I was coddled after teasing the insane and cold power

Chapter 82 People come to Beijing one after another

In the afternoon, the news of what happened in the palace reached the Prince Regent's Palace.

After hearing his subordinate's reply, Gu Beiye waved his hand to signal people to leave. In a blink of an eye, only Gu Beiye and Zhao Sheng were left in the room.

Although Gu Beiye's expression remained as usual, Zhao Sheng on the side knew that the prince was already unhappy at this time.

But seeing that Gu Beiye didn't mean to speak, Zhao Sheng didn't dare to say anything at will, so he had to stand quietly beside him.

The sound of needles dropping could be heard in the room, and Zhao Sheng became more and more flustered. He didn't dare to make a sound anymore. He hunched over and even breathed softly.

After a long time, Gu Beiye suddenly chuckled and broke the silence in the room, "Your Majesty, you have really made a lot of progress recently..."

Zhao Sheng was startled, but he quickly came to his senses and said with a dry smile: "This is all because of your good teaching, Your Majesty."

"Teaching?" Gu Beiye sneered, "I don't dare to take credit. Your Majesty can do this yourself."

"The literary test was handed over to the Prime Minister, and I got Xuan Wuwei; for the military examination, Your Majesty also summoned General Zhang back. By then, I can get a few generals with little effort."

"By then, there will be many talents in the court, and your Majesty will naturally no longer need my assistance."

"I think it won't be long before I can return to Jiangnan and continue to be a wealthy and idle prince."

"Your Majesty has really grown up. This king feels very comforted."

Gu Beiye spoke softly and smiled. If you ignore the coldness in his eyes, he would be a loving elder.

Seeing this, Zhao Sheng swallowed his saliva and continued: "Your Majesty, it's still early. Your Majesty still has to rely on Your Majesty."

"Huh, I hope so." Gu Beiye said calmly.

"By the way, Your Majesty," Zhao Sheng quickly mentioned another matter, "The princess has written a letter, saying that she will be in the capital soon."

Mentioning this, Gu Beiye's eyes became warmer, "The princess has just recovered, and she is traveling for such a long distance. Please order people to carefully arrange the princess's yard, and then go to the warehouse to find some supplements to replenish the princess's body."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I understand." Zhao Sheng nodded and responded respectfully.

"Come on, get going." Gu Beiye waved his hand, signaling Zhao Sheng to step back.

After leaving the room, Zhao Sheng took a deep breath and slowly relaxed. Only then did he realize that his back was already wet.
  Two days later, Xiao Xi brought someone to Gu Qian'er.

"Princess, her name is Chun Qiao. I think she is hardworking and smart. I will let her serve you in the future. How do you like it, Princess?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Qian'er raised her head and looked at the little maid.

Seeing his master looking over, Chun Qiao quickly knelt down to say hello, "Slave Chun Qiao, I have met the princess."

After saying that, he kowtowed firmly and his attitude was very respectful.

Gu Qian'er's attitude was gentle, "Get up, there's no need to be polite."

After she stood up, Gu Qianer saw her appearance clearly——

Her eyes and face are round, and her eyebrows are crooked when she smiles, which makes her look very lovable.

Gu Qian'er nodded with satisfaction, "Well, Chun Qiao is good, let her take care of her from now on."

Chun Qiao was very excited, "Yes, I will definitely serve the princess with all my heart in the future."

Seeing that Gu Qian'er was satisfied, Xiao Xi breathed a sigh of relief, said goodbye, and went out to get busy. "Princess." Chun Qiao closed the door, walked straight to Gu Qian'er and knelt down, her expression was cold and solemn, not at all as friendly and pleasant as before.

Gu Qian'er also suppressed her smile, "How many people came in?"

"Back to the princess, I only have one subordinate."

Seeing Gu Qian'er frowning, Chun Qiao knew that his master was not satisfied with this answer, so he immediately kowtowed and apologized, "This subordinate is incompetent. Please forgive me, princess."

"I can't blame you entirely. This happened suddenly. No one expected that the emperor would let me live here. Get up." Gu Qian'er waved her hand.

Knowing that the princess had no intention of blaming him, Chun Qiao thanked her and stood up.

After thinking for a while, Chun Qiao still asked: "Princess, do you want to arrange for more people to enter the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

"No need." Gu Qian'er shook her head and objected.

The Prime Minister's Mansion is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Moreover, with the Prime Minister's current attention to her, if a few more people come in, I am afraid it will arouse the Prime Minister's suspicion.

There are people outside who are doing those things, she just needs to make plans and arrangements, and having Chun Qiao to deliver the news is enough.

"By the way, how are things going outside?" Gu Qian'er put her fingers on the table and raised her head to ask.

"Don't worry, princess, everything is going well." After saying that, Chun Qiao took a step forward, leaned down and said in Gu Qian'er's ear: "Young Master will arrive in the capital soon."

Hearing this, Gu Qian'er's breathing was messy for a moment, and her fingers tightened suddenly, but she soon calmed down, "Okay, then, we just wait until the martial arts test is over."
  At lunch time, the Queen Mother sat at the dining table, looking at the table full of food, without moving her chopsticks, and just waited quietly.

Not long after, a young eunuch came in from outside and said, "The Queen Mother."

"Where is your Majesty?" The Queen Mother's eyes were still on the table of food.

The little eunuch who came back to report hesitantly said, "Back to the Queen Mother, Your Majesty said that today is busy with government affairs, so... she will not come to Shoukang Palace to have dinner with the Queen Mother."

After the words fell, the little eunuch buried his head lower, and the room became quiet.

Seeing this, Yunxiu first asked the palace attendants to go out. After everyone left, he spoke to comfort, "Queen Mother, don't be angry. Your Majesty is the king of a country. All affairs in the world must be decided by your Majesty. Naturally, he must Busier."

When the Queen Mother heard this, she sneered coldly and said unceremoniously: "It's just a cover for being busy with government affairs!"

"My own sister will be punished as she says, and she should be punished so severely just for an outsider. It's simply ridiculous!"

"Queen Mother, calm down," Yun Xiu hurriedly stepped forward to calm him down, "Your Majesty, he is still very filial to you."

"Filial piety? If you were truly filial, you wouldn't avoid the Ai family!"

The more the Queen Mother spoke, the angrier she became, "That Lin Yun is clearly a monster and a troublemaker!"

"Not only is she of low status, but she is also a lost woman who has been married. However, the emperor is crazy. He not only ignores the advice and opposition of the ministers, but also insists on welcoming her into the palace despite all opinions. He even goes so far as to accept her into the palace for her sake. All the concubines have been left out in the cold, and if the regent hadn't been involved, I'm afraid the ministers outside would have fallen out long ago!"

"Now it's because of her that the brother and sister are also quarreling. Why isn't the Yi family angry?"

"Queen Mother," said Yun Xiu on the side, "if you want to punish Concubine Yun, you will have many opportunities in the future. The most important thing right now is the princess."

Having said this, Yun Xiu was a little worried, "The princess has been loved by many since she was a child, so where has she been punished? Now she is suddenly scolded and grounded. I don't know how she feels sad and uncomfortable."

The Queen Mother was anxious and had a headache when she mentioned her daughter, "Now that Your Majesty is using excuses not to see the Ai family, what can the Ai family do?"

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