Chapter 64
Ju Ming drank the fine wine leisurely, with a smile on his face.

It's good to have a right-hand assistant, and you don't need to do everything yourself.

Although he can't be a hands-off shopkeeper, it's still a lot easier than having the affairs of the entire domain resting on his head.

Ju Ming absolutely believed in Yang Shiqi's ability.

For some minor matters, just let him handle them.

And with the promotion of sweet potatoes, the food problem in the domain can basically be solved.

It was only with Zhou Shuyi's help that it went so smoothly.

Otherwise, even if Zhu Ming knew about the existence of sweet potatoes, he would be beyond his reach.

It is difficult to introduce sweet potatoes into China!
If it follows the historical trajectory, the introduction of sweet potatoes will have to wait until a businessman from Fuzhou, Fujian, Chen Zhenlong, appears!

Chen Zhenlong often goes to the Philippines to do trade and export business, and he is attracted by this novel food, which can be eaten raw, or steamed and roasted.

Soft, glutinous, sweet and delicious, with a strong sense of satiety, one can be enough for a meal.

The vines of sweet potatoes are very long, and the fruit grows in the soil. It is not only big, but also bears many fruits. One can produce a large bunch. More importantly, it is easy to feed.

When Chen Zhenlong saw these sweet potatoes, it was as if he saw the life-saving food for people in China.

However, because sweet potatoes are listed as a "national treasure" food in the Philippines, the country expressly stipulates that exportation and smuggling are not allowed. Once found, the smugglers will be executed.

It can be said that this is an idea that may lose one's life!
However, Chen Zhenlong thought that the introduction of sweet potatoes could help solve the food and clothing of the poor.

He resolutely took the risk and was found twice when he smuggled sweet potatoes onto the boat.

If it weren't for the help of friends, and spending money to clear up the relationship.

I'm afraid my life is gone!

Later, Chen Zhenlong learned that sweet potatoes are easy to feed, even if there is only one vine left, they can be planted!
So I took the risk again to cut off the branches and leaves of the sweet potato vine, and entangle the vine and hemp rope together.

Sure enough, this time the sweet potato vines were successfully brought onto the boat.

Then he traveled all the way across the ocean and introduced sweet potatoes to the land of China!

Later generations commemorated his achievements and called him the father of sweet potato!
That's why Ju Ming was deeply moved by the ease with which he got sweet potatoes.

Chen Zhenlong risked his life three times, only to bring back a vine.

And I just bought 600 million high-quality vine seedlings for just one zero yuan purchase!
More importantly, it saves him the step of slowly cultivating and promoting it, which saves him a few years of time!
No worries about food, it is equivalent to overtaking on a curve, and you have entered the fast lane since then!
I have to say, the difference is really big!

A gust of night wind blows through, making people feel a little cool.

The little raindrops reflected a little fluorescent light under the candlelight.

Zhou Shuyi turned her head to look at the night sky outside the gate, and murmured, "It's raining~!"

Ju Ming recognized the unusualness in the voice, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with the rain?"

Zhou Shuyi's pretty face was tightly wrinkled, and her red lips were slightly pursed, making her look very cute.

He said dissatisfiedly: "Tomorrow I still want to go shopping in my fief, but now I'm fine...I can't go out for shopping tomorrow, just stay at home honestly!"

Dao Jian, Yang Shiqi and the others blinked their eyes, their faces were unclear.

What does rain have to do with being unable to go shopping?
Zhou Shuyi pouted, looking at Zhu Ming who was also confused and explained.

"On the way back, I observed it carefully in the carriage.

Although the ground has been paved with bluestone slabs, there are still many places on the outer edge of the mud.

And there are no drainage ditches dug on either side of the road!

If it is sunny and sunny weather is fine!

But once it rains heavily, the muddy water from the ground will overflow, and the stone road will also be full of rainwater, making it difficult to walk! "

After hearing the explanation, the water friends who were watching the live broadcast immediately responded with bullet screens.

Indeed, from the previous video, it can be seen that the ground is paved with bluestone slabs, but there are still gaps in the soil.

and the lack of gutters.

This point is absolutely fatal in modern society.

Those who engage in urban planning may have to be greeted to the nineteenth generation of their ancestors!
However, they ignored a problem.

Here, it's Daming!

Even the towns in the late Qing Dynasty are dilapidated thatched houses, and the ground is even more pitted and muddy.

In other words, the urban construction of the capital city and Zhili Prefecture is better.

These photos can be easily searched from Qiandu.

The ancient towns in film and television works are all beautified.

The construction of Ju Ming's fief is already very good!
However, the population is limited, the labor force is limited, and the technology is also limited.

To build a beautiful, tidy and prosperous metropolis cannot be accomplished overnight!

It wasn't possible before, but it doesn't mean it can't be done now!

Ju Ming rolled his eyes, pretending to be unconvinced, and said, "The construction of the domain took a lot of manpower and material resources!
I dare not say that it is the first in the country, at least it can be ranked in the top ten!

Hearing Madam's meaning, it seems that you are still not satisfied? "

"Cough cough~!"

Zhou Shuyi's face was full of embarrassment, she was almost choked by a sip of wine!

Suddenly, he realized that he seemed to have slipped his words.

Comparing the urban construction after more than 600 years with the urban construction of the Ming Dynasty can no longer be regarded as a blow.

It is simply the gap between civilizations!

Such a comparison is indeed a bit too much.

Embarrassed, he opened his eyes and wanted to explain.

Just haven't had time to speak yet.

Ju Ming's dissatisfied voice came from his ears.

"Since Madam thinks the land is not satisfactory, Madam Hardworking will re-plan and build it!"

Who is Miss Zhou?
That's a man of temperament!

Being so provoked face to face, Xiao Bao's temper immediately came up.

Not to be outdone, he said, "Okay, boss... I'll show you what urban planning and construction is!"

With the support of a professional team behind you, is it easy to build a city?
Not even a challenge!
Yang Shiqi's eyelids trembled when he heard this, and he hurriedly said: "Your Highness, the palace has implemented many policies to benefit the people, and the financial revenue and expenditure are limited!

If it weren't for robbing bandits, robbing pirates, and doing side jobs, the finances would have been unsustainable!

Now that you have ordered the establishment of a large agricultural department, the account is really tight! "

Ju Ming's expression was calm, as if he had already guessed the result.

Without even looking back, he said, "If that's the case, it's hard work for Madam to raise the money herself!"

Yang Shiqi sat down again after hearing the words.

Now that the prince has spoken, the concubine can play as much as she wants, as long as he is not allowed to pay, everything else is easy to talk about!

"No money?"

Zhou Shuyi frowned beautifully, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

No matter how good the planning drawings are, it is useless to implement them without money!
Seeing her embarrassed look, Zhu Ming secretly laughed in his heart, and provocatively said: "Since Madam is in a difficult situation, then don't force it. It is also possible to stay in the mansion to practice piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. There is no shortage of people in the mansion to do things!"

After thinking about it, he decided to throw another bait.

"If you do it, this king promises you a request!"

The words are simple, but when they fall into the ears, there is a sense of looking at a vase.

Immediately, Zhou Shuyi's unyielding temper came up.

Yin Ya clenched his teeth and said, "Okay~! Remember what you said, I will be on the bar!"

(End of this chapter)

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