Chapter 78 Declined

In the study room, Yu Huaijin was sitting upright. Although he was holding a book in his hand, he looked distracted. It was obvious at a glance that the other person was distracted.

Gu Qian'er waited for a long time, and when she saw that Yu Huaijin still looked the same, she couldn't help but ask:

"Teacher, do you have something on your mind?"

Seeing Yu Huaijin turn to look up at her, Gu Qian'er spoke softly and explained calmly, "Because the teacher has been distracted since just now."

Gu Qian'er rested her chin on the table with her hand, leaning forward slightly, with obvious concern in her eyes and expression.

Seeing Gu Qian'er's appearance, Yu Huaijin felt her heart soften. Not only did her slightly frowned brows unfurl, but a smile appeared in her eyes unconsciously.

But he didn't say anything about the matter. He just said to reassure her, "It's not a big deal. I will make arrangements for it. Qian'er doesn't have to worry."

Hearing what Yu Huaijin said, Gu Qian'er didn't ask any more questions, just nodded and continued reading her book.

After comforting Gu Qian'er, Yu Huaijin sighed secretly in her heart.

This matter will be messed up if you care about it.

At that time, when I first heard His Majesty say that he wanted to marry the princess, I subconsciously thought he was talking about Qian'er.

After realizing that he had misunderstood, he relaxed for a moment and accepted the job without thinking about it.

Now that I think about it, what he agreed to was a bit hasty.

First of all, although I and Mr. Xuan were officials in the court together, they didn't have much contact in private. The two of them were not familiar enough to ask each other about their marriage.

Secondly, I just got married this year, and I haven't even had a wedding ceremony, engagement, or marriage yet, so that's even more likely to happen.

Now I have to marry someone else by myself. Just thinking about that scene makes me feel embarrassed.

But this was His Majesty's personal order. No matter what Yu Huaijin thought, things had to be done, and sooner rather than later.So after the court was dismissed the next day, Yu Huaijin stopped Xuan Wuwei who was about to leave and invited him to talk to her house.

Xuan Wuwei naturally did not refuse, nodded and followed the others.
In the main hall of the Prime Minister's Mansion, the two of them chatted about government affairs for a while, and then Yu Huaijin turned the topic to marriage.

Xuan Wuwei's whole mind was focused on the political affairs of the previous dynasty. When he first heard this, he thought he had heard it wrong and subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the main seat.

But after seeing Yu Huaijin's expression clearly, he realized that he had heard correctly, and the other party did not say it casually.

After being stunned for a moment, Xuan Wuwei answered:
"Thank you, Prime Minister, for your concern."

"Xiaguan was born in a rural area. Before he became an official, he could barely make ends meet. He had no time to think about anything else."

"Now that I am an official in the court, I only want to share the worries of the monarch and work for the benefit of the people. As for the official himself..."

Speaking of this, Xuan Wuwei seemed to have thought of something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a gentle voice: "Marriage is determined by fate. If there is fate, you will always meet."

After hearing these words, Yu Huaijin also understood what Xuan Wuwei meant, and just nodded without saying anything more.

Anyway, he has already asked what His Majesty asked him to ask.

After sitting for a while, Xuan Wuwei stood up and left, and Yu Huaijin didn't leave anyone around.

After the others left, Yu Huaijin also stood up from his seat and said, "Get the car ready. I'll go into the palace."


 I haven’t written for a long time, I’m a bit shabby, I’ll get used to it, hahahahahahahahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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