Chapter 145 Bewitched
Chen Limu has made a lot of money in the past few years in office.

And under the guidance of his old fox father-in-law, he was willing to invest.

Those who can spend money to win relationships have basically already given money.

For the officials of the Ming Dynasty, it was really difficult to maintain basic daily expenses without extra money.

Some important ministers of the Ming Dynasty even relied on selling calligraphy and paintings to subsidize their families because of their incorruptibility!

This is almost embarrassing for the high-level officials of Ming Dynasty who pay attention to face.

On the surface, it might be called Gao Fengliang.

But in private, not only was he excluded everywhere, but he was also turned into a laughing stock!
How good can other people's evaluation be for an unpopular person?

Even something high-spirited and bright will become a topic of ridicule!

Besides, if it wasn't because of a guilty conscience, why would they send someone to guard outside the government office?
Isn't it because he is afraid of involving himself and wants to understand the situation clearly!
Miss Wang's voice was heard far and far away in the dark, and anyone hiding in the dark could hear it clearly.

The breeze blew past, and it seemed that even the temperature dropped a few degrees.

Master Liang's face was serious, and he was weighing rapidly in his mind.

Judging from Miss Wang's words, many things about them have already been known by the King of Han.

Once stabbed to the court, things will become troublesome!

Even if the chief minister can get away, I'm afraid he will have to sacrifice a few backs as an explanation!
A strong man next to him muttered in surprise: "Isn't it silly to hear that King Han has a brain disease?"

In an instant, Master Liang raised his brows and reacted instantly.

I just worry about what I have explained.

Ignored that the protagonist of this incident seems to be a fool?

Shen Sheng asked: "Have you ever seen the King of Han in the government office? These are the meanings of the King of Han?"

Miss Wang's expression froze, and that handsome face appeared in her mind.

It's just that at this moment, he didn't fall into a nympho because of the other party's handsome face.

After all, even his own father was tortured to death under the order of the other party.

If you still commit nympho, then your brain is not normal!

Gritting his teeth, his eyes were full of hatred.

He said with hatred: "This matter was caused by the Queen of Han, and the others were all ideas from the prefect Huang. My father was also instigated by the prefect Huang, and the King of Han ordered torture to die!"

Master Liang nodded slightly, with a serious expression on his face.

It didn't mention the princess and showed surprise.

As a staff member of the feudal official, know more secret news!
Although the emperor personally canonized the Princess Han, although it was not made public, it was not kept secret either.

Almost all the top dignitaries in the capital knew about this.

With the status of chief envoy, his jurisdiction is also the same as the fiefdom of the King of Han.

He naturally pays special attention to Hanwang's affairs.

Naturally know about Zhou Shuyi!

Of course, I only know that this woman was rescued by the King of Han when he wandered outside the Great Wall and attacked Duoyanwei!

I don't know about the others.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Princess Han used her power for personal gain and privately participated in the salt business to make money.

After all, she didn't come to the front of the stage.

Even the officials did not dare to use this matter to impeach the King of Han.

What surprised Mr. Liang the most was hearing from Ms. Wang's family that the prefect Huang seemed to have joined the King of Han.

Still making plans by the side!

If it's just a mere [-]th grade confession, they don't take it to heart.

Even if the court pursues it, it can be dealt with by throwing a few abandoned children at will.

But the magistrate who was in charge of the place also secretly joined the King of Han, so things became different.

As the highest local governor, there are too many things to know!
And the right to speak is even more important!

If the prefect Huang is really willing to step down, he will try his best to pull the two ministers to step down.

It's really possible!

What's more, there is a vassal king behind him, an emperor's favorite son as his backer.

At that time, you can directly help him speak well in front of the emperor, and create an upright image.

With the emperor's temper, he will definitely reuse it.

It is not impossible to eventually replace the position of Chief Executive!

From Master Liang's point of view, this matter was all concubine Han and Huang Zhifu's idea behind, and Han Wang is still a fool.

It's just a display for them to use their power.

But it is precisely for this reason that it is easier to be controlled, or fooled.

Master Liang's face was gloomy, and he whispered to himself: "Prefect Huang is going to risk his life!"

"What else did they say?"

Miss Wang's family thought for a while, and suddenly realized.

Hastily said: "Prefect Huang also asked the King of Han to invite the Chief Minister of the Right to a banquet tomorrow night, and asked my father to pass the invitation!"

The two attendants next to him looked puzzled and said, "How can a dead person forward the invitation?"

Master Liang frowned, and his thin face showed a thoughtful expression.

He turned his attention to the corpse on the ground.

Reach out and slowly remove all the white cloth covering the corpse.

Miss Wang opened her mouth to stop, but seeing the dignified appearance of the other party, she still didn't dare to stop.

He could only let him expose his father's body in sight.

When the white cloth was slowly lifted, the hideous scars from the whip whip extended from the shoulders!
The blood from the wound congealed into a scab, like it was covered with countless terrifying centipedes!

Miss Wang's eyes showed deep fear when she saw her father's horrific scars all over her body.

Sad in my heart, I couldn't help crying anymore.

The cries echoed in the night wind, making it particularly eerie.

The nearby people couldn't help shaking when they heard the crying, and hurriedly covered their heads with quilts.

I'm afraid I'll meet a ghost and kill me!
Master Liang looked at the scars from the torture, and the flesh on his arm was even missing!
He frowned, making silent judgments in his heart.

The use of torture at this level is simply unbearable for ordinary people.

I am afraid that what you ask, you will recruit.

This is to tell everyone that all the secrets Wang Dushi knows have been vomited out!
Master Liang's face was solemn, but he slowly lifted the white cloth but did not stop.

A man next to him shouted excitedly: "Yes! Yes!"

I saw that Wang Dushi's hands were placed on the lower abdomen.

And between his hands, he was holding a luxurious bronzing post!

Master Liang's ears hurt from the yelling, his brows were raised, and he scolded in a deep voice, "Shut up!"

Immediately, he carefully reached out and took out the invitation card.

At the bottom of the bronzing invitation, there was still a little bit of blood.

Gently opened it, inside Hao Ran wrote an invitation from the Chief Envoy of the Right.


Master Liang swallowed his saliva, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Combined with the blood stains on the bottom of the invitation, it gives people a feeling of a Hongmen banquet!
He muttered in his mouth: "Go, go back and report to the adults immediately!"

Close the post and turn around to leave.

After walking a distance of seven or eight meters, the footsteps stopped.

Turning to look at kneeling on the ground, he said with concern on his face: "Take your father back to his hometown for burial! Don't even think about your father's revenge. In this world, no one can punish the crimes of the vassals except the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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