Chapter 360

In the hall of the princess mansion.

Two people dressed as government officials were sitting at attention.

After all, it is a princess mansion.

Although they had received the order from the Yamen and came to invite people, they did not dare to be presumptuous.

Sitting on the chair, I dare not sit down, and I am ready to stand up at any time.

After half an hour of such excruciating waiting, neither of the two officials looked at each other or exchanged a word.

Finally, footsteps came from outside the door.

The two people turned to look at it at the same time.

I saw a handsome young man, with a knife hanging on his waist and a wine gourd in his hand, walking slowly over.

The two government officials stood up immediately:

"May I ask, is this the hero of the Jingshen Sword Jiang Ranjiang?"

"It's Ben...himself."

The visitor spoke slowly, subconsciously rubbing his neck as he spoke.

I don’t know how ‘Li Tianxin’ did it. Even if his face turned into Jiang Ran’s, why did his voice sound just like Jiang Ran?

This person is naturally not Jiang Ran, but the eldest princess in disguise.

This matter is obviously a set-up.

Although Jiang Ran didn't know yet, which link suddenly touched the opponent's nerves, so that they suddenly started to take action.

But if you continue to follow their script, the result will definitely be detrimental to you.

So Jiang Ran planned to break their rules a little bit.

Let’s first see what they want.

And in this, the identity of the eldest princess can naturally make a big difference.

Then he asked him to pretend to be himself and follow these two government officials to see where they wanted to take him.

Now that the eldest princess had finished speaking, the two government servants looked at each other and couldn't help but ask:

"May I ask, where is the eldest princess?"

"What? You still want to take down the eldest princess?"

The eldest princess raised her eyebrows.

"Don't dare."

The two government officials quickly bowed and retreated:

"It's just that the eldest princess went to look for you just now, but now she only sees you but not the eldest princess, so I ask this question."

"It's strange. When did the eldest princess's whereabouts need to be reported to you two little government servants?

"What are you planning to do?"

The eldest princess narrowed her eyes slightly. If Jiang Ran hadn't wanted to see what these people wanted to do, with just these two words, they would never have left the princess' mansion today.

The two government officials realized that they had made a mistake and quickly confessed.

Then he said to Jiang Ran:

"There is no need to worry, Master Jiang, we already have a basic understanding of the situation in the prison.

"There were two jailers outside the cell at that time, which can prove that Dao Wuming was still alive and well when you left.

"We are here to look for you now because the adults want to inquire with you personally.

"Just because this nameless person has a special identity, please forgive me, Master Jiang."

"It doesn't matter."

The eldest princess waved her hands gently and imitated Jiang Ran's calm demeanor and said:

"Lead the way."


The two government officials looked at each other and wondered, how could this master in the world have more authority than the high-ranking official in the court?

He immediately did not dare to neglect and led the eldest princess out of the princess mansion.

After waiting to go out, he waved his hand towards the distance and saw a sedan swaying in front of him.

A few people who looked like officers lowered the sedan chair and opened the curtain:

"Master Fu Yin has already given orders. Hero Jiang is not a suspect and must be treated with due courtesy.

"In a hurry, I didn't have time to make any more preparations, so I asked Master Jiang to get on the sedan."

The eldest princess glanced around and nodded gently:

"it is good."

As he spoke, he stepped onto the sedan chair.

As the yamen servant shouted outside:

"Get up the sedan chair!"

The four bearers worked at the same time, and the sedan rose up slowly.

As the sedan moved away, it swayed and undulated in an orderly manner.

The eldest princess sat in it, closing her eyes and concentrating, shaking her head.

Shaking and swaying, I fell asleep.

She seemed to have taken a nap between sleep and sleep. After suddenly waking up, she could no longer hear the bustling bustle on the streets of the capital.

The surroundings were silent, as if no one was around.

Only the sedan was still swaying and moving forward.

"What's going on? Where are we?"

The eldest princess subconsciously opened the curtains on one side of the sedan, and when she looked outside, she saw that it was already dark from daytime, surrounded by shadows and shadows, deep in the mountains and dense forests.

He immediately shouted angrily:

"Stop the sedan, where is this? Where are you taking me?"

However, none of the bearers outside responded to her.

The eldest princess opened the curtain of the sedan chair and took a look outside. The two government servants who had gone to the princess mansion earlier were running at the front without looking back.

She shouted twice more, but the two government officials didn't answer.

My heart was filled with surprise and uncertainty for a moment.

This strangeness must have occurred at the moment when he got on the sedan chair.

The swaying feeling increased, and he was caught.

However, the eldest princess had calmed down after the initial panic.

Jiang Ran was following her. If there was really any problem, he would have taken action.

He has not taken action to save himself so far, which means that the problem is not big at the moment.

It's just... Occasionally thinking about Jiang Ran's attitude towards herself, the eldest princess couldn't figure out this person's pulse.

In case, he really refuses to save him.

Then wouldn’t I be miserable?

It's not like Jiang Ran can't do this!

For a moment, her heart suddenly felt at ease, and then suddenly jumped wildly, making her feel uneasy.

Just when he was restless, the sedan suddenly stopped, and stopped very quickly.

The eldest princess swayed and almost escaped.

Just as she stabilized her body, she fell rapidly again. The eldest princess was furious. She turned around and rose into the air. With a scoff, the sedan suddenly fell apart. She turned around in the air and slowly fell down.

Looking around, this place was no longer an area she was familiar with.

The surrounding trees are lush, the ground is overgrown with weeds, and there are rugged rocks everywhere.

The police officers and government servants who had brought him here were all lying on the ground, bleeding from their orifices.

The eldest princess's heart moved, and she immediately came to a person, and after a little investigation, she was shocked:


How did you die?

She had been in the sedan just now and had never heard the enemy's voice. How could they die?

He immediately went to check on the other person and found that he was also dead.

All the government servants who came to the princess mansion to invite Jiang Ran died in the wilderness!

Today's matter would have happened if Jiang Ran was the only one here.

Even if you tell the truth, this suspicion can't be cleared away.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost and not coming out yet?"

The eldest princess suddenly stood up and looked around.

Just listen to a voice, as if coming from the nine heavens:

"The Jingshen Sword has such a great reputation, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

"There is no place for you in the capital anymore.

"As soon as these government officials die, it will be confirmed that I have killed Dao Wuming.

“Why kill someone and silence them if you don’t have a guilty conscience?

"Even if you return to the capital now, you will still face encirclement and suppression by the imperial court.

"How are you going to handle yourself?

"Is he going on a killing spree and turning into a demon?

“Or maybe you have to bear it hard and look for a chance to make a comeback?

"I'm very curious!"

"who are you?"

The eldest princess said coldly:

"Is there any enmity between you and me? Is such a conspiracy the conduct of a gentleman?"

She didn't intend to argue with the other party, but now the other party's plan had succeeded. At least in the eyes of the other party, their plan had come true.

In this way, it is the time to get carried away.

If he talks to him more, Jiang Ran will be able to tell where this person is hiding.

So he was caught and tortured!


The voice suddenly smiled:

"Hero Jiang can make a name for himself in the world of Jingshen Sword, so how can he not know that there are no gentlemen in this world?

"I am not a gentleman, but a villain.

"The villain will naturally use all possible means.

"As for... why I treat you like this... I can only say that you are standing in a position that you shouldn't be standing in."

The eldest princess's face suddenly became more gloomy:

“What kind of position is not the place to stand?”

"There are some things that it is better for you not to know."

The man chuckled:

"However, in the final analysis, we are still unwilling to enmity with Jiang Daxia. After all, the Nine Shocking Swordsmen are really shocking.

"If Hero Jiang hadn't stood opposite us, we wouldn't be willing to treat you like this...

"Under the big tree on your left, there is a bundle with soft coils inside.

"Follow that tree for seventy-five miles and you can come out of this forest. At the end you can see someone waiting.

"That man has a carriage, you don't need to talk to him, just get in the carriage and he will take you away from the capital.

"This move is nothing more than to leave some good karma. I just hope that from now on, we will meet again!"

The eldest princess frowned and wondered why Jiang Ran didn't show up yet?

Having said all that, with his martial arts, he had already been able to catch the opponent.

But why haven't you taken action until now? Are you going to make yourself talk again?

But at this point, there is no need to say anything more...

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw a figure arriving in front of the tree at some unknown time.

Pulling it casually, there was indeed a bundle hidden under the tree. After opening it, it contained gold, silver, jewelry, and emerald agate.

"What a big hand."

Jiang Ran picked up the baggage and said with a smile:

"These things are very valuable."

"As long as Master Jiang understands."

The sound continued.

The eldest princess said in shock:

"What are you doing?"


The voice that seemed to be above the nine heavens also expressed doubts.

"Digging for money."

Jiang Ran said of course:

"People have hidden money here, and if you don't dig it out, wouldn't you be sorry for their hard work?

"I'll accept this money with a smile."

"...I know that you love money, but you have to have some restraint. Isn't it that I have given you less?"

The eldest princess was furious: "Moreover, you didn't arrest people and came here to get the money...could this money still be able to escape? Or are you worried that I will get there first and won't give it to you after taking the money?"

“Wait a minute, this money is for you to run away.

"Since you won't run away, why should I give it to you?"

"Then go back?"

Jiang Ran blinked, raised his head and said:

"Brother, I don't intend to run away. I deserve this money.

"Why don't you tell me to send all the money back to the next place intact?"


After about a few breaths of silence, the voice came back again:

"After all, I underestimated Daxia Jiang...

"It's just that if this happens, there may be no room for change between us.

“It’s hard to predict whether Daxia Jiang will win or lose this battle, but no matter who it is, it will be a huge loss.


When he said this, Jiang Ran suddenly flew up and took out something from the canopy of the tree.

But it’s half a jade flute!

The man's voice came out from the half of the jade flute.

The eldest princess raised her head and glanced at Jiang Ran, who chuckled:

"I just want to see who is the person who uses such shady tactics to hide their heads and show their tails!

"Whatever means your Majesty has, feel free to use them.

“Let’s wait and see!

"However, the eldest princess has seen that you have killed the government officials in the capital and tried to frame them.

"Dao Wuming's death...Jiang will settle matters with you sooner or later!

"You also need to wash your head and wait for Jiang's blade!!"

As he finished the last sentence, the half of the jade flute in his palm suddenly cracked and cracked.

It's not that Jiang Ran crushed it, but that there was inner power in his voice.

Through this jade flute, it was shattered.

Fortunately, it was broken but not broken.

Little did he know that it was within a hut forty-three miles away.

There was a man wearing a pure black mask who suddenly let out a muffled groan.

Immediately afterwards, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, he waved his hand, and a jade flute twirled in his hand. As he raised his hand, it fell into his cuff.

With a creak, the door opened.

A young man with narrow eyes, sharp eyes, and a lock on his chest entered the room.

He glanced at the masked man and chuckled:

"I told you not to provoke him easily.

“If this person was easy to deal with, he would have died on the way to Beijing.

"Although your method is insidious, it is of little use against someone like him.

“For this reason, I even killed Dao Wuming.

"It's a pity that he's so ignorant."

"Dao Wuming has long forgotten his identity... He deserves to die.

"It's really ridiculous to think that you can escape our purge by hiding in the prison."

The masked man sneered:

"As for Jiang is indeed a bit deceitful.

“Although the relationship between the eldest princess and him is known to the world, asking the eldest princess to testify will inevitably lead to suspicion of cover-up.

"But she saw this with her own eyes. If she wants to reverse the Holy Will, the price will be too high!

"Fortunately, they still don't know our identity.

"In this case...cough cough cough..."

The young man with the lock on his chest stepped forward and patted his back gently:

"Were you injured just now?"

"Although Tianyin Xiao has unpredictable powers, since he has found the half of the flute and uses sound to convey breath, it is inevitable that he will be shocked by his internal power."

The masked man pondered and spoke:

"This man's martial arts skills are unparalleled. Unless Lord Cicada takes action, we will have no chance of winning even with the help of Twelve Heavens.

“This matter must be handled with caution…

"And because of their actions, we will inevitably fall into passivity.

"The roots that can be chopped off must be eradicated as soon as possible, and they must not be allowed to gain any harvest."

When he said this, he raised his head and glanced at the person in front of him:

"Has Ren Guanlan been verified over there?"

"Someone has already taken care of it."

"That's good... This person's death always feels a little strange.

"I'm worried that Jiang Ran and the others may already know our origins.

"Unless you prove your true identity, otherwise..."


The young man in front of me nodded slightly:

"It's a good idea to take a rest and don't continue to work."

The masked man agreed, then turned over and lay down, slowly closing his eyes.

The young man with the padlock on his chest saw him lying down, then stood up and left the thatched hut.

There is a table outside the house with pen, ink, paper and inkstone on it.

He picked up his pen to write, and after a moment, he wrote seven notes.

Each strip of paper is no more than an inch wide. The ink is dried, rolled into a thin roll, and placed in a bamboo tube.

Taking these seven bamboo tubes, he came to another room.

Everything here is densely packed with cages, and the cages are filled with white pigeons.

He selected seven, hung bamboo tubes on the legs of the white pigeons, and released them one by one.

At the same time, at Ren Guanlan's burial place, Mrs. Ren and Ren Chaosheng, who had come all the way from the Iron Cavalry League's headquarters, finally arrived to pay their respects.



"What is this? Why didn't you find him? It turns out that this person is not around?"

The eldest princess looked at the half jade flute in Jiang Ran's hand and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Jiang Ran did not answer her words, but looked at the corpses on the ground one by one. After a moment, he said thoughtfully:

"how so……"

"What happened?"

The eldest princess asked one after another.

"They're exhausted."

Jiang Ran said softly:

"I followed you all the way here. These people moved like flying stars. I thought their inner strength was really so strong.

"It turns out it's not...

“They were tampered with in advance.

"Once you leave the princess's mansion, after you get on the sedan chair, you will run as fast as you can, heading all the way towards this deep mountain and old forest.

"The other party must have calculated the limit of their physical strength. Therefore, they can exhaust all of them to death by getting here."

"...This calculation is really quite serious."

The eldest princess frowned: "But is this necessary?"

"Maybe it's his style."

Jiang Ran smiled:

"However, if this is this person's style, then this style is actually not can easily leak traces.

"Your Highness, Princess, when you go back, you will be furious.

"Afterwards, who did you ask about the news about Dao Wuming?"

"Do you doubt this person?"

The eldest princess glanced at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran shook his head:

"What I am now suspicious of is the entire Sword Holding Division...

"However, you can't kill him with a stick.

"If conditions permit, find a reason to imprison the person you are looking for.

"After careful interrogation, he inquired about the cause and effect of Dao Wuming's incident.

“Nothing is too small…the key may be hiding in the details.”

The eldest princess glanced at Jiang Ran:

"I understand what you mean.

"The other party's calculations are so precise, so it cannot be a temporary decision.

“But it was premeditated.

"Dao Wuming is the bait, and you are the fish that bit the hook."

(End of this chapter)

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