Martial Arts: Gain a Jiazi internal force at the beginning!

Chapter 36 You wait for me! [add more for the lord]

Chapter 36 You wait for me! [add more for the lord]

Outside Feiyun village, Jiang Ran was the only one left.

Tsing Yi has already gone back.

He couldn't wait, he wanted to go in and see what these people came to talk to Li Feiyun about.

Jiang Ran didn't stop him, but let him come and go.

On the other hand, he found a tree, flew up to it, sat on the branch, took off the wine gourd around his waist, stared in the direction of Feiyun Village, and took a sip from time to time.

It's also delicious.

At the same time, I was thinking about it in my heart.

Judging from what Tsing Yi said tonight.

Li Yunfei really had some plans.

Now it has begun to install manpower in Cangzhou Prefecture, waiting for the opportunity.

Cheng Jimo said that Li Feiyun wanted to get his hands on the Cangzhou Mansion. Although there is no concrete prospect of this matter, judging from the current situation and what Tsing Yi revealed, it is probably true.

And he also heard some things in the Cangzhou mansion these two days.

Shopkeeper Wan is no ordinary person.

He is actually the richest man in Cangzhou Prefecture.

Suddenly all the family wealth was gone, and he gathered his masters in Cangzhou Mansion, wanting to compete with Feiyunzhai.

This incident made Jiang Ran feel a little interesting.

Is this person really just like what Cheng Jimo said, to get rid of the cancer for the common people?
You have to think about it, if Li Feiyun really broke through the Cangzhou Mansion.

So what about a rich man like Shopkeeper Wan?

If it wasn't for such hidden worries, why would he act like this if he was a rich man?
It is in nature for a businessman to seek profit.

Such a decision can be regarded as a ruin.

What made Jiang Ran feel a little inappropriate was that what the shopkeeper Wan did was likely to lure wolves into the house.

But...hasn't this person thought about this?
What he did was too loud.

There are many loopholes...

Cheng Jimo cast all his eyes on this person, and regarded him as not a simple person. How could he not have the slightest consideration in this situation?

"Unless... he has another plan?"

Jiang Ran looked at the quiet cottage under the moon.

Jiang Ran didn't know what the purpose of these men in black came to Feiyunzhai just now.

But they knew that they came from the direction of Cangzhou Mansion.

Coming from Cangzhou Mansion, looking for Li Feiyun...

Jiang Ran let out a sigh of relief and looked towards Cangzhou Mansion.

I just feel that the wind and clouds are gathering and the clouds are pressing down on the situation. I'm afraid that the chaos on July [-]th will not be small.

Then how should I act in this, so as to seek the greatest benefit?

The key to this point is how many wanted criminals on the list he can win in this accident.

Thinking this way in my heart, my ears twitched slightly.

Jiang Ran looked around, but was taken aback.

A black-clothed young man with a blue nose and a swollen face came out from a corner.

Look around, run away.

Jiang Ran blinked:
"Can this get out?"

This person was none other than Jiang Ran, who was inexplicably 'hmph' during the day.

It's just that the cold and arrogant look is gone from his face now... Maybe, even if there is, he can't see it anymore.

It was so swollen that it almost became unrecognizable.

At this time, Jiang Ran was on the tree, watching him run for a while, then stopped again.

Find a place to shelter and hide.

Jiang Ran was thoughtful, and suddenly felt that this person was not particularly stupid.

If he ran away like this, the people in Feiyunzhai would definitely find out.

Will definitely chase after that time.

And according to the length of running, the search focus is also different.

The location he chose now is relatively close to where Feiyunzhai is.

To hide in this way, one only needs to avoid the first wave of raids in Feiyun Village, and then be patient until the hunt in Feiyun Village is over.

Then he is completely safe.

This is far better than blindly running for one's life.

After all, he was injured, so he might not be able to outrun the bandits in Feiyunzhai if he really ran.

Thinking this way in my heart, after a while, a group of bandits rushed out of the stronghold.

Then I heard someone shouting in a cold voice:
"He's seriously injured and can't run very far, let me chase him!

"The head of the family said, life and death don't matter!!"

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, a group of bandits with torches set off one after another, looking for this person's trace.

The leader was actually right, the young man in black really didn't run too far.

But the focus of their search happened to be a little farther than the hiding place of the black-clothed youth.

Seeing this, Jiang Ran laughed silently, but was a little puzzled:

"Since you are smart...why are you so reckless during the day?"

He suddenly felt that this young man in black might not be as simple as he imagined.

I just don't understand, where does his unreasonable hostility towards him come from?

At this moment, out of the corner of Jiang Ran's eyes, Jiang Ran caught a glimpse of the group of mysterious people in black clothes and hoods walking out of the village in Feiyun Village.

Obviously, the business that should be said has been said.

This is to return to Cangzhou Prefecture.

Jiang Ran hid in the tree calmly, watching them pass by under the tree.

When they passed the hiding place of the young man in black, Jiang Ran's mouth suddenly hooked.

He hit the tree casually and broke off a small branch.

Hold it in your hand to aim, circulate the true energy in your body, and flick it with your fingers!
His internal strength is far from ordinary, even if he is not proficient in hidden weapon techniques, it is by no means ordinary or comparable.

Seeing the branch breaking through the wind without a sound, it suddenly rose up, and directly hit a stone about ten feet away from the hiding place of the black-clothed youth.

That's when there was a snap.

Jiang Ran pouted.

I don't think it's because my technique is bad, it's because the branches don't feel good when I throw them.

When the group of men in black suddenly heard this movement, they were all shocked.


Look back to see where the branches fell.

Several people looked at each other, and suddenly someone pulled out a weapon from his waist and walked towards that end.

The blade in his hand kept chopping the grass on both sides, and he shouted:

"Not coming out yet?"

And the young man in black who was hiding in secret almost scolded his mother!
He managed to hide here for a while, and seeing that he waited patiently, he was able to escape.

Why all of a sudden, life branch?
What was it just now?
After all, he was in a different location from the group of men in black, and could vaguely see where the branch came from.

Subconsciously looked up, and saw Jiang Ran sitting on the tree at a glance.

Suddenly dumbfounded.

Then I saw Jiang Ran holding up the wine gourd to signal him, and then took a sip himself.


The inner breath of the young man in black almost went astray.

With this breath, the few people who had been looking for him in the early days suddenly noticed the clue.

Immediately, with a breath of breath, several people rushed straight to the young man in black.

I saw the young man in black jumping so high, soaring into the air, shouting angrily:

"You wait for me!!!"

While talking, he ran away while messing around.

The men in black were furious when they heard this.

It's fine to hide in the dark and peep, but dare to speak harshly to us?
Immediately, they looked at each other and chased after them.

At this time, Jiang Ran just flew down from the tree, looked back at the direction of Feiyunzhai, held the wine gourd and pressed the handle of the knife, and followed the group of people.



ps: Thanks to the boss of KAWABUNGA for the reward~~
(End of this chapter)

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