Chapter 143 Nightmare Mark
The sun goes down and night falls.

The surrounding wilderness fell into darkness, but Giethoorn Town was still brightly lit. In order to prevent the enemy from attacking at night, Orens ordered the soldiers to light torches everywhere.

On the five-story tower, Sauron sat cross-legged.

While meditating with his eyes closed, he controlled the crow Lal to hover in the sky, alert to any possible threats.

Time passed little by little.

Sauron opened his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face. At this moment, it was less than three hours before dawn, but there was no figure of the Western Territory Army around Giethoorn Town.

Not even a little trouble.

In the Battle of the Wind's Rest Plain, although Orens wiped out many western border troops, he also lost Yueshan City, and now he can only lead the army to retreat to Yangjiao Town.

Under such circumstances, if Phils personally leads the army to attack at night, it will definitely have a miraculous effect. Even if Orens cannot be wiped out in one fell swoop, it will inevitably cause heavy losses to his army.

Phils, however, did not do so.

"Is it determined not to confront each other head-on?"

A moment of thought flashed in Sauron's eyes. It seemed that Phils was very clear about his own strength, and decided that his old self was no match for Orens.

Therefore, he did not plan to fight Orens head-on on the battlefield.

This made Orens very passive.

After all, the army controlled by Orens was not comparable to Phils. The best way to win this war was to fight Phils on the battlefield, and the winner would be determined in the next battle.

But unfortunately, Phils doesn't seem to intend to give him such a chance.

Three hours flew by.

The sky in the distance was slightly white, and the light of dawn was falling on the earth. Giethoorn Town ushered in the day, but it still seemed a little quiet.

Sauron frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Immediately, he jumped down from the five-story tower, just in time to meet Orens with a dignified face, and the other party said straight to the point.

"follow me!"

As Orens said, he brought Sauron into a wooden house, and he saw a big bunk with more than a dozen soldiers lying in it.

The sky has turned white, and the cabin is also bright.

However, the dozen or so soldiers were still in a deep sleep, showing no signs of waking up, and instead had painful expressions on their faces.

"what happened?"

Sauron frowned slightly, reached out and patted a soldier's body, trying to wake him up, but it was of no avail.

The situation of more than ten soldiers is the same.

They were in a deep sleep state, and they were stimulated by the outside world but did not show signs of waking up. The painful expressions on their faces seemed to be falling into a nightmare.


Suddenly, Sauron's heart moved, as if he remembered something.

"I have tried many methods, but I can't wake up these soldiers."

Orens' face was ugly, and he said: "And it's not just these soldiers, almost 80.00% of the soldiers in the entire Yangjiao Town are in this state!"

While speaking, Orens took out a dagger.

He directly stuck the dagger on the shoulder of a sleeping soldier, the blood stained the bedding, but the soldier just twitched and still didn't wake up.

"It should be some kind of curse!"

Sauron's face was gloomy, and he looked at a soldier, and found a dark brown spot on the other's neck.

Weird traces, full of ominous meaning.

"Nightmare mark!"

Sauron narrowed his eyes slightly, and recognized this scar, which should be some kind of mark called Nightmare Curse, and those who are cursed will fall into nightmare.

"Could it be that cloud beast from yesterday?"

Suddenly, Sauron's heart moved, and he remembered the cloud beast that was transformed by witchcraft yesterday, and the black rain that the other party dropped seemed to contain the power of curse.


Just as Sauron was thinking, there was a scream in the wooden house, but in the corner, a soldier twitched and sat up suddenly from the bed.

"No! Don't come here!"

The soldier's face was pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

A trace of doubt appeared on Orens's face, but he was relieved in his heart. Since the soldier has woken up, it may mean that the matter this time is not serious.

However, Sauron still looked solemn.

It doesn't mean anything for a soldier to wake up from a nightmare. Perhaps it's just that the other party's willpower is strong, which can temporarily restore his sobriety.

Most of the soldiers are still trapped in the nightmare.

Moreover, even the soldier who woke up did not really get rid of the nightmare. As long as the other party fell asleep, he would still fall into the nightmare.

"Father, count how many soldiers do not have the mark of the curse!"

Sauron said in a deep voice.

Orens nodded, seeming to realize the seriousness of the matter, turned and left the cabin, and ordered Uriel to blow the assembly horn.

Soon, the horn sounded.

At this time, in Yangjiao Town, an army of about 5000 people gathered, but after hearing the horn, only about [-] people could come out to gather.

None of these soldiers were cursed by Nightmare.

"Is there only 3000 people?"

Sauron frowned slightly, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

It was just a black rain that caused 1 soldiers to fall into the nightmare curse. Although many soldiers have woken up one after another over time, it does not mean that they have got rid of the curse.

As long as the imprint on the body is still there, the nightmare curse will not disappear!
"Is there any way to remove the curse?"

Orens' face was serious, and all the soldiers under his command fell into the nightmare curse. If it could not be solved in time, it would be tantamount to annihilation.

"I'll find a way."

Sauron nodded slightly, thinking about how to get rid of the curse.


Seeing this, Orens didn't say anything more, and ordered those soldiers who were not cursed by the nightmare to build fortifications around Giethoorn Town.

For Orens, the nightmare curse could not kill those soldiers for a while, but if the Duke of Ferrs led an army to attack at this moment, it would be a truly fatal thing.

Time passed little by little.

The Western Territory Army did not appear near Yangjiao Town, and the soldiers who were cursed by the nightmare and fell into the nightmare also woke up one after another.

It seems that everything is going in a good direction.

However, Sauron did not relax, but felt more dignified.

"Dream of black mist!"

On the spot, Sauron's eyes flickered, and he asked the soldiers who had fallen into the nightmare before what they had experienced in the nightmare. Most of the soldiers indicated that they appeared in a world filled with black mist in the nightmare.

"There seems to be an isolated island..."

The pale soldier recalled what happened in the previous nightmare, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he tried his best to suppress his emotions.

"Don't worry, just speak slowly."

Sauron comforted the soldier, and at the same time took out a calming potion and handed it to him.

(End of this chapter)

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