moyin Pavilion will be managed, and there will be no major problems.

Originally, Xu Di's idea was to win over the people in the yard first, let them all stand on her side, and then wait for Xiaoxi to make a big mistake, and finally sue Gu Qian'er.

At that time, I will have popularity and reasons, and I am not afraid that Gu Qian'er will not entrust this errand to herself.

But she didn't expect that the newcomers would be so reticent, no matter what she said, they would not let go, or they would pretend to be stupid, in short, they would not answer her words.

Seeing that Xiaoxi was getting more and more comfortable handling things, Xu Di also knew that this matter was a foregone conclusion, and she would not be able to get the position of managing affairs.

Knowing that there was no hope for this matter, Xu Di broke the can and threw it.

Regardless of his own reputation, he directly started to do all kinds of domineering in the yard.

Relying on the fact that he came out from the side of the queen mother in the palace, he always bosses around the maids in the courtyard.

If she found out the wrong thing, she would beat and scold him frequently.

Already made several girls cry.

As the steward of the yard, Xiaoxi naturally wanted to find someone to reason about it after learning about it.

But Xu Di, who always claimed to be reasonable and polite, suddenly became a rascal.

He only said that he couldn't bear the laziness of those maids, so he couldn't help but teach a few words. He didn't do anything wrong, and later moved out the empress dowager.

In the past few days with Butler Wu, Xiaoxi has made rapid progress, and is no longer as reckless as before.

In addition, Xu Di is indeed someone close to the queen mother, so she is not easy to offend.

So we can only let it go.

But unexpectedly, Xu Di went too far, and more and more people came to Xiaoxi to complain and complain in the past two days.

But Xiaoxi didn't think of a solution for a long time. She knew that some people down there were already dissatisfied.

So these two days have been worrying about this matter. Before entering the door just now, it was because another maid came to her to sue.

After hearing the cause and effect, Gu Qian'er sneered in her heart.

Sure enough, it was the evil master who made the slaves.

Originally thought that after the previous incidents, Xu Di would be able to settle down a bit, but she was still so dishonest.


Since she didn't want to live a stable life, she wanted to come out to be a demon.

Then don't blame her for being rude.

Gu Qian'er thought for a while, and said to Xiao Xi: "Leave this matter alone, I will take care of it."

Although she didn't know what the princess wanted to do, Xiaoxi didn't bother to ask, just nodded.

Say you know.

After talking about this matter, Gu Qian'er reminded: "If you have anything to do in the future, don't hide it from me."

Xiaoxi was a little embarrassed.

It was because she was thinking badly before, and she only thought about solving the princess's problems, so that the princess wouldn't have to worry about such a trivial matter.

But she forgot that the princess is the master of this Moyin Pavilion, so she has the right to know everything that happened in this pavilion.

His own behavior just now was actually somewhat presumptuous.

Fortunately, the princess never blamed her.

"Yes, this servant has written it down." Xiaoxi replied seriously.

At the same time, Xiaoxi also understood one thing.

That is, the princess hates people hiding from her, lying.

Because this is an act of disloyalty.

Xiaoxi secretly warned herself that she would never allow this kind of mistake to happen again in the future.

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