Misery: my feet step out of the flames of war

Chapter 513 Goodbye Buddha Emperor Yu Zhixiang

The spaceship landed staggeringly in Tiandu.

Not only everyone in Tiandu is waiting eagerly, but many friends who care about Luo Hou are also here.

"Wujun is back!"

"Wujun, have you really reached the realm of six heavens?"

Luo Hou looked at the familiar faces and felt inexplicably. He was already prepared not to come back.

"Looking at the embarrassment I am in, you know that the realm of the Six Heavens is not easy to break into."

The face of the Heavenly Master darkened: "Have you ever had a fight with him?"

Luo Hou naturally knew who the Heavenly One was referring to, and nodded and said: "In the case where he has not used the laws of the universe, he is still divided into four and six, and he is six and four."

"Back then, I had at most 30% of his strength."

"Everyone in the Celestial Clan was created by him. It's normal for you to be controlled by him."

"Kill the Emperor of Abandoned Heaven?"

As expected, Ling Jueding defeated Changri Kunqi again at the former residence of the Tianshan Sword Clan, settling the long-standing entanglement between the two.

Luo Hou got straight to the point: "This is a life-and-death battle related to a difficult situation, because what I want to challenge is not the demon god from another world, but the real creator, the Sun God."

"Just let me go to Cuihuan Mountain."

Ye Yishu and Cang, who had experienced the rebellion of Emperor Qi Tian, ​​could not believe their ears. They paid a heavy price just for sending Emperor Qi Tian back to the Six Heavens Realm.

"Wujun, thank you for rescuing the bad guy from the dark world of Nipo. This is the Yuan-Building Pill condensed after Wulian Pond absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth. It just makes up for your current loss of vitality."


"Wu Jun, no!"

Because of this battle, the foundation of Jianzi Xianji and others has not been completely restored to this day.

"Thank you."

Laughing Sword's blunt figure turned into light and disappeared in a flash.

"Wu Jun, Emperor Qi Tian needs the Holy Demon Yuan Fei to come to the suffering. With Zhu Wu's death, there is no Holy Demon Yuan Fei in the world, so why take the initiative to challenge him."

"So I need everyone's strength... please invite Su Huanzhen to come to the meeting."

This Yuan-Building Pill was originally refined by Su Huanzhen to make up for the loss of his body in the Nipo Dark World, but after hearing what Xiao Jianrui said, he immediately understood that Luo Hou needed to regain his strength more than he did.

Luo Hou smiled: "I not only want to challenge the Sun God, but I also want to kill the Emperor of Abandonment first, so that there will no longer be a god in this miserable state."

In less than half a stick of incense, Su Huanzhen came with the smile of the sword.

Luo Hou was not polite and took it and swallowed it.

In addition to Tian Zhe, Earth Zhe, Su Huanzhen, and Shaohao, there were also Yip Shu, Di Tathagata, Cang, and Ling Jueding who came to Tiandu with Le Xunyuan.

"Back then, the Six Heaven Realm just dropped a sword and severely damaged the near god's spirit, Emperor Tianyao. If we were to confront the Sun God directly, we would have no chance of winning."

After this period of recuperation, Shaohao also returned to his peak condition.

"If he doesn't keep you, he will definitely not give up."

"I met Zhu Wu in the realm of six heavens. The method of creating life with blood essence is not a secret. If Emperor Qi Tian wants to come to the miserable state, it will not be difficult for him."

What Luo Hou considered was that Emperor Qi Tian could create the first alien demon world, but he might not be able to create the second demon world. His character was different from that of the Sun God. The Sun God just wanted to control the suffering, while Emperor Qi Tian wanted to To destroy the misery.

Now that all the chips on the negotiating table have bottomed out, it's time for everyone to compare their cards.

"The inferior agrees with what Lord Wu said, there is no god in the world of suffering, so we can make the decision ourselves."

The Heavenly One added a vote: "I am very interested in defeating the Emperor of Heaven."

Needless to say, Shaohao and Di Tathagata were the staunch main fighting faction. In the end, Ling Jueding was left who was confused and had no idea who Qi Tian Emperor was.

The matter was settled.

Everyone went back to recharge their batteries and prepare separately.

Luo Hou then entered the Bardo Realm again, took a boat all the way down the Wangjie River, and came to the border between the Ni Po Dark Realm and the Infinite Realm.

Zonghengzi, Jingwuhuan, Duanmiechanti, Xuanmingshi, and Zuoshan Qiyizheng led the reintegrated army in the dark world and prepared to attack the blood sacrifice forbidden wall in the infinite world. Seeing Luo Hou's arrival, the morale of Zong Hengzi and others who were originally suppressed by the realm surged.

"Wujun, as long as we break this blood sacrifice wall, we can invade the realm of Infinite Realm."

"Now the Bardo Realm, Yama Ghost Prison and Ni Po Dark Realm have been connected, leaving only the last Infinite Realm."

Luo Hou waved his hand: "There is no need to use swords or guns, someone will come and open the border for us."


Sure enough, laughter came from the other side of the Blood Sacrifice Forbidden Wall: "Master Wu really knows what's going on!"

Then there was a loud bang, and the thousands-mile-long forbidden wall collapsed. In the swirling smoke and dust, Mu Lingshan was seen standing in the air holding a magic staff and smiling.

"Is it the law of infinity?"

"Of course, the border has been opened, and the remaining opposition forces will be left to you, Mr. Wu."


Mu Lingshan used the Law of Infinity to instantly teleport Zong Hengzi and others and this army to the royal capital.

Except for the three leaders of Wujianjie who were able to resist the sudden attack, the rest of the defensive soldiers were defeated almost instantly.

The battle was like a massacre.

Luo Hou watched for a moment and then felt relieved.

He looked at Monk Lujiao calmly: "Should I call you Jade Bodhi or Mu Lingshan?"

"Amitabha is just a skin. Lord Wu can call him whatever he wants."

Unexpectedly, Luo Hu made a request that embarrassed the monk: "Master, please take me to see the Buddha."


"Why, you can give me the body of the Buddha Emperor, but you don't dare to face me?"

"Ha, it seems that Mr. Wu already has a certain understanding of the Fate of Destiny."

Mu Lingshan waved the staff in his hand, and a golden light shot out of the sky, like a rainbow bridge, leading to an unknown space.

"Wujun, if the Buddha is willing to see you, the door to the Gate of Destiny will be open for you."

"Thank you."

Luo Hou stepped onto the golden rainbow bridge and moved forward step by step.

Suddenly, the scenery in front of him changed. The rainbow bridge under his feet disappeared and he fell into a strange space.

This space seemed extremely narrow, with only an extremely huge Bodhi tree. It also seemed extremely empty, and even with Luohou's eyesight, he could not see the edge.

Under the tree sat an old monk who was in meditation. Two monks stood beside him.

One of them is none other than Yu Zhixiang, the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms, and the other, judging from his attire, should be the Buddha Su He Nian.

"It's been a while, Lord Wu."

"You do still exist."

"Color is emptiness, emptiness is color. The Yuzhixiang that Wu Jun saw is just a spiritual body condensed by faith."

"A spiritual body condensed by faith, what do you mean by this?"

Tamazhi Xiang said with a smile: "The barrier of destiny comes from faith, and of all the spirits in the world, only humans have the power of faith."

“What is the relationship between faith and reincarnation?”

"How can humans believe in gods and Buddhas if they have no hope for the next life?"

Luo Hou was silent. Faced with the reality of hardship, the people who had no choice but to look to the next life. They believed that by practicing good deeds in this life, they would have the blessings of peace and joy in the next life.

Therefore, the establishment of reincarnation in the underworld is nothing more than a means for the Tower of Destiny to gain the power of faith from all living beings.

(Happy May Day, fellow Taoists, and thank you for voting for Daozhen Shuangxiu! After this book is completed, I will open a fanfic about Tiangshou Tian and Yuan Wuxiang for fellow Taoists) (End of this chapter)

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