Chapter 10 The strongest evidence!


Professor Chen He has studied history all his life, so naturally he doesn't believe in the so-called time travel.

For him, interpreting history with nonsense is a disrespect to history!

A look of displeasure flashed across the old face, thinking that the granddaughter was joking.

Chen Qian blinked her eyes, and tentatively asked: "What if someone really travels through...?"

Professor Chen frowned, and said a lesson: "I told you to read more serious books and less Yan Qing travel books!
Old man, I have studied history all my life, and I can tell you with certainty that there is no time traveler in the world! "

He opened his mouth, and continued to teach his granddaughter to believe in science.

Suddenly, the phone on the table vibrated.

Professor Chen was interrupted, his brows were slightly frowned, and he glanced down to call his name.

A trace of surprise flashed across the old face.

After glaring at the 'ignorant' granddaughter, she connected the phone.

A hurried and excited voice came out: "Old Chen, turn on your mobile phone and search for a live broadcast room called Sister Zhou, your years of research will be confirmed!"

Searching for a Live Room?

Professor Chen looked down at the name on the caller ID, his old face was full of loneliness and doubt.

If it weren't for the phone to display the name of his old friend, he would have hung up on it as a scam call!

A professor from Tangtang's Department of History searches for an Internet celebrity live broadcast room. If the students find out about it, they don't know how it will be arranged.

There is no way to escape the name of being old and disrespectful and old and unscrupulous!

Annoyed, he replied: "Old Liu, are you talking nonsense because I forgot to take my medicine?"


The other end of the phone was ridiculed but didn't get angry, instead there was a sound of breathing.

It seems to be calming down.

After a while, the voice on the other side calmed down a lot.

Solemnly said: "A anchor named Sister Zhou traveled to the Ming Dynasty, and is currently broadcasting live, and can also sell goods live, selling things from the Ming Dynasty to modern times!
Old Chen, I know you won't believe it.

But I can assure you that I am not old and confused, nor have I forgotten to take my medicine, nor am I joking with you.

Believe me, it is true!
When a student watched the live broadcast and told me before, I didn't believe it either.

But after he really placed an order in the live broadcast room and grabbed a bowl of mutton steamed buns, he received the goods in less than 3 minutes.

The community he lives in is very big, he lives on the 37th floor!
Moreover, the mutton soup was still steaming when received! "

After listening to his old friend's serious narration, Professor Chen frowned, his old face was uncertain.

The two have known each other for decades, and they are familiar with each other's temper.

He knew that his old friend would never joke about this kind of thing and deceive him.

If it is true, as his students said, the door-to-door delivery in less than 3 minutes is absolutely unexplainable by science.

After all, even if I call the canteen downstairs to deliver a bag of rice, it will never be delivered in 3 minutes.

Not to mention online ordering.

After analysis, Professor Chen believed [-]% of his old friend's words.

Just when he was about to continue asking for confirmation, the voice on the other end of the phone became serious.

"Old Chen, I will tell you another terrifying thing!

After my student grabbed a copy of mutton soup steamed buns sold in the live broadcast room, he sent it to the laboratory for testing.

Guess what happened? "

Professor Chen was also aroused by the serious tone of the other party, and teased: "Is it too short?"


The sound of heavy breathing came from the phone, obviously the spirit had not recovered from the shock.

I couldn't help but wonder in my heart: What did the detection make my old friend so terrified?

After a long time, a deep and dignified voice came from the phone: "Nothing was detected!"


Professor Chen blinked, stupefied.

What does nothing detected mean?
I thought there was some great discovery, but nothing was detected, and it was so mysterious!
Immediately, Professor Chen was speechless.

A deep voice came from the phone: "Nothing was detected, isn't that the biggest proof?"

Professor Chen's face was full of confusion, and he didn't react for a long time.

Looking at her granddaughter, she said in a daze, "Do you understand?"

Chen Qian blinked her eyes wide and explained: "Grandpa Liu probably meant that he didn't check out the technology and hard work."

The person on the other end of the phone apparently overheard their conversation.

Excited and loudly said: "That's right! Not to mention all kinds of additives in food nowadays, even antibiotics can be detected in water!

And the steamed buns in mutton soup that my student bought online did not detect any technology and hard work!
You say, is this science? "

Professor Chen finally understood the true meaning of not detecting anything, and his heart was full of turmoil.

His eyes were wide open, and his old face was full of disbelief!

The horrified look on his face seemed to say: "It's so scary~!"

What could be a stronger proof than a mutton soup without any technology and hard work?

At this moment, Professor Chen completely believed his old friend's words.

I also accepted the fact that sister Zhou traveled through time!
Chen Qian stood aside and picked up the mobile phone that was broadcasting live.

He pouted dissatisfiedly and said, "Grandpa, just now I told you that I was broadcasting live travel through Daming, but you still didn't believe me, and asked me to believe in science, hum!"

At this moment, the old man was in no mood to pay attention to his granddaughter's complaints.

Wearing reading glasses with trembling hands, staring at the phone screen.

Still muttering in a low voice.

"The color is round..."

"The wisps are empty, the flowers are pressed under the flowers..."

"It's definitely not a fake!"

"This skill is definitely from the hands of a master craftsman!"

"Ming, Jiu..."

"Could it be him!"


Chen Qian heard the old man's hands trembling with excitement, his face was flushed, and he was still talking to himself.

Because I was too excited, I didn't even notice that the ancient book that I regarded as a treasure in my hand was twisted into twists!
Hastily asked with concern: "Grandpa, are you okay?"

Professor Chen raised his head, a strong light burst out from his cloudy eyes!
The voice said excitedly: "It's him, it's him, it's Zhu Yuanzhang's ninth son, King Zhu Ming of the Han Dynasty! This jade pendant is exquisitely crafted, it is definitely not a prop!

Perhaps the eternal mystery of Hanwang's disappearance from the history books can really be revealed! "

Contact the official platform quickly, I want to connect with the live broadcast room! "


Ps: I have tested the waters, and I urgently need flower recommendation tickets, please give me a five-star praise! !

(End of this chapter)

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