As soon as Yu Huaijin left the palace, Cheng Qi, who had been waiting for a long time, came up to him and said, "Master."

The two got on the carriage and after sitting down, Cheng Qicai raised his voice and told the coachman outside: "Go back home."

The coachman outside responded and was about to drive back home when he heard the Prime Minister's voice coming from inside, "Wait a minute."

When the Prime Minister spoke, the coachman did not dare to move, but he did not say much. He just stopped what he was doing and waited quietly.

In the carriage, Cheng Qi was surprised and confused, "Master, it's almost lunch time, and the princess is still waiting at the mansion."

Ever since the princess became her master's teacher, they had lunch and dinner together without exception.

what is it today?
Is there something urgent that needs to be done now?
Can't you push it back like before?

While Cheng Qi was thinking, Yu Huaijin opened the curtain and took a look outside. There was still time.

After putting down the curtain, he continued, "Let's go to Baiwei Tower first."

"Yes." Although he didn't know why, Cheng Qi didn't ask any more questions.

After talking to the driver outside, he sat quietly in his seat and said nothing more.

Baiweilou is located in a busy city, with people coming and going at the door, making it very lively.

Yu Huaijin got off the carriage and was about to walk in when she heard several calls——

"Candied haws on a stick - fragrant and sweet candied haws on a stick -"

"Freshly picked hawthorns—just pick a bunch for three cents—!"

Yu Huaijin stopped where he was, called Cheng Qi, and then reported the names of several dishes, all of which were Baiweilou's signature dishes. "You go in and buy these dishes, and I won't go in."

"Yes." Cheng Qi simply agreed, not feeling anything wrong.

After all, as the prime minister, the master has a high status, and it is just a few dishes. If the master needs to buy it himself, naturally he, the follower, will do it for him.

"Then master, get in the car and wait for a moment. The servant will come back as soon as he gets off." After speaking, Cheng Qi turned around and entered the restaurant by himself.

Seeing Cheng Qi enter the restaurant, Yu Huaijin did not return to the carriage immediately, but turned around and walked in another direction.

Baiweilou is very fast, and the dishes are already ready in half the time it takes to burn an incense stick.

Cheng Qi paid the money, took the food box from the waiter, and left.

On the way back home, Cheng Qi was sitting in the carriage holding a food box, and his eyes suddenly glanced at Yu Huaijin's hand with an oil paper bag.

It's candied haws of sugar. It's self-explanatory as to who it was bought for.

Cheng Qi looked at the food box in his hand and felt a little dazed for a moment——

So, the master made this trip specifically to buy food for the princess? !
Just now when he was waiting for the dishes, he had already realized that the dishes ordered by the master were all the princess' favorite.

Is today a big day that needs to be celebrated?

But before he could figure it out, he had already returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion. Cheng Qi had to withdraw his thoughts and follow Yu Huaijin into the Prime Minister's Mansion.

In the side hall, Gu Qian'er was sitting at the dining table, waiting quietly.

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps coming from outside, approaching from far away.

Gu Qian'er turned around and looked over and found that Yu Huaijin was back.

"Teacher, you are back!" Gu Qian'er stood up and walked to Yu Huaijin in a few steps. She looked cute and well-behaved with a smile on her face.

Seeing Gu Qian'er's lively and happy look, Yu Huaijin's attitude and expression unconsciously became gentle, "Well, Qian'er, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No." Gu Qian'er shook her head, then noticed the paper bag in the other person's hand and asked curiously: "Teacher, what do you have in your hand?" "I bought it for you, Qian'er can open it and take a look. ." After saying that, Yu Huaijin handed over the paper bag in his hand.

"For me?" Gu Qian'er was a little surprised, took it with both hands, opened it carefully, and looked inside.

"Yeah! It's candied haws!" Gu Qian'er turned her head, looked at Yu Huaijin, and said happily: "I haven't eaten this yet, thank you teacher, I like it very much!"

Looking at Gu Qian'er's appearance, just like the group of children he saw outside buying candied haws, his joy was beyond words.

——But the person in front of me smiles more handsomely than those children combined.

"As long as Qian'er likes it." Yu Huaijin breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Cheng Qi had already placed the dishes brought back from outside on the dining table one by one, "Master, princess, please have a meal."

The two of them sat down, and Gu Qianer put the candied haws in her hand next to her and looked at the new dishes on the table——

Crystal pork ribs, sweet and sour pork ribs, vegetarian fried shrimps, Poria chicken soup.

Everything she likes to eat.

Gu Qian'er was a little confused.

First the candied haws, and then the dishes in front of him, it seemed like he was deliberately trying to make her happy.

Prime Minister, what do you want to do?
"Teacher," Gu Qian'er turned to look at the person next to her, "Didn't you say you were a palace-famous saint? Why did you bring back... so many things?"

"Yes, after I left the palace, I realized it was still early, so I stopped by and bought these."

By the way?

Baiwei Tower and Xiangfu are not on the same road.

Seeing Gu Qian'er's obviously disbelieving look, Yu Huaijin chuckled——

I forgot, Qian'er has been out before and can recognize the way.

Yu Huaijin coughed lightly and said seriously: "It's compensation. I didn't tell you in advance. I took the punishment for you without permission and kept you at home."

Hearing this, Gu Qian'er was stunned. She didn't expect it to be because of this.

"No need," Gu Qian'er first looked away, lowered her head and said softly, "Actually... my life in the Prime Minister's Mansion has been very good."

Although I had long known that Gu Qian'er had a difficult life in the past, I still couldn't help but feel a little distressed when I heard her say it herself.

Yu Huaijin opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she didn't know how to say it for the moment.

Fortunately, Gu Qian'er didn't need anyone else's comfort. She quickly adjusted her mood, raised her smile again, and looked at Yu Huaijin aside, "Teacher, let's eat. I'm already hungry."

Seeing Gu Qian'er's bright smile as usual, Yu Huaijin suddenly felt like holding her in her arms for comfort.

I want to tell her that she doesn't have to be like this in front of me.

But in the end, Yu Huaijin did nothing. She curled her fingers and said, "Okay, let's eat."

After lunch, Gu Qian'er did not leave. Instead, she sat there and looked at Yu Huaijin helplessly.

Yu Huaijin naturally felt such a direct gaze immediately.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Yu Huaijin turned to look at the person next to her.

"Well..." Gu Qian'er pursed her lips and reached out to pick up the candied haws on the side. She looked a little embarrassed and said in a voice like a mosquito, "This... will the teacher buy it for me next time?"

Yu Huaijin frowned when he heard this, "It's not good to eat too much."

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