Chapter 98 Chaos
Steel Heart Knight Konrad, after learning of Orens' return, immediately wanted to challenge him to a duel.

And this is also the main purpose of Connard's coming to Night Crow City. Only by breaking his demons can he have the opportunity to step into the realm of the Great Knight.

However, Orens naturally refused this request.

"Master Sauron."

Seeing Sauron's figure appear, Madam Lafite quickly got up and said, "Bachelor Frost and your father are waiting for you in the study."

"it is good."

Sauron nodded, and then went outside the study on the second floor of the castle.

" is the situation in the capital?"

In the study, Orens' voice was heard, still somewhat hoarse.

"The situation has been stabilized by Earl Lane."

There was a trace of complexity in Maester Frost's tone, and he whispered: "However, the response from the Kingsguard is stronger!"

"This is quite normal. After all, according to the tradition of the Kingsguard, they only serve the royal family. Earl Lane is not king's blood!"

"Ah! Who would have thought..."

Hearing the conversation in the study, Sauron had a thoughtful look on his face.

From the looks of it, something seemed to have happened in the capital during his retreat.

Boom boom boom!
Sauron knocked on the door, and the conversation inside stopped immediately.

"Father, Maester Frost."

Sauron pushed the door and entered. In the study, Orens and Frost were sitting on the tea table. The former looked pale, while the latter had worried eyes.

"Here you are, Sauron."

A smile appeared on Orens's face, but a complex look flashed in his eyes.

Since Sauron went to the capital, he hadn't seen each other for a long time. He hadn't seen each other for a few years. The once immature boy had grown into a real man.

When he learned from Frost that Sauron had been promoted to a senior knight, Orens could hardly believe it, and it took him a long time to accept this fact.

"How is your health?"

Sauron sat by the coffee table, looking at Orens across from him.

After the other party woke up, he had recuperated for more than half a month.

Now, apart from his pale face, Orens seems to have almost recovered.

"It's all right."

Orens shook his head and said with a wry smile: "It's just that every night, I still have nightmares, and sometimes I can't tell the difference between dreams and reality."

A trace of thought appeared on Sauron's face.

After the soul has been away from the body for such a long time, it is inevitable to have sequelae, but as time goes by, it will naturally recover slowly.

"Drink this, father."

Sauron took out a potion from his bosom and handed it to Orens.

This is a calming potion, which belongs to the category of elementary potions. Under normal circumstances, it is often used for mental sequelae of war trauma.


Orens nodded, a hint of relief flashed in his eyes.

During his slumber, Sauron was not only promoted to a senior knight, but also embarked on a wizard journey, which made Orens feel some comfort.

After all, although Orens has no chance of becoming a wizard, his son has the talent in this area.

"Yes, father."

After Orens received the tranquilizing potion, Sauron asked, "I heard you mention the capital just now, did something happen?"

Orens and Frost looked at each other.

"Ander is dead." After a while, Frost sighed.

Sauron's heart skipped a beat.

"He died at his wedding to Malice."

Frost looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "The guests who attended the wedding that day all witnessed the scene of Manlis disappearing after poisoning Ander."

"Also, before disappearing, Malice claimed that it was a greeting from Histor!"


Sauron frowned slightly, and a thoughtful gleam flashed in his eyes.

According to his understanding, Malice is one of the daughters of the Duke of the West Territory, Ferrs, who has been kept in her boudoir and has little contact with the outside world.

Now, it seems that the other party has already been trained as a pawn by the Duke of the Western Territory.

"So, Ander's death was arranged by His Royal Highness?"

A trace of solemnity flashed in Sauron's eyes.

If Ander's poisoning was really Hester's plan, then it seemed to mean that some kind of deal had been reached between Heister and the Duke of the West Territory.

If everything is true, how should Night Crow City deal with itself?
"It's not necessarily arranged by His Royal Highness Historic."

Frost shook his head and said, "If Her Highness Historia has received the support of the Western Territory, it means that she controls the Duchy of Tal, more than 70.00% of the army's strength."

"Under such a premise, she doesn't need to use methods such as assassination at all. As long as she sends troops to attack, Ander has no power to resist."

"So... it's framed?"

Sauron's eyes flickered. If Ander's death had nothing to do with Hester, it meant that Malice's words were deliberately framed.

She wanted to blame Hester for poisoning Ander.

"But... what is the purpose of doing this?"

Sauron stroked his chin, thinking about it.

"Perhaps, we should ask Knight Konrad about this matter!"

At this time, Frost suddenly spoke.

Connard is Hester's loyalist, if the other party sent someone to assassinate Ander, he would not have no news at all.

"Ander's death has nothing to do with His Royal Highness."

While the three were talking, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Konrad walked in with a blank expression, holding a letter in his hand.

"His Highness Hester has contacted you?" Frost asked hastily.

Conrad nodded.

"His Royal Highness also only found out about Ander's poisoning."

"This matter has nothing to do with her."

"And, she also asked me to tell you that she will never abandon her ally Night Crow City."

Hearing Conrad's words, Orens looked thoughtful.

Beside, Frost also breathed a sigh of relief.

The letter sent by Histor seems to have indicated her attitude that she will not abandon Night Crow City in order to gain the support of the Duke of the West Territory.

"So... the Duke of the West Territory wants Ander to die?"

Sauron's eyes flickered, thinking about the whole story.

With Ander's death, no matter what, it is impossible to get rid of the relationship in the West Territory. After all, everyone at the wedding scene saw that it was Malice who poisoned Ander.

What's more, after Ander's death, all the people in the capital of the Western Territory disappeared. This point further confirms the guilt of the Western Territory.

However, considering the current situation, the Duke of the West Territory doesn't seem to care about this.


There was a hint of doubt on Frost's face. There was no enmity between Westland and Ander, and Malice's poisoning of Ander was completely unreasonable.

After all, in this battle for the throne, the Western Territory has not stood in line, which means that whoever becomes the king has little effect on the Western Territory.

(End of this chapter)

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