Daming: Playing stupid for ten years, I was broadcast live by sister Zhou

Chapter 34 Anti-customer-oriented, Prof. Chen's analysis

Chapter 34 Anti-customer-oriented, Prof. Chen's analysis

Di Lanyu's expression froze, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Just casually answered a common-sense question, how did it become a proposal?

Hastily waved his hands and said, "No, no, no, I didn't give you any advice, let alone ask you to ask the imperial court for a warship!"

Sapphire shook her head like a rattle, as if she was anxious to get rid of the relationship.

He is just impulsive and violent, not stupid!
If it gets out, those who don't know will think they are instigating Hanwang!
Many water friends in the live broadcast room were confused.

A face of unknown so.

After all, not all the people who come to the studio are history buffs.

It was more because she heard that sister Zhou had traveled through time, so she came here to watch the fun.

Especially for those who failed the nine-year compulsory education, even the humiliating history of modern times has been brainwashed and misled, let alone understand the Ming Dynasty!

Immediately, barrages of bullet screens floated by.

"Why does Sapphire seem to be very scared?"

"That's right, it's a secretive look!"

"Weren't you a confidant before?"

"Now it seems that I am in a hurry to get rid of the relationship!"

"The navy is under the jurisdiction of the court, is there anything wrong?"

"The King of Han's ship was robbed, isn't it normal to take the warship to seek revenge from the Japanese pirates?"


For a while, various questions floated by.

Fortunately, there is still a professional team in the live broadcast room.

Professor Chen immediately explained: "From the early days of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang established the ancestral system and implemented a ban on boards not being allowed to enter the sea!

In the 14th year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang once again issued an order to strictly prohibit the residents of the coast from interacting with people from neighboring countries.

In the 23rd year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang issued a new order on the basis of strictly prohibiting the exchanges between domestic personnel and foreign personnel. This is Zhu Yuanzhang's second "whipping corpse".

In the 27th year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered that the private sale of foreign goods was prohibited. This was another "whip corpse".

In the 30th year of Hongwu, the first year before Zhu Yuanzhang's death, Tongfan was once again ordered to be banned. This was the last time Zhu Yuanzhang "whipped corpses" on overseas trade.

Not only people from the Ming Dynasty were not allowed to go abroad, but foreigners were also not allowed to enter!

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude towards the forbidden sea was very firm throughout his life! "

As expected of a professional, Professor Chen narrated the records of the forbidden sea in the early Ming Dynasty by citing scriptures.

Those water friends who don't know Ming history finally understand why Lan Yu is so nervous.

Encouraging a feudal lord to go against the old Emperor Zhu's ban, that's not stupid, it's death!

Questions were immediately raised.

"Didn't it mean that slabs are not allowed to enter the sea?"

"Then how did the King of Han send people out to sea?"

For this problem, if it was Professor Chen, he really couldn't explain it before watching the live broadcast.

But after watching the live stream...

There is the most accurate answer.

The reason why it is the most accurate is because he heard it with his own ears from the live broadcast!

The thing is still on the way back from Duoyan Mountain, the long road is really boring.

Zhou Shuyi and Zhu Ming sat in the carriage and chatted.

When Zhu Ming introduced that the feudal clan is close to the sea and can eat seafood caught from the sea every day, Professor Chen noticed something unusual.

Then Zhou Shuyi was guided to make inquiries through the barrage.

After chatting, I learned that Ju Ming asked for a fief near the sea because he likes to eat the freshest seafood.

Relying on Lao Zhu's indebtedness and pretending to be stupid, he forced Lao Zhu to agree to transfer ten warships from the Shipbuilding Department to refit as fishing boats, specially to catch the freshest sea fish for this doting silly son!
You know, although Lao Zhu is extremely harsh on the ministers, he is extremely tolerant to his son.

And because of the debt in my heart, I agreed.

Moreover, Zhu Ming asked for ten warships to show his prestige and catch some sea fish for his own enjoyment.

There is no trade with foreigners.

Isn't it just that my son wants to stutter fresh fish? What a big deal!
Proper old double standard!
The water friends in the live broadcast room heard the explanation, and then they suddenly understood.

I also understand why Ju Ming's subordinates were able to discover the blood coral on the bottom of the sea!
Immediately, all of them had weird expressions, and they were completely speechless about the double standard of Emperor Zhu!

And other people who know Ming history have already overwhelmed the barrage!
"Support the king of Han to take revenge and destroy the pirates in Japan!"

"You can't kill them directly, those beasts are too cheap!"

"Upstairs mean to slice it?"

"Let them keep men as slaves and women as prostitutes for generations to come!"

"No, we have to catch them to dig mines until they die!"

"Yes, all of them will be captured and given to the King of Han to build the mausoleum, and they will be buried directly with them!"


Zhou Shuyi looked at the dense barrage, and couldn't help but touch her forehead with her tender little hand.

It's normal to start with some proposals.

She also supported the destruction of Japanese pirates in Japan.

But then even a proposal to build Zhu Ming's tomb came out!

It's not too dirty to be buried with Japanese pirates!

For an ancient person, who might even become an emperor in the future, it is normal to start building mausoleums at the age of 20.

The first emperor began to build the mausoleum since he ascended the throne at the age of 13!

But for a young modern person, it always feels weird to make a grave for yourself early!

Zhou Shuyi rubbed her forehead, and stopped looking at the bullet screen area that was running away.

Wei Wei nodded and said: "What the general said is very true. In order for His Highness to eat the freshest sea fish, we must ask the imperial court to borrow warships to exterminate the Japanese pirates!"

Zhu Ming frowned, and turned to look at the beautiful woman next to him.

Junyi's face was full of approval.

This sentence not only confirmed Sapphire's proposal, but also clarified his attitude.

It's not that he wants to go to sea to do business, it's just that King of Han wants to eat fish!

With Zhu Yuanzhang's double standards and tolerance for his son, there is a great possibility that he can borrow a warship!
And there is also the incident of Japanese pirates snatching the tribute blood coral, this is slapping Daming in the face, slapping Lao Zhu in the face!

Zhu Ming spared no effort to get the court to promise him a sea force!
After all, how many soldiers and horses can one raise privately on land?

I am afraid that the guards have just been expanded, and the all-pervasive Jin Yiwei sent the news to the capital!
Only at sea can you control the situation.

Raising [-] soldiers and horses overseas, who knows?

Could Jin Yiwei still swim back to Gaomi?

After a few years when Zhu Yunqi cuts down the vassals, he will transfer people back and directly turn over the table to rebel!

There is no need to be like Zhu Laosi, whose military power has been confiscated, and he can only lead 800 people to make trouble!
The corners of Zhu Ming's lips rose, and he smiled approvingly: "The princess still understands me!"

Lan Yu watched the two sing together, and was speechless for a moment.

I don't want to stay in this right and wrong place any longer!
If I stay any longer, I'm afraid it will become someone like him instigating the feudal lord to build a navy!

"I'm still busy with military affairs... let's go, let's go!"

Lan Yu greeted her, and hurried out of the camp with a few adopted sons.

"No, I have to write a memorial immediately to report the tribute being robbed by Japanese pirates to the imperial court, so that His Majesty can take the initiative to let the King of Han take revenge!

The scapegoat for inciting the vassal king to violate the forbidden sea, Lan will not bear it! "

(End of this chapter)

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