Chapter 58 Please be safe, we have a system!
next day

Zhu Biao walked out of the gate and stretched himself.

It looks like I haven't had a good night's sleep!

Although he is the crown prince, there is a huge guard of honor on the tour to open the way.

Food and lodging are top-notch.

But there are still many inconveniences when traveling outside.

Just the bumping of a carriage alone makes people miserable.

No matter how good the ancient official roads are, how smooth are the modern asphalt roads?

What's more, when you go to the wild, it is basically a soil cultivation road.

The wheel of the carriage was a violent bump.

After a long time, it is really not something ordinary people can bear.

If you encounter motion sickness, you will have already vomited until the sky is dark and your legs are weak.

Even a car specially designed for shock absorption is uncomfortably bumpy on muddy roads, not to mention that there are no axles without shock absorption!
This is also why the ancients had no choice but to travel long distances from their hometowns.

Not to mention going out to work across thousands of kilometers like now!

In those days, even a wealthy man traveling long distances in a carriage could suffer from lack of energy and become ill.

The poor can only rely on two legs.

If there is another headache on the road, my life will be in danger!

This is also the reason why Zhu Ming would rather take a boat instead of a carriage.

Zhu Biao had a bumpy journey, and finally arrived in Shaanxi, but he was not acclimatized and didn't get a good night's sleep.

After only resting for a few days, he was called back anxiously by the imperial edict.

After traveling all the way, my body was really tossed.

If it weren't for the imperial physician accompanying her, helping to relax the tendons and blood every night, and nourishing the body with various tonics.

I am afraid that the old disease will be relapsed now!

After returning to the familiar East Palace last night, I can finally sleep comfortably!

Coupled with the fact that she was lingering with Xiao Biesheng's newly married Lu Shi for most of the night, this sleep was so sweet!
If it weren't for getting used to getting up early, I really want to squat for another hour!
"Your Highness, it's time to drink the medicine!"

While Zhu Biao was moving his body, a beautiful woman in palace costume came over with a bowl of decoction in her hands.

Lu's white and tender hands picked up the medicine bowl and blew gently, and said with a smile: "It's just right, Your Highness, drink it while it's hot!"

Zhu Biao looked at the decoction in the bowl and frowned.

On the way back from Shaanxi, I had to drink nourishing decoction every day.

I originally thought that after returning to Nanjing, I would no longer need to take medicine every day.

Who would have thought that my father would send several elderly imperial physicians to continue diagnosis and treatment.

After tossing like this, I am afraid that something will go wrong even if I am not sick!

Zhu Biao sighed inwardly, a look of helplessness appeared on his refined face.

He is a kind and honest boy, and he will basically not obey his father's orders on trivial matters in life.

Since I am required to regulate my body, I can only hold my nose and drink it!

Zhu Biao took the bowl, raised his head and drank it cleanly.

Wiping his mouth, he said, "I'm going to pay my respects to my father, and I'll leave Yunwen to teach you!"

"Please rest assured, Your Highness!"

Lu covered her mouth and smiled, her face was full of joy.

The crown princess died of illness, and the eldest grandson Zhu Xiongying also died young.

No one in the entire East Palace can compete with her!

Although she is still the second concubine, she has already exercised the power of the crown princess in the East Palace.

There are even faint rumors that the emperor seems to want to straighten her up!

It made her so happy!

If she becomes the crown princess, then her son Zhu Yunqi will become the eldest son!
According to Huang Ming's ancestral training, that is a proper grandson!
Thinking of becoming the empress of Ming Dynasty in the future, I couldn't help being excited!
Seeing the Prince's back disappearing outside the arch, he turned his head and said lightly, "Where is Yun Wen? Have you started studying?"


At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang is immersed in reviewing the memorial seriously on the imperial case.

A refined figure walked up to him and called him affectionately, "Father!"

Zhu Yuanzhang heard a familiar voice and looked up at the elegant middle-aged man standing opposite him.

A kind smile appeared on the majestic face.

When he saw that the eldest son's face was much rosier than yesterday, he was relieved.

Deliberately reprimanded: "Boss, why did you come here now, didn't you say to have a good rest in the East Palace?"

If it was any other son who heard the old man reprimanding him, he would have knelt down in fright and confessed his mistake.

Only Prince Zhu Biao could remain calm when faced with the old man's reprimand!
He smiled and said, "Er Chen is in good health, no need to rest!"

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head: "No, you must take good care of your body in these two months, otherwise the old disease will recur!"

Zhu Biao looked at his father's concerned eyes with doubts on his face.

Based on his understanding of his father, he wouldn't tell him something for no reason.

Unless, there is something hidden that I don't know!
Zhu Biao frowned when he thought of paying special attention to his body during this period of time.

He whispered: "Father, do you know something? Or, what is wrong with the son's body diagnosed by the imperial doctor?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the elegant face of his eldest son and thought for a while.

The voice was cold and said: "No one is allowed within 50 meters of the main hall, anyone who approaches, kill!"

Wang Chen's body trembled, knowing that the emperor had some top-secret matter to discuss with the crown prince.

Hastily bowed and retreated, and transferred all the guards to 50 meters away!
When Zhu Biao saw that the old man had driven everyone out, his doubts deepened.

As the strongest prince of Ming Dynasty, he has already participated in the governance of the country.

It is common to discuss state affairs with the emperor!

Even if it is a discussion on the use of foreign troops, it is not once or twice.

But never before has he been so cautious as today!

It was the first time that even Wang Chen, an absolute confidant, was not allowed to attend!
Zhu Biao looked at the serious-looking emperor behind the imperial case, and asked in a low voice, "Father, are you...?"

Even though Zhu Yuanzhang knew that there were no outsiders in the entire hall, he still couldn't help turning his head to look left and right.

He lowered his voice until he was sure there were no outsiders.

"Biaoer, if we say... say... that you will relapse next year and follow your mother, do you believe it?"


Zhu Biao opened his mouth wide and stared at his face full of unknown eyes.

Surprised, he said, "My son is in very good health. Father, have you been deceived by charlatans?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the surprised son in front of him, and felt very helpless in his heart.

This result has long been expected.

If it weren't for the voice of the system to appear in my mind, I could actually see other people's lives in my sleep.

If it were someone else who just said a word, he would not believe it!

But the fact is that I can't tolerate my disbelief!
And after learning about Daming's future, he was even more eager to make changes.

And the first step to change is to try to change the fate of the prince's early death!

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't intend to hide his most valued son. At his age, some things needed to be explained in advance.

He opened the mouth and said: "Some time ago, we got a system that claims to be a life simulator, which can simulate other people's life!
You will die of illness next year, and we saw it with our own eyes in the simulation.

Not only you, but also the second child will...! "

 Is anyone watching?

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(End of this chapter)

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